The first chapter of the ups and downs of Heavenly Martial Continent

Cycle of a hundred days, only the last thirty days.

The beast herd riot is getting denser and bigger, and the 5th rank and 6th rank King level Demon Beast groups have appeared, many of them even sneak up from the air.

The entire Heavenly Martial Continent faced an unprecedented disaster, starting sixty days in the cycle of a hundred days, only dying three Titled Martial God, but from the 60th to the 70th, only ten days, Titled Martial God But he died as many as five.

Heavenly Martial Continent’s Titled Martial God Quantity, for the first time, fell below 140!

The death number of people of Martial Artist is 100,000, and under the ravages of King Level Demon Beast, it is completely reduced to cannon fodder.


The death and injury of ordinary people is even more tragic and cannot be counted.

The surrounding small villages and towns were not rushed or sneaked, resulting in the destruction of the towns, and countless residents became the food of the demon beast. Especially the cannibals in the King level Demon Beast, the blood plate is a big mouth, at least tens of thousands of human beings, cleaned by devour.

Enlightened Crow City.

Heavenly Martial Chamber of Commerce influence.

At this time, the thirteen King level Demon Beast led countless Demon Beast Lord, attacking the town over the city.

A black pressure shroud, the energy guardian has long been cracked, such as fish scales one inch and one inch split. This “air force” consisting purely of flying type demon beast is the most embarrassing attack of the entire beast herd riot.

God is gone!

Responsible for guarding “Martial God Squad” of Enlightened Crow City, dying three and fleeing one.

Still the most powerful captain, 5th rank Martial God “Floor” is covered in blood, holding a war blade with a firm eye.

With one’s own strength, independence against beast herd!


It is difficult to end up with a single tree.

“Peng!” “Peng!”

Under the siege of the thirteen King level Demon Beast, not to mention 5th rank Martial God, 6th rank Martial God is hard to resist. Although “the building has a very strong will, but the strength is not transferred by the will… With the fall of another Titled Martial God, the energy guardian is completely broken.

The entire Enlightened Crow City became a bloody ocean.

“These damn bastard!” Moon Sovereign was sharp.

Suspended in the air, the pale green aura circulates outside the body.

When she led the “hunt, the elite came to the rescue, Enlightened Crow City has long been destroyed by the inhuman demon beast. The population of 250 million is nearly 30% more than Firmament Yang Town, but survives Less than 1%, the whole city is turned into nothing, and it becomes a blood city.

Human limbs, half body, and even sloppy bolognese are everywhere, and even the whole body is rare.

The cry of painfulness pervades the entire city, crazy madness, heartbreaking suicide, and the entire Enlightened Crow City has become a “dead city”

Moon Sovereign’s eyes are full of sorrow, with beautiful faces in his face.

For the survival of mankind, she and Commander never sleep, and do their best to protect their homeland.


The result is always difficult to control.

“Blue.” Moon Sovereign lightly called.

“What is Moon Sovereign’s command.” Blue arched.

“After I left, I helped Zi Yao, don’t fall down, “the reputation of hunting.” “Moon Sovereign blinks and seems to decide what.”

Watched that sacred and beautiful face, deep admiration in the blue heart, brows “Do you really want to take this step, Moon Sovereign?”

“Yes, this is the only hope of mankind.” Moon Sovereign said softly “The advent of End, just like the current “Enlightened Crow City”, when the beast herd riot really broke out, Heavenly Martial Continent will perish. I talked with Commander again and again. Only when we enter the four major desperties, human beings have a chance to live. 鈥?/p>

Four great places!

Legend has an unpredictable strength, entering, only dead end one.

“Absolutely, one word” is derived from it.

Blue lightly light sigh, knowing that he can’t control Moon Sovereign’s decision.

In fact, when he asked Moon Sovereign to ask him for information on 鈥渁 hundred waterfalls, ancient ruins, he guessed that there would be today.

The information sought is nothing more than some residual ancient book, although it is only a single word, but it can still be seen from the “hundred” of the ancient ruins. The reason why I chose “one hundred waterfalls, the ancient ruins, is because the other three of the four great desperates are the real 100% of the desperate, but the “hundred waterfalls, the ancient ruins, but there is still a line of life.

Someone “lives, come out!”

Hunter Alliance.

Thousands of Martial Artists gather here in the huge underground palace.

Most of them are the existence of the Martial Emperor level, but there are also 20 Martial God levels, covering their faces and standing quietly.

In the palace’s “dragon chair,” a man shrouded in the darkness, clanging stands.

He is the master of the Hunter Alliance, Martial Sovereign!

“The demise of Heavenly Martial Continent, the demise of mankind, has long been a foregone conclusion.”

The icy voice wraps around everyone’s ear, echoing, with a minute of aura.

“Stupid people will fight against level 9 beast herd riot, Sovereign level Demon Beast, Dragon Race, and what is manpower to compete against?”

“For those mortals to do their best? Commander and Moon Sovereign, oh, the so-called two of mankind strongest expert, is just a fool! People are alive, know how to plan for yourself!”

