Chapter 20 The innate talent of heaven defying

… Peng! ”

In the heart, severe shocks.

Lin Feng both eyes are shining brightly.

At this moment, time seems to stop.

An empty piece, everything disappeared. Including Heaven and Earth Energy, including black spots, are turned into nothingness in the terrifying black hole squeezing. Only with the Soul Sea, the core “ball of light” exudes a faint glow.

Inside Soul Core, also known as “Human Soul Core”

Deja vu!

Once, the condense of Life Soul Core is also like this.

The rough look seems to be the same as the Life Soul Core, but when you feel it, you can see that the two are not the same.

Life Soul is full of attack power, full of eruption, like a sheathed war blade, sharp and sharp: but Human Soul is condensed in the heart, safe and stable, as if no match, quietly rotating The resulting centrifugal force wraps around Heaven and Earth Energy, forming a faint film in the heart’s surroundings.

Protect yourself!

“Really, it should be improved.” Lin Feng lightly muttered.

I have been taking “Black Fog Crystal Stone” refining “inner core” all the time, although most of them are absorbed by Life Soul, but there is also a small part of it, which was divided by “Human Soul.”

“But” Lin Feng has a feeling of don’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Your own cultivating system is completely messed up.

Martial Artist condense must be, Human Soul reaches the 2nd rank segment and can breakthrough into Corporeal Soul User, which is Heavenly Martial Continent’s “Titled Martial God,: then through the cultivating Heart of Source, the body reaches Martial God 7th rank, Human Soul Promote to the third stage and become the “Beginning Star Level, Heavenly Martial Cultivator.”

“I was actually directly traversing a layer of cultivating?”

“No, the body has not changed.” Lin Feng shook his head.

The cultivating of Heavenly Martial Cultivator is the body.

Your body has always been “quantitative” and really isn’t qualitative.

just now……

Just “Human Soul, the change.”

“Without Heart of Source, there is only a simple physical strength, what is the use?” Lin Feng lightly sighed.

Heavenly Martial Continent’s Titled Martial God, which is “brute force, come against the enemy?

Martial God’s battle, the attack must carry “strength of Source”

“My spear technique combines strength, at most with no “Qilin Fire Chestnut, compared to the incremental Origin Fire.” Lin Feng knew very well.

Not to mention the perverted “Black Fog Demon Dragon”, even Dense Fog Beast King, who can now slaughter with no difficulty. I can’t break the “defense” with spear move.

“It’s not very helpful for the improvement of strength.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

The speed is increased, and it is too fast to use the Life Soul to control the bonfire.

The body defense is skyrocketing, compared to the Xensexst rank of Dense Fog Beast King?

It seems to be very tasteless.


“In any case, Human Soul’s breakthrough, physical improvement, is always a good thing.

Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

At the very least, make up your own short board.

“hu ~ ~” long sighed, Lin Feng immediately exited mind sense.

Open your eyes and it seems to be much brighter.

But in an instant, Lin Feng was completely stunned.

My god !

Your own body surroundings, actually covered densely with a layer of black fog? !

“This” feels like this familiar aura, similar to Black Fog Demon Dragon, but the source of this aura is actually himself?

Lin Feng was still covered, and the horrified eyes suddenly saw his arm, and a layer of black shiny scales appeared in the air, and the package was tight. Lin Feng even looked at his body, like the arm, legs, back, chest, covered with a whole layer of pitch-black scales!

Looking at Consciousness Clone’s eyes, he looks like a human-shaped “Black Fog Demon Dragon.” With a pointed tough horn on his forehead and a terrifying cold light behind it.

It is a very big, sharp tail with a sharp thorn!

“illusory armor!” Lin Feng startled.

For a long while, Lin Feng is a spirally late recovers.

With a happy smile, “sense” changes the body.

The rotation of the Human Soul Core can also be easily “controlled”. Although it has a huge gap compared to the Life Soul, it can’t be manipulated and attacked, just like having the functions of “defense, and protection”.

But as the Soul Core turns, a heart-rending black fog spreads!

Black Fog Demon Dragon’s “innate talent, ability!

“My Deceleration Space can only target one person or one attack.”

“But this “black fog” will slow down as long as it falls into its cover, and a “Lin Feng’s eyes are very shining.”

“The stronger the black fog, the more it will be reduced!”

the most important is……

This black fog does not consume any “soul power” at all!

Use “Deceleration Space” as yourself to drive Soul Core rotation based on soul power to bring together Heaven and Earth Energy. But “black fog, just like breathing, as long as your Soul Core is turning “black fog, it will form spontaneously and will not disappear!”

“And, my speed in black fog will increase!”

“Especially close combat” black fog is the strongest place, and as the speed increases, my attack will become terrifying! ”

Lin Feng’s heart “hey, jump, feel a burst of excitement from the bottom of my heart.

This innate talent “black fog” is too counter-Heavens!

Lin Feng doesn’t know, Acquired’s “innate talent, how difficult it is to form.

