. can not go out

“Oh?” Lin Feng was amazed.

Just ready to step into the third cave, mind feels two powerful aura.

One of them is even more familiar!

“Is it?” Lin Feng eyes.

For Black Fog Demon Dragon ‘Lian Long ‘Lin Feng remain fresh in one’s memory, really isn’t its strength, but its ‘wisdom’. Can design such a meticulous ‘trap’, this Black Fog Demon Dragon is really a taboo.

“Two ends of the ‘Chang Form’ first realm black Fog Demon Dragon.” Lin Feng has a deep eyebrow.

If you are alone, you will not be sure to win, let alone two ends?

Although the Puppet Master is strong, but now I only learn to refine the ‘Spirit Beast Puppet’. As for the manipulation, it is obviously not possible to master it.

“It’s the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed.” Lin Feng lightly sighed, but not too care.

There is ‘. Can’t go to Concealed Fog Talisman’ to hide aura, unless the strength is much stronger than yourself, otherwise it is impossible to find yourself. Other places may be easy to search, but here is a huge cave with numerous passages and countless caves.

Want to find yourself?

Do not make jokes.

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and the mind fainted like a spider web.

“Play a hide and seek.” Lin Feng said with a smile.


Lian Long and Lian Meng nodded at each other, and the dragon language communicated with each other.

Demon Dragon Lair is the ‘Holy Land’ of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan. The ordinary Black Fog Demon Dragon is simply not accessible. Only the Black Fog Demon Dragon whose level reaches the ‘change form’ is eligible.

Lian Long galloped to the west of the nest, and Lian Meng galloped to the east of the nest, almost at the same time, but the reaction of the two Black Fog Demon Dragon was the opposite. Lian Long’s eyes were very big and the look was pale. Looking at the empty dragon egg storage place, the body swayed and almost fell.

As seen by Lian Meng, the bones of the first group of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan are still well preserved, and they can’t help but let out a long friendly breath.

Leaving the cave, Lian Meng rushed to the deepest part of the cave –


With the departure of Lian Meng, Lin Feng flashed from the corner of a cave, with a smile on his face.

“. It doesn’t seem to be really isn’t. Every Black Fog Demon Dragon’s ‘wisdom’ is so high.” Lin Feng both eyes, I thought that this ‘Dragon Tomb’ had two ‘Dragon Frame’ missing. It is bound to cause Xuan Ran*, but the Black Fog Demon Dragon, which has a stronger strength, is not even counted, so it leaves.

Too careless.

“But it’s careless, I can’t care.” Lin Feng eyes.

In Mind sense, Lin Feng is still jealous that the head is very ‘cunning’ Black Fog Demon Dragon.

To the north, the deepest part of Demon Dragon Lair.

Lian Meng arrived first, Lian Long followed, and between ——

Liu dark huā Ming.

Here, it is the most fundamental place of Demon Dragon Lair, and the huge space is far beyond imagination. Filled with astonishing black fog, the shape of the ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone Heart’ can be seen everywhere, from time to time by some young dragons swallowed, turned into food and growth energy.

Looking at it, nearly a thousand Black Fog Demon Dragon’s young dragons play and play, happy.

The hanging heart of Lian Long and Lian Meng has finally fallen, and in the entire Demon Dragon Lair, it is undoubtedly the top priority.

As long as there is nothing wrong with it, it is a great fortune in misfortune. Losing some dragon eggs, Tribe is extremely hurtful; but if it is invaded by the damn human beings, then Tribe can be described as a disaster, it is not as simple as a big injury.

Because, here is the root of Black Fog Demon Dragon Clan.

The soldiers are divided into two ways. Lian Long and Lian Meng immediately search for the entire nest in the carpet type. Compared with Lin Feng, Lian Long and Lian Meng are undoubtedly familiar with it. It is not difficult to shuttle through the caves of any size. The fall is not missed, the search is extremely careful.


“sōu! ””sōu! ”

With the Urgent Fire Shuttle on the foot, Lin Feng uses the mind sense to easily avoid the pursuit of the two Black Fog Demon Dragon.

With ‘Concealed Fog Talisman’, I am invincible.

“Fortunately, there are only two Black Fog Demon Dragons.” Lin Feng secretly thought, the cave is only so big after all, if there are a few more Black Fog Demon Dragon, I am afraid that it is not so easy to hide. Keeping the mood clear, after avoiding a full hour.

at last……

“Abandoned?” Lin Feng’s mouth was suddenly marked.

Back and forth, the two Black Fog Demon Dragons searched the entire cave no less than ten times.

But, by virtue of them, it is to search again for a hundred times –

It is useless.

Although Lian Long and Lian Meng are not reconciled, they have no choice but to communicate with each other from time to time. The opinions seem to be somewhat different. But in the end, there was a clear division of labor in the unified opinion. Lian Long stayed on the ground just in case, waiting for Patriarch Lian Ya cultivating to end, and then make a decision.

And Lian Meng went out of the hole and led the Black Fog Demon Dragon to search for the human trail!

Not dead end!

Lian Long and Lian Meng couldn’t think of it, Lin Feng would still hide in Demon Dragon Lair.

It’s just timid!

Just like a thief who came back from the Master, he dared to sway and stay unruly.


Lin Feng is also helpless.

“This is troublesome.” Lin Feng brows congealed, secretly thought.

