
“Come and come, please come to the seat.

“Rare passengers, what kind of wind blows you brother, haha, please here~~”

“Come, not to bring guests to the VIP seats!”


Grandma, held in the largest Pluto Palace in the underworld, is full of excitement.

The loudest voice, the most joyous laugh is undoubtedly a man wearing a groom’s head, his face is awkward, the pitch-black skin is pitted, his face is muddy and heart-rending, according to human standards, I am afraid It’s too luxurious to describe it as ‘ugly’

It is completely disgusting!

However, no Martial Artist in the field reveals any inappropriate expressions, all of which are smiling faces, because the most important thing for men is not the face, but the reputation is status, but also strength.

He is the sinister old monster of one of the four Great Giants in the underworld.

The third spot in the underworld!

Touting, flattering is too late, whoever eats the bear heart leopard dare to offend the yin and grotesque, even if he is notorious, even if the long disgusting to the extreme, then what? As one of the love of the Emperor, the Yinze old monster has great strength and prestige, and its status even faint has threatened the second place in the underworld.

Huang Quan.

A man with long hair and long hair is not handsome, but the complexion is cold and exudes an indescribable temperament.

Huang Quan gives people a feeling of being ‘quiet’ compared to the rudeness of Yinze.

“haha, good Brother, you can come.” Yinze old blame opened his hands and saw Huangquan eyes could not help.

“Congratulations.” Slightly spit out two words, facing the enthusiasm of Yinze’s old blame, Huang Quan turned a blind eye, a flash of light in his hand, the gift box was immediately sent. Without waiting for the reaction of Yin and Lao, Huang Quan has turned and left. Even if I say a word, it seems to be superfluous.

Watched Huang Quan’s back, the shadow of the old sinister eyes flashed a bit of dark green color, bright light 咄咄.

However, it was only in an instant that it disappeared. The rest of the guests came in one by one, and the old geeks regained their smiles and were entertained. “Hey!~” Huang Quan’s figure falls lightly over the sky above the Palazzo Pluto. Outstanding, the watched sinister eyes also have a touch of bright light.

The two major experts are not harmonious.

Shua! ~ Several figures appear instantly.

It is a beautiful man dressed in armor, handsome as if it is not like a personal class, a blown skin can be compared to a girl, a pair of bright light translucent body pupils not only points out his squat, but also shows that it is terrifying The strength of the ‘soul’, behind this beautiful man, followed by the man man and female. It is also a beautiful beauty.

Purple Moon Family!

Loulan Martial Warrior, Zimanlou.

“haha, full of Brother, you can come too late.” Yinze old monster raised his eyes, laughed and greeted him.

“I don’t want to, just Loulan Wang has something to summon.” Zimanlou shrugged and looked around. Said with a slight smile, “At least catch up. At the moment, you should have a cup of tea time from the yinze brother’s marriage, it is not so good to come.”

Such as the smile of Mu Chunfeng, giving people a feeling of closeness, but the deep pupils of Zimanlou seem to contain many secrets.

“right, right, the time is still more.” Yinze grotesquely screamed, “Go. Go and see what Yao Yao is going to do.”

“Good.” Ziman Lou smiled slightly.

In the palace.

Zi Yao is still standing, purple dress, bright and moving look, like a fairy in the sky. Standing quietly, I didn’t move. As if the fairy was shackled. The eyes full of wisdom seem to be able to see through everything, the cherry small mouth is lightly closed, and it is tempting to apply a little powder.

“Oh!~” The door was pushed open, and the old sinister and the purple mansion walked side by side.

The two people who talked happily, like a family, have a different kind of amiable feeling.

Looking at Zi Yao, the dark and lizard-like portal pupils of the sinister screams instantly illuminate, swallowing, and the obscene color is unmistakable. On the other hand, Zimanlou did not have too many expressions, and still kept an indifferent smile, such as Zhizhu, and the deep eyes were like an Illusory Realm.

“My little Yao Yao, you are really charming~” Yinze old strange heart is big, swinging the body is close, the index finger moves.

“Please show respect, you and I have not yet got married.” Zi Yao is open, and the watched sinister look has not changed.

Even if the front is standing in the third place in the underworld, even if the Yin and the old blame kill her, it is easy, but Zi Yao has no fear of color.

Because her heart is very large and firm.

“Hey, what’s the relationship?” Yinze old blame sticks out the disgusting tongue, the mouth drops down, the dark green eyes are even more creepy, “Little Yao Yao, you are my person sooner or later, come Let me have a husband first.”

Chi! A bright light illuminates, and the sinister complexion changes instantly.

Of course, there is no murderous aura, but the masculine mans formed by Zi Yao’s fingertips on the fingertips, pointing to the throat.

Really isn’t The throat of the sinister old is her own.

The look is still the same, still so faint, calm, like a quiet purple orchid. That pair of beautiful busth pupils, with the perseverance that ordinary people do not have, has a firm principle in her mind, and a deep guardian existence.

