. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 15 Black Skeleton

At this point, the end of the cycle of a hundred days, there are still nine days.

Beast herd is a coincidence, a sign, or a…

The Butterfly Effect?

No one knows, no one cares because it has already happened. Just in the early morning of this 8th month 11th day, just in the darkness of the day, the bladder of death has fallen. Heavenly Martial Continent suffered a more terrifying ‘level 9 beast herd’ than it was three hundred years ago.

The disaster!

Hong long long ~!

With the thunder of the thunder, with a giant roar that is startled in one’s heart.

Demon beast, head and shoulders, is like a tidal wave from the depths of the wild, a face of fierce, cold light, fangs, sharp pair of claws, and evil-like eyes… The inexhaustible Behemoth Lord is accompanied by Beast General and Beast Soldier, who are at the forefront.

The King level Demon Beast is closely following from behind, like a general who is conquering.

The truly suffocating terrifying aura is a blood-red spotted giant bear, pressed back. The tall steel body is full of explosive strength, and the cold severe light flashes in the eyelids. The huge bear claws seem to tear the sky.

“aoooo!!” The giant bear hysterically roared.

Like a commanding general, inspiring demon beast to launch an offensive.

The first Sovereign level Demon Beast, appeared!

The light rain of the patter has stopped, but the fear of blood is falling into the hearts of everyone.

The endless darkness enveloped, and everyone’s heart was full of deep fear. Looking up at the dark sky, praying for the dawn, looking forward to the end of the nightmare, the hero who descended from the sky will beast herd, just like the ‘Heaven Breaking Martial God’ three hundred years ago.

Longing for a miracle.

But is there really a miracle?

Will the sky return to brightness?

no one knows.


There is one person who will not give up.

An ordinary man has an extraordinary heart.

Leading the most elite army of the Heavenly Martial Army, led the Heavenly Martial Army’s fearless soldiers, together with the four great influence’s expert, built a strongest and thickest at the border, but also the only line of defense for mankind. .

Flesh defense!

He, Commander, is worthy of the name of the human strongest!

Not only his strength, but his ‘people’!

“Kill!!” The look is filled with a thick battle intent. As the drums sound, the Commander emits the most brilliantly shouted.

All the human Martial Artist, inspired by the pillars of the heart, sprinted out insanely, and launched the most intense fight against the astonishing terrifying demon beast army.

Not dead end!

Demon Dragon Lair.

At this time, Lin Feng was fighting with the ‘Black Skeleton’.

The rich Heaven and Earth Energy is in contact with ‘Black Skeleton’ and does not have any ‘resistance’. This life aura, which is integrated into the whole skeleton, is no longer a true Demon Dragon consciousness. Under the bombardment of the terrifying tribulation thunder, there can never be any ‘consciousness’.

That, just because of the evolution of Life Level, a mark on the cheekbones.

Body symbol.


Even without any resistance, it is a very difficult bone!

“Too strong.” Lin Feng was amazed and refining suffered great trouble. Life Soul’s ‘invasion’ is smooth and windy, but the scattered Life Energy, combined with the body fusion strength on the cheekbones, is tough and abnormal, and it is hard to overcome!

Even the ‘Dragon Frame’, the hardest part of the refining process, spent two days and two nights.

Black Skeleton is like a piece of steel, a huge Mountain Range.

If you want to empty it, it is not impossible…

Quite time consuming!

Every bit, every bit.

It’s hard to make a faint refining. Time non-stop lapses, one hour after another, Lin Feng sweats on his forehead, Life Soul’s attack is exhausted, but the Black Skeleton’s refining, only completed 1%.

“No.” Lin Feng sighed.

There is no such thing as a month, and it is undoubtedly an idiot to dream of refining this Black Skeleton.

Think about it too. In the past few days, it was already so difficult to refine the ‘Dragonian’ that the Change Form Third Realm did not reach. Now only trifling for four days, it is difficult to refine the ‘Black Skeleton’, which is more than ten times stronger.


Really isn’t the reason for strength.

It’s just… out of date.

“It’s a pity. If there is another month, it will definitely be a success.” Lin Feng both eyes.

It’s 8th month 11th day, and it’s only the last four days to go back to Heavenly Martial Continent.

For myself, even this ‘Black Skeleton’ is precious again –

It is useless!

What can be more important than my family?

Now, she needs herself, Zi Yao needs herself, and Heavenly Martial Continent needs herself. As a part of humanity, you have the responsibility and obligation to protect the entire Heavenly Martial Continent and protect humanity! This is a real man, not a weak escape, drift and live without purpose!

Moon Sovereign is like this, Commander is like this.

Be yourself, and be like this, be a man who can support both heaven and earth!

“I hope everything goes smoothly.” Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip, praying in my heart.

These days I have been worrying all the time, always feeling that something will happen.


