Chapter 19—astonishing changes

1 people change!

The pitch-black color point is like a smashing fire, igniting in the heart.

The strength of the time limit bursts in the body, and the pitch-black spot emits astonishing helium, like a terrifying hole. The strong black fog spreaded and soaring in an instant, completely covering the body, and a moment of tearing the attack came, Lin Feng complexion was blood red, and the fingers were splitting.

The eyes are very round!

“Vigorous Python Art!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth, forcing the mind.

The cover of energy, densely, rush forth, through the people scattered to the limbs and five veins, want to control the energy of this black spot…

However, completely out of control!

The black light spot is like a wild horse, and it is crazy in the body. Lin Feng in the mind shows a huge “Black Fog Demon Dragon” terrifying figure overwhelming, although not comparable to the 6th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, but it is also eight kilometers long and quite terrifying.

The qi flow of the body rush rush, only plays a role of “blocking,” and cannot “control”

Strength, there is an absolute gap!


This really isn’t Lin Feng all strength!

“Hey!” shouted sound puff like sounds.

At that time, Lin Feng eyes shining, dazzling like a star.

On the right side of the cave, the vortex, in the middle, the Consciousness Clone turns into a flash of light, disappears in a blink of time, and the body of Lin Feng seems to overlap and merge into one.

Life Soul, return!

Representing the real Lin Feng, the strength is full!

“Pā !” Lin Feng’s eyes wide open, and a powerful Heaven and Earth Energy roars.

“Little dragon egg” Lin Feng looks indifferent, accompanied by the [Soul Secret] fourth page Heart Art, the body outside astonishing the powerful Heaven and Earth Energy come and go, turning into a spiral qi flow crazy Rush forth, compared to just now, it is completely one day.

In an instant, the dislocated wild horse was caught by the “rein”

In mind sense, the black spot is completely wrapped by the invisible energy qi flow, which is like a scorpion.

Blink is control!

Closed eyes “Lin Feng as the old man sat down, slowly “digested, the strength of dragon essence.”

This is not a blame!

Fire Spirit Core is needed to supplement soul power on that day, controlling “dragon essence”

but now……

Even the inner core of the inner core can completely refining, let alone the trifling “dragon egg,?”

Dragon egg, of course, contains the essence of the dragon, even if it is the essence of an 5th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, but it is only a seed with powerful energy. At the moment, there is still no inner core of an 3rd rank Black Fog Demon Dragon.

The difference is that the inner core is Black Fog Demon Dragon cultivating with Qi of Heaven and Earth, which contains the energy of “Dao of Time”.

Absorbing and refining, enhanced by Soul Core strength rank.

But the dragon egg is based on strengthening the body.

“Two different stages,” Lin Feng paid.

“Newborn is the stage of long body, but in adulthood, it is the amount of physical strength.”

Just like Martial Artist’s cultivating, the different stages “have different cultivating.

“The black spot seems to like moving to the legs.”

“On the day “Kang Winged Dragon, known as strength” and “smoked Fog Demon Dragon” is known for its speed.

Lin Feng said that even if they understand, they have their own strengths.

Black spots are injected into the legs to continuously enhance cell activity and extend the Meridians.

Daddy “This is??” Lin Feng lightly exclaimed.

Mind sense, his right foot, three inches below the knee bone, a small light spot with a bloody red luster, full of joyful feeling. Energy 1 that absorbs black spots

It seems that there is another faint little light spot in the faint.

Brave Wheel , Blood Departing the Acupoint !

“Blood Departing the Acupoint is constantly energizing!”

“But what is the light spot next to it?”

Lin Feng felt a sense of collective quality and continued to enhance.

“Black Fog Demon Dragon, and “Kang Winged Dragon,” are not the same grade.

Black Fog Demon Dragon is a number one in True Dragon Race, and Kang Winged Dragon is just a descendant of hybrids.

The gap in bloodline is “great!”

The black spots all over the body, the limit increases the body strength, and Lin Feng feels like a demon beast.

Physically, quite strong!

“my god, my current body” Lin Feng feels speechless.

Although not condensed into the Heart of Source, but my body “has been far away” “Martial Emperor peak” is compared with the ordinary Titled Martial God.

Now, go further!

The energy of dragon essence is extremely powerful!

“I don’t know what level of energy will be reached when the energy of dragon essence is completely absorbed by the body?” Lin Feng secretly paid for it, and his own strength was clear, Life Soul rank, Heaven and Earth Energy, Will bring up the improvement of physical fitness.

Although it may be very small, it is like a bucket of water in the bucket, a few drops, but for the “basic, very low body, it is not a small upgrade.

Life Soul, after all, is the arrival of the “Beginning Star Level.”

Add “black core crystal” “inner core” and [Vigorous Python Art] cultivating, slowly accumulate.

Absorbing dragon essence, it is soaring!

