Who eats the bear heart leopard gallbladder

Time is too fast.

The night is shrouded in the underworld, and the ultimate darkness seems to be coming, but the eyes of the Palazzo Vatican are brightly lit and lively. Numerous expert gatherings, Saint Level is nothing at all here, Saint King Level other experts abound.

If the expert here participates in the Lich War, I am afraid that any group of the Lich and the two races will have to avoid their front.

There is no room for the guests, the guests of the three imperial cities are all coming, just to congratulate the glory of the old sorrows, it can be said that the gift is a soft hand. Of course, in the identity of the old geek, status, I will not care about such a small gift.

For him, being able to take possession of the beauty of the heart is the greatest expectation.

All along, Zi Yao is close to him, even if he will not be married for a long time, he still refuses to go thousands of miles away.

The more you can’t get it, the more you want it!

This is a common problem for people, and the old and strange is no exception.

What’s more, he loves Zi Yao at first sight, loves his heart, and doubles it.

“嘿嘿嘿~~” reveals the color of obscenity in the eyes, and the old sinister screams out the disgusting long tongue, and the saliva is DC. I think that I will be able to take possession of the little beauty in the near future, and let her be “jiao net” under him. The feeling of conquest and satisfaction is all excitement.

His wish is coming soon!

“When ~~” the clear sound is heard, it is the bell of the Palazzo Pagoda.

It means the end of the day, the end, such as a book turned to the last page. In an instant, ‘When! ~ ‘It is a loud bell that sounds louder and louder than the previous bell. It means the beginning of the day. Open a new space.

At the moment, there is a special meaning –

Three days of fasting and sitting. Officially closed.

The sinister old green eyes lit up, the heart was hot, and the eyes fell to the main hall of the Palazzo Pagoda. At this time, ‘Oh,’ a deep like, and the surrounding sounds were all quiet, and a fine needle could fall. It is audible that all Martial Artists are witnessing the darkness of the hall, and the red color appears slowly.

Including Lin Feng.

bride. Out.

Dressed in a purple dress, the head covered with red hijab, can not see the appearance.

However, it is just like the temperament of a slim, like a fairy, the body of a good turn, such as the beauty of bestowed by Heaven, makes people puff like heart, envy. These women only have to be in heaven. Her appearance illuminate the atmosphere of the Palazzo Pagoda, illuminate the entire wedding “gao netbsp; …

“Zi Yao…” Lin Feng lightly mumble.

Watching the figure of Qianli, there is no need to look at it with eyes. The aura alone can be deeply sensitive.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

She, 1% is Zi Yao.

His beloved wife, deep in his heart. The most profound of her.

Finally, I will see you again.

“Great, really good.” Lin Feng smiled and smiled softly muttered.

For myself, nothing is more enjoyable than seeing Zi Yao safe and sound. Others don’t have to say now, as long as Zi Yao is healthy. Enron, he is already in his heart. As for the big marriage at the moment, it is just a ritual, nothing.


Zi Yao, definitely will not marry this sinister old monster.

Unless you die.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.”

“It’s really beautiful and beautiful. If it’s beautiful.”

“That’s still used to say, I heard that the bride Zi Yao is a purple one family number one beauty.”

“Tch 啧, yin and grotesque is really good.”


Surrounded by a hot voice, the eyes are envious.

Yinze old slutty watched Zi Yao slowly walked out, the color of excitement did not hide, the face of the pig brother disgusting like the more surroundings Martial Artist secretly thought Unfortunately, a good flower, it will be inserted in this cow On the dung.

However, no one dared to say it.

After all, no one will be too long.

“Get married, welcome everyone to the Palace of Pluto.”

“Today, there will be a grand wedding here, which will attract worldwide attention.”


The ceremonies screamed and danced.

The atmosphere is set off, causing a surround sound of surrounds, and the sinister sinister and Zi Yao stand side by side, just like a pair of monks. However, there are many ceremonies for holding a big marriage, and there are many links to be carried out. Really isn’t able to do it overnight.

The head is covered with red cloth, but it can’t block Zi Yao’s sight.

Seeing all around, I hope that I can see the ugly strangers not far from each other, even she will see the purple mansion behind the Yinze old monster.

“Sorry, Big Brother Lin.” Zi Yao is lightly mumble.

“Forgive Zi Yao must take some time to let her mother get out of here and save her life.”


In the eyes, with tears.

In the mind, the scene of the wedding day, Zi Yao can not help but feel deeply warm and happy.

Being able to marry her beloved is the greatest happiness.

But heaven’s will make people, but she can’t live with her loved ones for life. Even if they love each other, there are too many factors and too many obstacles in the world. The first separation was due to the elder sister, but that time she was not discouraged. Instead, she had a kind of expectation, a desire, a goal, and she tried to cultivating, hoping to see Big Brother Lin one day.