Far from this ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley’, it is both powerless and powerless.

Only wait.

Quietly sitting, Lin Feng took out [Beginning Star Level Puppet Master Cultivation] and read it carefully.

Although I have read it many times in the Advanced Cultivation Space, at the time, no more than four Spirit Beast Puppets were refining. For the branch of ‘Puppet Master’, Lin Feng was a little more familiar. Just skip the ‘refining’ column and Lin Feng re-read the ‘manipulation’ column.

“External control, inner control, and complete control!” Lin Feng said lightly.

The three control methods are just a general term. In fact, the real ‘manipulation’ is all-encompassing and complicated.

There are thousands of techniques for ‘external control’, and this [ Beginning Star Level Puppet Master Cultivation] is only a small part. ‘inner control’ is the same, and ‘complete control’ is based on ‘external control’ and ‘inner control’, which is more complicated.

“External control and inner control have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to evaluate good or bad, but…”

“For me, inner control seems to be a little more suitable.”

Lin Feng nodded, and a cursory look at the various ‘inner control’ secret skills, review the old and know the new, and a few new comprehend.

Inner control, pay attention to the control from the inside out.

Incorporate yourself into the ‘傀儡’, the powerful Puppet Master can even play far beyond the strength of ‘傀儡’ itself!

“Control by heart, master the ambiguity, the strength of the play is more arbitrary.” Lin Feng eyes bright.

I have a big advantage, Consciousness Clone!

Original Consciousness Clone does not have attack power, no body can’t control ‘Aurora Cone’. But now it is different. Incorporating into ‘傀儡’, you are equivalent to having more body, even if you don’t necessarily adapt to it, but at least a new layer of strength!

“However, I can control it now, and the strongest is the ‘Dragonian’.”

“I don’t know how much strength can you play?”

Lin Feng slightly ponder in one’s thought, could not help but shook his head, and then eyes cast on the Black Skeleton, flashing a bright light. This Black Skeleton is not only similar to the human body, but also the physical strength is astonishing. If you can lick it…

How much can the strength increase?

However, if you look at it, you can’t eat it.

“No!” Lin Feng instantly startedled, complexion changed.

“The Puppet Master’s manipulation is based on the ‘Life Imprint’, but the ‘Black Skeleton’ does not have ‘Demon Dragon consciousness’, in other words…” Lin Feng eyes shining “It’s fundamentally Unable to form ‘Life Imprint’.”

This point, I have already tried it before.

Compared to other ‘Dragonian’, it’s less vital, but it’s more powerful!

“If so.” Lin Feng shook his fist and showed “maybe…”

“You can try this!”

In [Beginning Star Level Puppet Master Cultivation], there is one of the most ‘simple’ refinements –

Possessioning and refining.

A very danger refining.

“It’s more dangerous than the ‘Psychokinesis Master” direct “attack attack”.”

“Because of ‘possessing and refining’, it will suffer a strong resistance from the ‘host’ and it is easy to hurt the ‘**’ Life Soul.”

Lin Feng is scornful, indeed, with considerable danger.

In fact, ‘possessing and refining’ is not as good as ‘refining’, just because it can’t form a real ‘Life Imprint’, the Soul strength formed by the last consciousness of demon beast. But for yourself, this is not important, because this ‘Black Skeleton’ is fundamentally –

It is impossible to form ‘Life Imprint’!

“Boom!” head largely shaken.

Touching Black Skeleton, Lin Feng’s eyes changed dramatically.

In a blink of time, the sense of consciousness goes to mind, with the beginning of ‘possessing and refining’, like Consciousness Clone, his Life Soul enters a new body, a body full of strength! There is no obstacle at all, no resistance!

“Sure enough!” Lin Feng was so happy.

“According to the book, possessing and refining, applies to any existence without ‘life’!”

Although it is a lower grade than the ‘Refining System’, the feeling of compaticity is very important for ‘Puppet Master’. With ‘Life Imprint’, not only can the strength of the cockroach be maximized, but the control can be more arbitrary.

However, you don’t need ‘compatibility’!

“As long as this ‘body’ is enough!” Lin Feng eyes 粼粼.

At the time, Heart Art of Life Soul Core sudden turn, [ Soul Secret ] fourth page came along, powerful Heaven and Earth Energy came from the outside, rush forth in the body, and then hit the ‘Black Skeleton’ like a wave [ Body ] inside.

Possessioning and refining is equivalent to building a bridge between the two.

“Refining, start!” Lin Feng looks great.

The crazy Heaven and Earth Energy impacted the ‘Black Skeleton’, which was dripping slowly like a drop of water. It was like a river rushing, one after another. Sense is constantly growing, and Lin Feng’s eyes are filled with joy and anticipation.

According to the current speed, it does not take four days –

Can be refining!

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