Chapter 15 Gambling

“Yellow Spring!” Yinze old blame is cracking, biting his teeth.

Despite the presence of the Emperor, the Yinze grotesque can’t be attacked, but it is still a sigh of anger, but it was the day when he was married. At this moment, how many Heavenly Spirit’s expert is in the list, watching his jokes, waiting for developments.

Of course, Huang Quan is still complex and calm, calm.

That feeling, as if everything is in the hands of Zhizhu, there is a certain number in my heart.

“Oh.” The Emperor raised his hand, a powerful deterrent, and immediately suppressed the anger of the old ghost.

In any case, he would not allow the two great players to make a big noise in such a scene, and they were laughed at. This is not only the face of Yin Ze, but also the face of his emperor, the face of the underworld!

Watched Huang Quan, the slightest severe light flashed in the eyes of the Emperor, and the anger passed away, said solemnly, “Go ahead.”

Standing out at this time, no matter what the reason, it is inevitable to annoy the Emperor. However, Huang Quan is not too concerned, and the long hair of the waist flutters with the breeze, looking at the old geeks, “according to the rules of the underworld, if two experts look at a woman at the same time, how?”

The chest was slightly ups and downs, and the old geeks smashed through the yellow springs. The eyes flashed a bit of twilight, and the eyes turned to the Emperor.

Deep like a smile, the emperor’s mouth rises: “I said Huang Quan, you are the head of the four Great Giants in the underworld, shouldn’t you be jealous for women?”

“The Emperor laughed.” Huang Quan complexion indifferent, and sighed, “I and Miss Zi Yao have never met, and Yinze loves the same hand, how can it be a trifling woman make a big fuss.” Micro smile, Huang Quan eyes wiped a touch It’s like laughing and laughing. “If it’s for Miss Zi Yao, it’s my yellow spring, why not let it go?”

The sound of free and easy, the surrounding surrounds are arguing.

Not only are everyone curious. It is the strange color of the Emperor’s eyes.

As for the old geeks, although they endured violent anger, they heard that Zi Yao’s really isn’t Huang Quan, and the eyes of the taboos faded. In the underworld, in addition to the Emperor and Huang Quan, he is afraid of who is coming! Can sit on the third spot in the underworld. He is not relying on a mouth!

“Hey? I don’t know if I am a brother in the underworld. Can you let Huang Quan say something for him? Come out in person?” The sorrow of the Emperor’s mouth sneered.

The mighty momentum shrouded the audience, and the pitch-black star power came out thick, bringing out a shooting might. There are not only warnings but even threats in the voice. The rules are his, and he knows what will happen next.

The underworld rules, the same level. The party is qualified to compete for women!

If they are of different grades, they must be presented by the same class. For example, if you want to compete with a sinister old woman, you must be the other three of the Great Giants in the underworld to qualify.

Expert is respect!

Curious, also includes Zi Yao.

The head is covered with red cloth, but it does not block the line of sight. It is already dead. Zi Yao, who is preparing to be on the spot, is also suspending his plans. For her. Being able to drag a point is a point, allowing the mother to have more time to escape.

In addition, she is also resentful in the heart of Yin Ze.

At the moment, there is a mysterious expert to “grab the pro”, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger, and can drag enough time, why not?

His eyes are calm. For Zi Yao, it doesn’t matter who is going to grab the pro, because her heart is already dead, and there will be no feelings. Therefore, no matter how close the results are. Because before she officially becomes a husband and wife, she will be fragrant.

Maybe she can’t be with Big Brother Lin, but at least…

Her heart, her body, is always clear as ice and clean as jade.

This is the only thing she can do.

However, at this time, there was a sound in the void, and the Zi Yao flower was eclipsed and shocked on the spot.

“It’s me.” Calm and indifferent, Lin Feng slowly stepped out, black clothed, 粼粼Astral Qi pervaded in the body all around, killing intent. Bright light 咄咄 咄咄 瞥 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 阴 bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright bright

Right now, there are no more people.

“I am coming, Zi Yao.” Lin Feng said softly, his eyes flashed softly.

See the lovable body of Zi Yao lightly tremble, see the beautiful face after the red cloth, see the two lines of clear tears; see each other’s breath, the heartbeat rhythm, at this moment surroundings no more Can block this feeling, this kind of change.

Close at hand!

“Big Brother Lin…” lightly mumble, like a beautiful piece of music, screaming.

The red cloth gently picks up and goes with the wind, revealing the beautiful face of Zi Yao, the fascinating beauty of the wind, really worthy of the purple moon family number one beauty. The surroundings sounded awkward, and the eyes of countless Martial Artists were straight and silent.

Her beauty is not human.

It is not a genius, it does not belong to any other Martial Artist.

Right now, there is nothing more in the eyes of Zi Yao, only the human martial clothes in front of him, who are not astonishing but exudes the killing intent

Lin Feng !

The four eyes are opposite and the love is strong.

No need to say anything more, no need to explain anything.