“You!!” Yinze old strange face has some fierce, “I don’t believe you guys dare to commit suicide!”

Said, suddenly step forward, but almost instantly, the sinister old monster was pulled by Zimanlou, Zimanlou smiled and advised, “Yinze brothers need to be anxious, Yao Yao temper is a little bit stiff, rest assured, wait until big After marriage, what do you want?”

Tick, ticking!

The blood dripped down and the crystal blood of Zi Yao’s throat was dripping.

Still, Zi Yao’s complexion is still so calm.

The sinister and strange green eyes couldn’t keep flashing, picking up a touch of anger and fierce, and the ‘pā’ slammed the purple floor directly, turning his head and eyes. “You better not give me any bad pool, if not, don’t blame the old man for turning his face and not recognizing people.”

It’s changed when you change, and the ugly face is faster than flipping the book.

“I know.” Ziman Lou still smiled and nodded lightly.

“Hmph!” The tip of the nose is venting, the ugly face is like a convulsion, and then I look at Zi Yao. The watched faint sorrow is also a little taboo, muttering. “Smelly scorpion, really can be loaded.” foul-mouthed, but also take Zi Yao no way, Yinze blame has to leave, get a stomach.

Watched The back of the sinister old singer, the smile on the face of Zimanlou slowly disappeared. Turning his head to look at Zi Yao, the bright glow flashes.

“The wood has become a boat, why bother to do so.”

In the hands of the mangling slowly disappeared, the damage at the tip of the throat also healed in an instant, Zi Yao looked at the Zimanlou, said: “Where is my mother?”

The corner of the purple floor is smeared with a smile. “Good.”

“I have come by contract. You should also keep your promise and let my mother.” Zi Yao looks calm.

Ziman Lou smiled: “You are the wife of the future Giant in the underworld. How dare I put you under my house, and now she is eating well, living well, being swayed by the sinister sins.”

However, Zi Yao is still unmoved, just indifferently said, “There is still a cup of tea time.”

The bright glow in the eyes of Zimanlou flashed: “What do you mean by this?”

“You can’t see the mother, you don’t have to expect me to go to the big wedding.” Zi Yao sounds dull. It is a sound.

Zimanlou frowned: “I will say it again, I have already put your mother. It just happens that you are married, your mother is happy, and now I am having fun at the wedding party. I am very happy.”

However, Zi Yao’s eyes closed instantly.

Standing quietly, I don’t want to say anything more. Purple full floor complexion pause ugly.

The fists are pinched, and the purple mansion flashes a touch of cold light. With his position in Loulan, in the rule of the Ziyue family, it can be said to call the wind and summon the rain. But now even a small girl can’t make a decision. Zi Yao’s character is very clear. He said that he must do it. If he insists on taking this to threaten Zi Yao, I am afraid…

“I know.” Zimanlou’s eyes were cold, and then turned and left.

Right now, he has no choice to compromise.

The Palazzo Pole is packed.

A huge box, suspended from a high altitude, like a lamppost, is one of the special buildings of the Palazzo Pagoda, and requires an extremely high status to enter. At the moment, one of the lampposts is brightly lit.

Five figures, standing on the sidelines.

The one headed by the one with vigorous white hair and carrying his hands, the bus pupils are golden.

“I know, I am in trouble.” Beibei Wang closed the compass communicator and looked back at the crowd. His eyes finally fell on Lin Feng.

“Despicable and shameless!” The fruit rushed to flap the wings, and the pretty face was frosty.

“Oh, sin has been sin.” The real machine shook his head and sighed.

“Smell the purple man floor, this person is ambitious, and he has made an expert, but he does not want to climb the big tree of the old sinister sin. Even the forced marriage is so damaging to the yin.” The eyes are all looking at Lin Feng, but it is the real ‘protagonist’ at the moment, Lin Feng.

With a smile, Lin Feng complexion is calm.

Today, it is time to restore calm.

For myself, the current situation is poor, but at least Zi Yao is safe and sound, this is already the best news. As for Zi Yao, because Mother was arrested, she was forced to marry, which was as expected. With his own feelings and Zi Yao’s feelings, Zi Yao will not do anything to be sorry for himself.

She, inevitably in the case of extremely helpless and helpless, only have no choice to marry Yinze old monster.

“many thanks Sir.” Lin Feng nodded and said.

“Do your best.” Beibei Wang started talking, “What’s important, what are you going to do next?”

“Sir think?” Lin Feng eyes, he asked.

“Hard come, not worth the loss.” Beibei Wang said resolutely, “Even if you let Zi Yao, you may not come to the door of the underworld, Huang Quan has reminded me that this sinister old marriage, the Emperor will also attend, He has always been a chicken belly, and he will never report it, and he will never tolerate your sinful face.”

“So…” Lin Feng nodded.

“Only by softening, it is the right way.”

At this time, from the faint smile, slowly open, “If Lin brother does not disappoint, I have a plan, maybe … feasible.”

Lin Feng eyes lit up.


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