“Maybe I will be Heavenly Martial Continent’s first Martial Artist that has not condensed into the Heart of Source, but whose body has reached the intensity of Martial God 7th rank?” Lin Feng didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The absorption of dragon essence is much slower than the Inner Core’s absorption.

But as time goes by, the brightness of the black spot is slowly weakening.

“Almost, there should be a few more hours to end.” Lin Feng estimated.

All day and night!

The body has already been transformed.

Body strength of Martial God 7th rank?

“No, stronger.” Lin Feng is both happy and helpless.

Not up!

The physical improvement is a bit sloppy, without Heart of Source, it can’t make Titled Martial God.

The body view strength, not to mention the 3rd rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, is the ordinary Sovereign Level 1st rank demon beast, which can easily break your defense.

It seems that this day and night, the strength does not seem to improve.



“Day, my Human Soul?!” Lin Feng startled.

Sparkling with bright luster, the soul power ball of light severe trembled at the heart.

Swell, shrink!

Re-expand and shrink again!

The frequency is quite fast, as if it were going to explode.

Heart, as if suffocating.

Lin Feng “Master, open the eyes”, the soul shocked, the body felt an extreme danger. Startled’s Heaven and Earth Energy was infused with rush forth body in all directions, but was completely “blocked” by Human Soul, as if to break away from Life Soul’s “control”

The body seems to have become a battlefield, and Life Soul is obviously much more powerful.

However, Human Soul is no longer passive this time, and madly launches a change.

Lin Feng suddenly felt terrified and complexion changed.

“What’s the matter?!” Lin Feng both eyes sharply wide, and at this time, the black spot between the two energy sources seems to be a sandwich cookie, which is constantly squeezed, and the black light of the severe is crazy. Catharsis is devour in an instant.

“This feeling” Lin Feng is lightly light tremble.

Unparalleled deja vu!

Breakthrough !

It is a precursor to the breakthrough bottleneck!

Suddenly, Lin Feng’s brain banged, and finally realized the reason why Human Soul was abnormal.

After constant cultivating, then cultivating.

My own Human Soul finally reached the bottleneck of breakdown!

Soon Core Soul Core!


One mountain can’t accommodate two tigers, and the existence of Life Soul completely blocked Human Soul.

At this time, the intense Heaven and Earth Energy in the body [Body] is insulting, and there is a precursor to being washed away.

Can’t wait any longer!

“There is only this way.” Lin Feng clench one’s teeth “both eyes” shines brightly, and the mind concentrates in an instant.

霎 Time “Consciousness Clone !” Lin Feng shouted.

An illusory body with a division of consciousness, Life Soul’s transfer, turned into another “Lin Feng” body [Body] can no longer block the progress of Human Soul, familiar Heaven and Earth Energy rush forth mind, and soul Power interlaced, fused, as if it were adhesive.

A cluster of “slices”, constantly infiltrating into, dense and strong!

“It is the energy of Dao of Time. “Lin Feng inwardly shiver.”

Life Soul, Human Soul, is one.

The attribute is naturally the same.

At this time, “Without Life Soul’s containment, the remaining black spots are like the tigers that are out of the cage.

Exciting the astonishing aura, despite being diluted by the rush forth Heaven and Earth Energy, it is still powerfully destructive.

“Keep it up!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth.

At the moment, you can’t take a break, although the black spot is strong, but your body should be able to hold it for a while!

Condensing into a Soul Core, it must not fail.

Constant integration!

Soul power combines “Dao of Time, energy, black spots with hints of silk, it is very strange. The virtual soul power seems to have vitality, attracting each other, condensing. Like a piece of clouds, the rotation gathers, in “ball of light , surroundings, forming a vortex.

The vortex suddenly opened, 霎 , condense 璀璨 light curtain!


Severe contraction!

The expanding light curtain forms a huge ball of light with a translucent color that envelops “Human Soul”

Heaven and Earth Energy turned into a staggered light, swaying around, turning one big and one small, two ball of light closely connected together.

Swell, stretch!

The two ball of light seem to blend together.

At this time, the Heaven and Earth Energy of the outside world is still rush forth, madly squeezed the bang ~

Hong long long ! ! !

Soul power ball of light severe, a sudden power star glow, running through the entire soul power ball of light! Gradually, a hundred soul power star glow, thousands of soul power star glow, more and more 10,000, non-stop shot, as if from the middle of the 〗 〖 a huge crack.

The entire soul power ball of light is covered by star glow!

However, Heaven and Earth Energy’s rush forth, non-stop, mixed with black light point energy, continues to form an impact.

One wave after another, like the tide, like a wave.

Astonishing is powerful!

“Get to the limit!” Lin Feng eyes.

The huge soul power ball of light madly expands, reaching the extreme in an instant, the intense energy aura pervades every part of the body, just at the moment of the explosion to the extreme, suddenly changes!

A huge black hole reappears!

Haotian’s suction squeezing everything, instantly~


(There are only two more today, the next one is about one and a half or so, please bear with me, these days will definitely make up.)! ! !

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