Compatibility or not and don’t count it. It is extremely difficult to control the timing. If you have one more point, it may be that Soul Core has failed. It is one point less. It is no more than itching: to seize this point in time, The odds are less than one in a billion, but it is also the luck of Lin Feng.

But in many cases, luck is actually based on “strength.”

If it is not Lin Feng’s two-way cultivating, first condense the Life Soul Core, so that the Human Soul Core can’t communicate with the world to produce “innate talent”: if the Lin Feng Life Soul Core is powerful enough, it can “drive, get this proud” innate talent, if not Lin Feng is able to display Consciousness Clone and use it with one heart and one mind.

If not…

Too many if not.

But sometimes, when you have enough strength, coincidence will become inevitable.

Black Fog Demon Dragon’s “change form, the most difficult, mastering “Dao of Time, is one of the reasons.

On the other hand, its “innate talent” is too much against Heavens!

Real battle type innate talent!

Within the Stalactite Cave.

“No.” Lin Feng, sitting cross-legged, instantly opened his eyes.

The brows are clustered and the eyes are contemplative. Lin Feng shook his head “Heart Art of [Soul Secret] fourth page, Human Soul could not cultivating.”

Life Soul and Human Soul seem to be the same, but in reality they are completely different.

“It seems that I have to buy this repairing Heart Technique again.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

“[Vigorous Python Art] can be used, but “the effect is already extremely weak. Lin Feng is lightly exhaled, waiting to summon Consciousness Clone into the Cultural Space, suddenly startled, as if thinking of something, Lin Feng eyes suddenly brightened, and the new secret book is in the hand, the golden cover highlights the noble.

[ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art ] !

One of the rewards I got in the Advanced Apprentice Assessment.

On that day, because I didn’t know the relationship of “battle spirit,” I dropped it aside.

Then because of the limited physical strength, Life Soul controls advanced by leaps and bounds. It is the mainstream of its combat strength, and it is forgotten.

But now…

“I don’t know if I can cultivating?” Lin Feng eyes flashed, even if it is turned over.

There is a golden light puff like shining.

“Ao ~ ~ ” astonishing sounds of dragon roaring.

In front of Lin Feng’s eyes, a bright golden giant dragon appeared, hovering.

“Good and domineering!” Lin Feng’s brows are clustered, and the powerful pressure is better than the Black Fog Demon Dragon.

Really isn’t strength, but a temperament.

It is bloodline!

“哗~~” opened the page and the illusion disappeared.

Falling into the eye is the wedge of [Gold Dragon Astral Qi Art], which is like a gold pen sculpture. The five dragon-shaped characters are full of mystery. Below the five characters, there is a black handwriting, dragon and phoenix dance, full of life aura.

Last time, I could not understand.

But this time, it is clear!

“6-star War God Heart Art !!”

“Created by Five Clawed Golden Dragon Clan’s genius Ao Feng”

Looking at the summary in the wedge, Lin Feng was shocked. In “Secret Book Hall, I have been thoroughly browsed, Heavenly Martial Cultivator is divided into two branches, Martial God Branch and War God Branch, so the Celebration Heart Art of Heavenly Martial Cultivator is also divided into two factions.

But no matter which faction “6-star, the value is not changed!

That’s the same value as the 6-star weapon!

Comparable to the existence of Aurora Cone!

“Five Clawed Golden Dragon?” Lin Feng sighed and seemed to hear it.

Instantly, the eyebrows are on display, Lin Feng suddenly realizes, and is shockedly said “is a demon beast “Five Great Top Grade Bloodline, one of them! Dragon Race’s strongest bloodline! ! “very astonished in one’s heart, Lin Feng is even opening the pages…

One word, one sentence.

Lin Feng read carefully, comprehend.

With the experience of cultivating [ Soul Secret ] fourth page, it is not difficult to read [ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art ].

“It turned out to be the “golden sword glow” used by the green clothed man on the day.

“Blowing the Qi of Heaven and Earth and transforming it into Astral Qi, not only can fight, but also strengthen the body in the circulation of the meridians.”

Lin Feng suddenly realized that “the sky is like what the father said.”

Heavenly God Cultivator cultivating is the “soul” and Heavenly Martial Cultivator cultivating is the “body”

The difference between the two leads to “the soul, the focus is also different, Life Soul main attack, so the promotion is the soul’s strength.

But Human Soul is cultivating the body.

“Gathering the Human Soul Core, I can directly cultivating [Gold Dragon Astral Qi Art] 3rd layer.”

“Golden Dragon Astral Qi, restrain all “dragon, class demon beast”

Lin Feng hearing this can not help but laugh, this [Gold Dragon Astral Qi Art] seems to be tailored for himself.

Martial God’s cultivating is based on “Heart of Source, but War God’s cultivation, but it is based on “Human Soul Core”, even if it does not have “Heart of Source”.

“Once I can show [Gold Dragon Astral Qi Art], with spear move, innate talent “black fog” and…, Slaying Dragon Spear !”

“What level does the strength reach?” Lin Feng smiled slyly.

“Black Fog Demon Dragon…wait!”

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright clear, and she has a confident smile.

Completely reborn!

(The twelfth episode, the end.)! ! !

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