Chapter 18: Dragon egg

Advanced Cultivation Space.

“Sure enough, there is no ‘Space Transmission Gate’.” Lin Feng stepped out of Miscellaneous Hall.

Once again, the unrelenting carriage type searched again, but it was still a slap in the face, nothing to gain.

“According to what you said, the monthly 15 ‘Miscellaneous Hall’ will update a new batch of ‘goods’. Today is 7th month 20, which was just updated 5 days ago.” Lin Feng Thoughtful Nodded, no wonder that the last time I entered ‘Miscellaneous Hall’ and the first time I entered ‘Miscellaneous Hall’, the goods were completely different.

“It really is the same as ‘Martial God Auction House’.” Lin Feng mumbled inwardly.

“In other words, if I want to buy ‘Space Transmission Gate’, I have to wait until 15 next month.” Lin Feng shook his head.

‘Space Transmission Gate’ is really selling, and it is sold out in five days.

“There are 25 days.” Lin Feng calculated, deeply exhaled.

Cycle of a hundred days, there is still one month left.

Just can catch up!

“Exactly, I can make good use of this 25 day.” Lin Feng looked bright, “At that time, it will return to the best state and strength!”

In my heart, no longer worry, no longer embarrassed.

No worries.

The Black Fog Demon Dragon Valley, which was originally like ‘dragon’s pool and tiger’s den’, is purely a Land of Cultivation for itself.

Thought has changed.

City in the Sky.

“Oh?” Moon Sovereign watched Zi Yao, his eyes are shining.

“What happened, younger sister. What happy occasion?” Moon Sovereign said with a smile, since the whereabouts of Lin Feng is unknown, this younger sister is very rare to smile.

But today…

It is an uncharacteristic.

“Big Brother Lin is safe and sound, elder sister.” Zi Yao smiled nodded and said.

“Oh?” Moon Sovereign slightly startled.

Very in a good mood, Zi Yao is not worthy of her own elder sister, when the next fifty-one will Lin Yun said, the face is full of joy. Although I could not hear the sound of Lin Feng. But as long as he knows that he is safe and sound, he knows that he always remembers to hang himself…

Zi Yao, I am satisfied.

“Spirit Communicator?” Moon Sovereign both eyes are light.

“I seem to have seen it in the ‘ancient book’…” Moon Sovereign lightly mumbled. Immediately smiled.

Lin Feng, it seems to be a blessing, and there is another adventure in ‘Heavenly Treasure World’.

It’s not a good news.

“Heart Protecting Talisman. 3-star Spirit Treasure.” Lin Feng eyes flashed.

The drop-shaped jade in front of the eyes is printed into the eyelids, which is quite familiar. It is the first spirit treasure that I have.

It is also the spirit treasure that once saved his life.

“100 million starlight points, worth it.” Lin Feng reached into the ball of light with his right hand, and the starlight points on the Dragon Star Mark turned from ‘9680000’ to ‘8680000’. Constant cost, so that there is still a little savings of starlight points, increasingly embarrassing.


As Father said, take care is on!

“Too big, I have ‘Heart Protecting Talisman’ on the same day, with Concealed Fog Talisman and Urgent Fire Shuttle. How can there be a danger?” Lin Feng lightly said.

The growth of strength, continuous kill ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’, made himself guilty of undermining.

“It turned out that the day could not control the emotions, really isn’t my temperament is not enough, but was affected by Black Fog Demon Dragon’s ‘戾气’.” Lin Feng shook his head. If it wasn’t for Father’s reminder, I didn’t know what I was doing. I thought I could ‘drive’ it, and I didn’t care too much.

But the inner core of a Black Fog Demon Dragon can’t affect it, ten?

One hundred, one thousand?

“It’s really dangerous!” Lin Feng felt a little scared for a while.

Behind the rapid increase in strength. There is such a crisis hidden, and he still ignores its existence.

“Pure Heart Fruit… don’t know if it’s expensive?”

Lin Feng muttered inwardly in one’s heart and immediately stepped out of the Spirit Treasure Hall.

“It turned out to be only 1-star Spirit Fruit.” Lin Feng watched The green fruit in front of her eyes, the burden in her heart immediately fell.

If this ‘Pure Heart Fruit’ is expensive, then you have trouble. After all, the balance is only 868 million, and 500 million starlight points are left to buy ‘Space Transmission Gate’, and can’t move, in other words, their real property…

In fact, only 368 million starlight points are left.

Very poor!

Compared to the original 2000 million starlight points, it is a world of difference.

“Buy 20 first?” Lin Feng nodded.

Although the effect of Pure Heart Fruit itself is not clear, but it is said by father, it must be really amazing.

From the ‘Immortal Fruit Hall’, Lin Feng even began to absorb ‘Pure Heart Fruit’.

“哗” has a very cool feeling.

A small fruit, but with a tsk tsk amazing aura strength.

Lin Feng eyes shimmers with shining bright luster, sense with peace of mind, tight body gently relax, in the mind, the ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ virtual image that flashes by chance becomes a bleak point, as if it is a pole Strong strength is forced to suppress.

The effect is immediate!

“Hu” spits out a mouthful of impure air, Lin Feng feels happy.

With ‘Pure Heart Fruit’, the side effects of devour and refine ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon ‘inner core are no longer a threat.

Although it is only the lowest star Immortal Fruit, it is more precious than the top grade spirit fruit.