The hearts of each other, even if they are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, have never gone away and never separated. The entire Palazzo Pluto seems to have only two people, the golden boy and the girllike match, from the eyes can see how deep love for each other. The sinister geek beside him, dressed in red, looks like a joke.

Especially the respect is more like a sly.

Right now, it has become a strange landscape.

“Oh?” Watched Lin Feng, the eyes flashed, with a bit of curiosity.

It is a strange face, but aura is Saint King Level. The most important thing is that he is indifferent to his warnings and threats. Looking at the underworld, he never seems to have seen these ‘characters’.

“Saint King’s first step?” Yinze old strange heart of the ponder, revealing disdain, but not in words.

However, the surroundings have already made a loud noise.

“This brat is really too long.”

“That is, the trifling Saint King Level is daring impudent, act recklessly.”

“Can’t say that, you haven’t seen the eyes of the bride Zi Yao, oh, a bitter life, it must have been forcibly broken up by the sinister old monster.”


“Why is this hard and hard?”

“That is, I don’t know if I know how to run so quietly.”

“You don’t feel weird. This kind of unrewarding thing doesn’t make sense. Huang Quan will insert a hand. He is not afraid of offending Yinze and there are still words to say, but he is not apologetic when the Emperor is present?”


A hot discussion.

At the moment, in the lamppost box, the people of Beibei Wang are watching this good show.

“Leaving, how do you convince Huang Quan to help this?” The secret plane is full of confusion.

“Yeah, Big Brother, although Huang Quan has a very close personal relationship with the master, but it is not reasonable to offend the Emperor to help Lin Feng. What the hell is going on?” The fruit was wide-eyed and curious.

From a faint smile, “It’s actually very simple, driving the wolf to the tiger.” The eyes of the deep pond look far away, away from the 蝉said resolutely, “Su Wen Huang Quan’s ambition is great, the ability is even superior, even if the Emperor deliberately devalues ​​him, Alienating him, but he still sat in the second position in the underworld, showing his ability.”

The real man and the fruit nodded thoughtfully.

“Compared with this, Yinze old blame lacks wisdom, although the strength is strong but easy to control, it is the left and right hand of the Emperor’s efforts to cultivate.” From the hustle and bustle, “The Emperor wants to use the Yinze old monster to balance Huang Quan, Huang Quan also I want to borrow the old genie of Yinze to stand up and the two sides have been fighting for a long time.”

“The key is not me, on the master.” From burning like gaze, “How to persuade Huang Quan is the most important thing.”

The celestial reality is instantaneous, muttered, “Really, this is a double-edged sword.”

Huang Quan came out with Lin Feng, and opposed the yin and grotesque in the air. According to the rules of the underworld, he represented his own reputation! If Lin Feng can win a big victory, defeat or kill the old genie, Huang Quan will drive the wolf to the tiger and make a lot of money. However, if Lin Feng loses, Huang Quan is also a gray face, and his reputation has plummeted.

The most important thing is that no matter the victory or defeat, the invisible line between him and the Emperor is already clear.

For Huang Quan, this is a very heavy weight of ‘gambling’.

Even, he is betting on the disadvantages.

“I know that you are not optimistic about Lin Feng.” Beibei Wang has his hands on his back, his vigorous white hair, and golden bones. “But now he has been guarded by the North Wind, it is a member of the North City, no matter what happens, We must all stand firm on his side, and…”

Stopped, Beibei Wang said, “His strength is far stronger than what you see.”

Some words, squatting, landing sound.

The celestial real person and the fruit are totally taken a glance, and the eyes are quite astonished and confused.

Lin Feng, very strong?

But I am afraid that I can’t be compared with the old geeks. You must know that the old genie of Yinze is one of the four Great Giants in the underworld, and its strength is not inferior to that of the North King! Compared with the departure of the “strongest city guard”, the Imperial City is even more successful.

If Lin Feng can fight against the old and the ugly, the strength is not better than the shackles, compared with the North Kings?

Maybe! ?

The away pupils of the pupils bloomed with a faint lustre, looking to the northern king, deep and strange, and the eyes fell to the far away, Lin Feng, full of thoughts.

“Human?” The Emperor spoke up.

“pay respects to the Emperor.” Lin Feng respects the ceremony, not humble.

In front of the super expert, there is a terrifying deterrent similar to the demon king, no need to guess that it is undoubtedly the Emperor. At the moment, although he is a avatar, the ‘soul’ is the soul of mankind. It is clear that the expert can use the expert to clear the sense.

“You are very raw.” The emperor ice-cold voice, the eyes are like arrows.

“Yes.” Lin Feng said truthfully.

In the eyes of the Emperor, the bright light flashed, and the eyes immediately fell on Huang Quan. The latter looked indifferent, as if the first time the Emperor had a question, with the slightest hesitation, “Human ‘Lin Yun’, the owner of the Southern Region Lin Feng’s younger brother, who recently joined me, became a new migh.”

In the face of the martyrdom of the Emperor, Huang Quan was at ease.

The two majors are opposite each other. At this moment, they use the Yinze blame and Lin Feng to fight against each other.

Infighting, the end is an upgrade.


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