In the sense, at the hole of the cave, the ‘guard’ that was originally solved by himself was re-arranged. Dozens of Black Fog Demon Dragon guarded the hole, the intention was to prevent themselves from stealing it again, but at the moment, it blocked their own way.

Catching a turtle in a jar !

“Forget it, the most dangerous place is the safest place.”

“At least it has been searched here many times, and it should be safe for the time being.”

“There are less than six days of 8th month 15th day, and I will be able to leave as soon as I purchase the ‘Space Transmission Gate’.”

Lin Feng secretly pondered in one’s heart, and immediately settled down.

Since it can’t go out, it can only be like this. Anyway, I have no plans to go out.

“Continue to refine ‘Spirit Beast Puppet’!” Lin Feng looks bright.

The figure is slightly moved and suddenly disappears.


Dragon Tomb, the third cave.

Compared to the ‘magnificent’ of the first cave, there is no doubt that there is a lot of ‘shabby’.

Just twelve ‘Dragon Frame’ make this huge cave look empty and occupy less than one in ten thousand.

After all, these twelve ‘Dragon Frame’ are only a few hundred meters in size, and the smallest is only ten meters long. There is a faint lustrous scale on the body, the dragon tail is still fierce, and the horn on the head indicates the identity of ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’, but the shape and the ‘Dragon Frame’ of the first two caves are completely different.

Change Form Second Realm’s Black Fog Demon Dragon.

“Start from the weakest of aura.” Lin Feng blinked.

Take out a ‘Spirit Beast Ball’ and put it on the ‘Dragon Frame’ of the fierce with one hand. Lin Feng’s eyes are suddenly bright, and the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy fluctuates, forming a spiral in vitro. Qi flow. At this time, Life Soul touched the residual Demon Dragon consciousness in Dragon Frame…

“Boom!” The head was shocked.

Lin Feng figure, the strong reaction, the complexion changes.

The residual aura is quite violent, although it is not as good as the ‘Dragonian consciousness’ of the first touch, but…

Also exceeding myself to load.

“Peng!” The body slammed back.

Life Soul’s battle with the ‘Dragonian Consciousness’ ended in failure, and although it took away the energy of the ‘Dragonian Consciousness’, it was only a drop in the ocean. Hands licking the chest, sense with a burst of blood, Lin Feng sighed and rubbed his brow.

Far more powerful than I imagined!

“Change form Every realm, the strength is doubled.”

“Although it can consume the energy of ‘Dragonian consciousness,’ it costs too much.”

“And success is still an unknown number… After all, I only have less than six days left.”

Lin Feng eyes shimmered and shook his head.

It’s not worthwhile to be reluctant.

With a snoring, Lin Feng thought quietly and his eyes changed. There are two ways to go in front of you, or go back to the second cave to continue to refine the Dragon Frame of the ‘Chang Form’ first realm world, or…

“Demon beast of Change Form First Realm is not very helpful for my strength.”

Lin Feng knows very well that he is not far from the Demon beast of Change Form First Realm.

In a short time, it can definitely be flat, even –


The second road is the way you should go.

“Blowing and refining inner core, improving strength!” Lin Feng’s eyes are shining.

“This time I have a lot of 5th rank inner core, my strength should be improved quickly in a short time.”

“Go to 8th month 14th day, try again!”

Only by improving our own strength is the most correct way!

Lin Feng is very clear and understands.

Sitting cross-legged, Lin Feng just took out an 5th rank inner core.

Desolation –

Complexion a condensate, Lin Feng suddenly oh’ed, eyes 璀璨.

“How I forgot, this is the consciousness of Black Fog Demon Dragon!” Lin Feng stood up, his body teleported, and suddenly came to the ‘Dragon Frame’ which was just a hundred meters long. Take out the Spirit Beast Ball and it shines, and Lin Feng’s eyes suddenly change.

Sharp light all around, become smooth as water.

But aura, it is exactly the same powerful!

Human Soul Status!

“Golden Dragon Astral Qi.” Lin Feng softly yelled.

Time, golden light, a sudden Qi strength spreading, wrapped in Dragon Frame.

The powerful Longwei puff like, Top Five Bloodline’s Five Clawed Golden Dragon seems to be roaring, the sense of Dragon Frame aura is suppressed, and Lin Feng suddenly rejoiced “There is a play!”

The eyelids changed again, the emergence of Life Soul, in lieu of the inability to attack Human Soul to regain control of the body, the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy hovering outside the body, in a blink of time Life Soul and Demon Dragon consciousness – ‘Peng! ‘Lin Feng has the absolute upper hand!

“Sure enough!” Lin Feng tapped his mouth.

Not to be expected, Black Fog Demon Dragon, because of the strong or weak of the bloodline, will be restrained by top grade’s Five Clawed Golden Dragon!

This point is already very obvious in the battle.

Despite the demise of Golden Dragon Astral Qi, the Demon Dragon consciousness will grow.


This is not a problem.

“Golden Dragon Astral Qi !” Lin Feng repeats the steps again.

Suddenly, it is another new cycle, like the one!

Although not efficient, it is a very effective method.

One hour, another hour.

The speed of refining is not fast, but it is carried out in an orderly manner.

Slowly, the Demon Dragon consciousness is getting weaker and weaker in the consumption of Lin Feng non-stop… When the last remaining energy is completely consumed, the Spirit Beast Ball shines with dazzling white light. Inhale the nearly 100-meter-long skeleton.

Lin Feng burning, a fist, can not help but shake the grip.

Spirit Beast Puppet, Cheng! ! ! !

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