Immortal Fruit Pure Heaven and Earth Energy is easily absorbed by the body, and ‘Pure Heart Fruit’ has no other complex energy accumulation, and the effect on the human body is only ‘clear heart’. The absorption is quite fast, and in less than two hours, fifteen ‘Pure Heart Fruit’ will be in the air.

At this time, the virtual image of ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ in in mind has long been disappeared.

Lin Feng, a clear-minded person.

“It’s this feeling.” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

“The body recovered as it was.” He shook his fist, Lin Feng laugh indifferently.

Although ‘Pure Heart Fruit’ does not enhance anything, it is a benefit to the effect of ‘Qing Xin’.

“The consumption is still relatively large.”

“Fortunately, the price is not expensive, then go buy some spare.”

Lin Feng nodded. Immediately enter the ‘Immortal Fruit Hall’ again.

Also purchased 46 ‘Pure Heart Fruit’.

At this time, Lin Feng ‘Dragon Star Mark’ has only 801 million starlight points left on the balance.

“Almost, there is nothing to buy at this stage.” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

“There are 25 days left, I have to hurry up to improve my strength.” Lin Feng looked stunned. “The stronger the strength, the greater the chance of fighting ‘beast herd riot’!”

Level 9 beast herd riot, only in the legend. It is not clear how many dangers there are.

However, one thing is certain.

No matter how many dangers, I will not give up!

“Unfortunately, ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’ has been in droves. The weakest is Sovereign Level 4th rank Black Fog Demon Dragon, one-on-one, I have enough confidence; but a pair of three…” Lin Feng shakes Shake his head. The gap between your current attack power and defense is not that big.

Soul Core has almost reached the ‘Beginning Star Level ‘4th rank.

The body, even the Heart of Source is not condense, even the Apprentice level is not counted.

Two extremes Differentiation is very serious!

“But even if it is only cultivating in ‘Stalactite Cave’, 25 days are enough for my Soul Core breakthrough 4th rank !”

“Just only less than 20%.”

Lin Feng shook his fist and his eyes sparkled.

After all, after all, refining has absorbed eight ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon ‘inner core.

The harvest is very rich.

“Right!” Lin Feng thought about it.

The light flashed in the hand, and a pitch-black giant egg appeared in front of him.

“As I expected it to be no bad, this should be…”

“Black Fog Demon Dragon’s ‘dragon egg ‘!”

Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully. A closer look reveals that there is a weak energy in the egg, but it cannot be clearly sensed by the eggshell. Lin Feng’s eyes changed slightly, but really wasn’t seeing the dragon egg for the first time.

On the same day, in ‘Fire God Forbidden Land’, he stole a dragon egg.

When you finally take it. Almost dead and dead.

“Dragon egg contains the essence of the dragon, which enhances the body.”

“Especially ‘dragon essence’, it has a tyrannical strength.”

“The ‘Bright Winged Dragon’ on that day is not a true dragon, but it still has a dragon’s bloodline.”

Lin Feng recalled that at that time, the ‘Bright Winged Dragon’ egg had only a little bit of ‘dragon essence’, and he almost died when he accidentally eaten. This is ‘dragon egg’. Not only is the head bigger than a dozen times, but the energy emitted is quite pure.

It is the real ‘dragon’ egg.

Black Fog Demon Dragon is not at all comparable to Bright Winged Dragon.


The same is true.

In the end, it will fall into your own stomach.

Lin Feng smiled lightly, and the right hand Aurora Cone suddenly appeared, exuding a cool cold glow.

Gently piercing the ‘dragon egg’, the time, a huge Heaven and Earth Energy puff like spread out, Lin Feng’s expression is transient, but it is a surprise change. From the dragon egg, the aura that I can weakly sense, gradually zoom in, it feels very familiar…

“It’s very similar to the inner core!”

“No, it’s different.” Lin Feng vetoed in a flash.

The feeling of energy is as violent as ever, but the energy of the dragon egg is extremely concentrated, just like the size of a needle.

In contrast, the energy of the inner core is significantly ‘scattered’ a lot.

The crystal clear ** slowly flows out of the egg, emitting a huge life aura.

The entrance is sweet and has a slight astringency.


Fall into the belly, but like swallowing a fire, puff like to spread!

“Vigorous Python Art!” Lin Feng sits cross-legged and gathers his heart.

In a blink of time, the strength of the majestic from all around rush forth, spread to the limbs and veins.

Every inch of skin is strengthened by the limit, and each meridians are expanded, and the cells with the body continue to absorb energy and grow, split and strengthen! The qi flow of all around surrounds the body, and the shape of the spiral looks like a giant python.

The cells violently oscillate and are filled with extreme terrifying energy.

Swell, swell, severe, in a blink of time 1 divided into 2 , 2 divided into 4 , 4 divided into 8 ……

Very fast!

Time, constantly passing.

Lin Feng’s body quality, rising at a rate visible to the naked eye, once had the experience of absorbing dragon egg **, Lin Feng is very calm.

The above is just an ‘appetizer’.

The real ‘main food’ –

It is dragon essence!

“Come on!” In the mind sense, a pitch-black spot, with the dragon egg **, slowly flows out.

Lin Feng’s eyes are shining in an instant!

(Complemented with the third day yesterday, the little emotions are very bad, the daughter was hit by the car, and there was a lot of blood on his face. It was really distressing. Go to the hospital and see the blood on the daughter’s face, and directly hit the sb of the anecdote. Kneeling on the ground. But what can be solved besides venting? Fortunately, daughter is just a trauma, check ct no problem, now I just hope not to stay, or if the kid is really small, the driver is likely.). . )

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