However this time…

“Farewell, Big Brother Lin.”

“Zi Yao is your person, death is your ghost.”

“I will never marry a sinister ugly, and I will not let him get half a point.”

“When the worship ceremony begins, Zi Yao will succumb to the heart and keep the body of the ice. Come to life, be willing to be slaves, serve you forever and ever, Big Brother Lin…”

“I am sorry.”

Two lines of tears can’t stop falling.

Zi Yao’s heart is already hopeless at this moment, and there will be no expectations and extravagance, but she is very happy and very satisfied. Because she knew that Big Brother Lin had come to see her, Big Brother Lin didn’t forget her, as long as it was enough.

Unfortunately, she is too thin to enjoy.

The heart is cut like a blade.

On the lamppost box, although far apart, Lin Feng could still clearly see the two teardrops under the red hijab.

I can fully understand the mood of Zi Yao at the moment. Sense to her heart, the determination to die, and the deep affection for herself. Never let her down! Even if it is broken. She will save her from the konjac and protect her with her life.

“Let’s wait, Zi Yao.”

“Trust me, I will save you.”

“Just wait, wait a second!”


Lin Feng is close to his lips, and the bright light in his eyes is burning.

“Reassured, nothing.” He took a shot of Lin Feng’s shoulder and gently relieved.

“En.” Lin Feng nodded.

ceremony. Do it a little bit.

Although the sinister horror is very anxious, there is no way to do it.

Close to Zi Yao, but it is eye-catching, green eyes scattered with a variety of possession and conquest of the eyes, watched Zi Yao such a pitiful look, let the sinister grotesque feelings of appetite come to the fore. Excited.


The master of ceremonies was exposed to the gaze of the old geeks and felt flustered.

Even the simple and simplified, save some unnecessary rituals, and soon arrive at the topic.

“Next, the newcomers will hold a worship ceremony and officially pay homage to the world. Become a husband and wife.” If the ceremonial mouth hangs over the river, it looks like a general opening and raises his head. “But before that, I still have to ask a question. Is there any objection?”

“Objection, let’s get started!” Yinze grotesquely groaned. Anxious.

He can’t wait to pay the righteousness immediately, and then drag Zi Yao directly into the cave, just on the spot.

The lower body is hot, and the old geeks are too late to wait. In fact, he has waited too long for this day, and the more he gets it, the more he wants it! Just imagine that the picture makes him excited, not to mention the real person is in front of him, very fast will be able to let him fish.

The master of ceremonies complexion, even the response.

Indeed, this is only a matter of example. Generally, no one will speak out at this time and deliberately make trouble.

What’s more, this time married, but the third trade in the underworld, yin and blame!

Who ate the bear heart leopard!

“Since no one objected, then…” The master of ceremonies spoke openly and the voice was clear.

But at this time, a discordant voice was picked up in an instant.

“I oppose.” The sound of indifference, the sound is not heavy, but the entire Pluto Palace is silent, absolute silence. Not to mention other people, Zi Yao himself feels inexplicable doubts, this voice she has never heard, along the source of the sound, aura is quite strange.

However, the aura is quite strong!

Strength, I am afraid no less than Yinze old monster!

who is it?

“Silk ~” “Hey! ~” A breath of inspiration, along the voice of everyone’s eyes, it is a long figure hanging in the sky above the Palazzo Pagoda. The complexion is cold, with an indescribable temperament.

Huang Quan!

The second place in the underworld.

No one had thought that Huang Quan would make a sound at this time and beat the old geek.

“Yellow Spring!!!” is almost the extreme angry roar, the yin and grotesque screaming, glaring at Huang Quan, swearing, “What do you damn it do!” The voice swells, almost instantly, like a sky The huge aura also appeared in an instant, covering the entire Palazzo Vatican.

Hey! ~ High hanging and standing.

It was a man in a black armor, wearing a crown and not seeing the face, but aura was terrifying.

Just complexion metamorphosis, angry extreme angry caused by the sinister old quirks calm down, even on one knee, Huang Quan also turned around and handed over: “pay respects to the emperor.” Two experts, in unison Instantly awakened all the underworld experts at the moment, and they bowed down.

Emperor, that is the leader of the underworld!

Standing on the pyramid peak, the real power of the influential figure!

“Get up.” The voice was low, and the magnetic sounds burst into bursts.

“What the hell is going on?” The voice of the Emperor sounded very unpleasant, but it was the two big loves of his men who would openly open the battle, which undoubtedly made people laugh. If he does not come out, things will become difficult to control.

“Hey Emperor, Huang Quan, he deliberately messed up!” Yinze old glare and glare.

The Emperor looked at him with a question and chill, but Huang Quan was a complexion that had not changed. He said, “No, I just acted according to the rules set by the Emperor.”

Rules ?

The imperial both pupils bright light flashed.

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