Martial Sovereign The cold laughter is a bit disdainful, looking around everyone, the pitch-black pupil flashes with a fascinating luster. “You are very smart, know how to judge the situation, and know how to avoid it. I am doing it by Martial Sovereign. Come, follow me, I have the means to save your life. I have escaped this extinct natural disaster!!”

The loud voice spread throughout the palace, and all the Martial Artists shouted, and even the 20 Martial Gods were smiling smiled.

Betraying humanity? What is that!

Only living is the real king!

鈥淎fter the beast herd riot subsides, I will lead you to create a new era!鈥?/p>

“With our really “expert,” the bloodline, build a new human Tribe, not the Heavenly Martial Continent that is full of waste. 鈥?/p>

With the enchanting sound of Martial Sovereign, all Martial Artists are full of eagerness for the future.

What is the demise of mankind?

As Martial Sovereign said, it鈥檚 just a sneak peek and some waste!

鈥淣ow, you can look for some 鈥渟eeds鈥?to prepare for the continuation of the bloodline.鈥?Martial Sovereign smiles lightly 鈥淗eavenly Martial Continent is now in a mess, no one cares about this little thing, but remember that everyone can only carry up to three A woman, understand?”

A piece of lively, everyone’s face is full of 銆?Xing銆?and joy.

As the “high-rise”, Titled Martial God has already known this “message, 1 look is not shocked.


Which one of them is not plundering hundreds of women, lightly withdrawing seeds.

Anyway, the demon beast is raging, and there are so many missing people. People will only blame the crime on demon beast.

Who would want to get them?

Time passes by day by day.

Cycle of a hundred days, minus five days in a blink of an eye.

The sky, the gray, the color of a pitch-black, the thick blood mist is filled in the sky.

Every day, countless towns are leveled by the demon beast army.

Every day, there are countless human beings, and they are killed and become the food of demon beast.

The number of Martial Artists continues to decrease, while the attack by demon beast continues to increase. People are worried, afraid, and fearful. The coming of End is like the bloody rain that is so engraved, and the answer is in the heart.

At this moment, everyone does not want to think of that hero.

Think of the Savior, Child of God’s thin figure, but with a devastating strength, with the power to look up.

Wanfu is invincible!

“Where is he?”

“Does he come out to save us?”

The call of the people, as if begging for the light in the darkness, the navigation lights in the sea.

Become the only hope and expectation in everyone’s heart.

Hero “Lin Feng”


“Zi ~ ~”


The golden qi flow echoes in vitro, forming a five-claw golden giant dragon.

Lin Feng is cultivating her legs and glimmering with the golden qi flow.

[ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art ] !

In the outer layer of this golden giant dragon, the strong black fog pervades all around, exudes a strong aura, which leads to the golden light interlacing, as if a Golden Dragon is constantly wearing edges in the pitch-black clouds, adding a bit of mystery. a feeling of.

“hu~~” Lin Feng has a long put out a breath.

Open your eyes and swell, and you will have a faint smile.

“[ Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art ] 3rd layer , finally cultivating success.” Lin Feng’s aura slowly converges, black fog disappears with it, and even if he stands up, he shakes his head silently “innate talent” black fog, It’s really abnormal, even cultivating can speed up. 鈥?/p>

鈥淏ut it鈥檚 weird.鈥?Lin Feng鈥檚 light eyebrows are mentioned in [Golden Dragon Astral Qi Art].

With the cultivating of Astral Qi, the growth of the body will be accompanied by the 鈥淗uman Soul Core, ascension, but why do I only increase my physical strength, but the Human Soul Core is not improved by half?鈥?/p>

Deeply exhaled, Lin Feng is puzzled.

The problem is still there.

“Maybe, I am not condensing “Heart of Source, is it about?” “Thinking about it, Lin Feng only got this answer.”

But no matter what, the improvement of my body is very significant.

Every moment, every minute, you can feel a new feeling.

鈥淎lthough the 鈥淗eart of Source鈥?body has not yet condensed, the body is purely physically strong, but now it is comparable to the 1st rank Sovereign level Demon Beast!鈥?Lin Feng鈥檚 confident smile, the heart is free, and the whole body suddenly emerges. A layer of pitch-black bright armor with a powerful light.

Black Fog Demon Dragon Illusory Armor !

“The illusory armor’s defensive power depends on the “Soul Core” Lin Feng gently licking the scales, both eyes shining “released by the Human Soul Core, this illusory armor has the 1st rank Sovereign level Demon Beast’s defense, but if Life Soul Core release, the illusory armor’s defense is comparable to 4th rank Sovereign level Demon Beast! 鈥?/p>

“And, not yet to the upper limit!” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

“To look at the “dragon egg,” the upper limit of this illusory armor should be the defense of 5th rank Sovereign level Demon Beast! 鈥?/p>

Lin Feng stood up and had a bit of a calm intent in his eyes.


Behind the “Slaying Dragon Spear, out of the sheath, with a sharp black light, blends with the black scales outside the body.

The faint rotation of the Human Soul Core, accompanied by the black fog, makes Lin Feng look strange and mysterious, like the ghost in the dark.

“Black Fog Demon Dragon” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

“I’m coming!”

(The first is ~~)

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