Chapter 12: The Underworld

The month is like a battle.

It took a lot of effort to enter, but it was forced to break a road, but it was very convenient when leaving.

Under the Patriarch ‘Ziyuan’ road, the turn around is like a place in the labyrinth, but in a short while it is bright. Lin Feng’s heart is moving, the way of the law is indeed wide-ranging and profound, and the real contact with the law is only known to the profound.

“哗~” The figure flashed, very fast leaving the moon.

Although it is already the fastest speed, it is inevitable that time is wasted a point.

“Go!” Ziyuan eyes bright, the first to relax, “I will open the Transmission Array when I stay, directly send you to the oasis closest to the underworld.” Stopped, Ziyuan seems to think of something, then the right hand throws light suddenly appear, Lin Feng reached out and took it, but it was a bloody jade.

“The blood crystal order is similar to the identity token function of the Imperial City.” Ziyuantou was introduced.

“many thanks.” Lin Feng’s eyes are just right, you’re welcome.

Indeed, this thing is likely to be used by itself.

“Hey hand.” Ziyuan sound calm, “Don’t worry, although there are less than half an hour, but time should be more than enough.” The sound fell in the ear, Lin Feng eyes bright, my heart is also clear, the previous scandal news is a little confused But now it is completely calm down.

Especially from the time when the moon came out, the power of the heavens and the earth shrouded, and the mood of the self was clear and calmed down.

Impulsive, anxious, and other negative emotions can’t solve the problem.

Even if you let yourself into the underworld, what?

The underworld is different from the purple moon.

“Even after the transformation, strength is extremely strong, of course…”

“Under the Confucianism, it is the three great imperial cities of Heavenly Spirit, which is the same as the Imperial City of Lou, the name of the Loulan Kingdom, not to mention the aloof and remote ‘the Emperor’, the single Great Giant in the underworld, which is equivalent to the strength of the imperial city. I will not necessarily win. Even if I can pass the sinister old monster, but it is his place after all!”

“Go in, think about it if you think about it.”


Lin Feng eyelid flickering. The heart is sinking.

Before, I made up my mind to avenge Zi Yao, so I rushed out everything, killing it quickly, and then letting others say it later.

At the moment, since Zi Yao is safe and sound, then its primary goal should be to save Zi Yao, and then revenge, the difference between the primary and the second. Single handed, of course, can force the purple moon family. Take an enemy, but can’t call the wind and summon the rain in the underworld.

Self-confidence does not mean complacency.

My own strength, I am very clear, and the avatar is only strong enough to reach the level of the Quartet.

If you have the Emperor River now. The power of the Yaozu Commander is so beautiful that there is no need to worry about where to go. Even if the single handed is powerful, it can also shake the crowd and bring Zo Yao back. But at the moment, there is no such ability to rely defying.


Lin Feng’s heart is in utter disappointment.

“It is here.” Purple Yuan landed.

In front. There is already a certain ‘age’ Transmission Array that looks quite simple and unadorned.

Lin Feng landed and looked calm. He arrived here from the moon and spent only a few tens of seconds. The pure time of nearly half an hour is still abundant. Zi Yao is married next day. Then this half hour is the real time, and you can make full use of the time.

If you use it properly and plan your plan calmly, then this half hour…

Very useful.

“pā !” “pā !” Ziyuan is skilled in operation, and the Transmission Array instantly lights up a white awn. Flashing color.

Waiting for the input transmission coordinates, there is a voice behind the ground. “I have to go back to the Imperial City.” Purple Yuan startedled, turned his head, and it was Lin Feng, complexion, and slowly stepped into the Transmission Array, the light in the eye. Radiate all around, firm and persistent.

“I understand.” Ziyuan nodded and said, the heart understands that as a Patriarch, he has a few brushes.

Very fast Enter the coordinates, when the white light flashes, Lin Feng disappears.

“It seems that things are getting bigger and bigger.” Ziyuan lightly mumble, shook his head.

Pondered in one’s heart, the purple brows are slightly clustered, for a long time, it is lightly sighed, “I know that Zi Yao has such a husband, why do you have to do so many things, right now… the two ends are not at the shore.” Helpless, Ziyuan bitter face, do not want to think so much, even if it is back to Tribe.

Everything, wait until tomorrow.

Tribe, there is a mess waiting for him to clean up.


This is one of the three great imperial cities of Heavenly Spirit, which is the same as the Imperial City of Lou and the Loulan Kingdom.

The three imperial cities, surrounded by the triangle of the Wuzu Orthodox Center ‘Zu Wu Dian’, are inextricably linked with the Wu people. On the strength, the underworld and the Emperor City, Loulan Kingdom is not much different, the three major imperial cities have the existence of ‘Sovereign’.

The Emperor of the Imperial City, the Loulan Emperor of Loulan Kingdom and the Emperor of the Underworld are the three emperors of Heavenly Spirit, whose strength is unpredictable.

In fact, there are also people who can see the Three Emperors. After all, unlike the Witch and the Yao, the Heavenly Spirit is completely neutral and the power is loose. The Battle Spirit World dispute Heavenly Spirit will not participate, disdain and can not participate at all. .

In the Imperial City, under the Emperor’s Emperor, the Quartet was the King of the Four Kings.

In the underworld, the power under the Emperor is controlled by the Four Great Giants. Unlike the Emperor City, there are no four major cities in the East, South, West, and North. The power is also concentrated in the jurisdiction of the Emperor. There is a big difference between ignoring the world.

The Four Great Giants in the Underworld, each with their own strengths, each has their own duties.

The sinister old blame is responsible for the jurisdiction of the ‘security’, but the experts who enter and exit, the disputes in the underworld, are within his jurisdiction. Among the four Great Giants, on the power of duty, he was able to sit on the third spot in the underworld, second only to Emperor Huang and Huang Quan.

Therefore, this big marriage can be described as a sensation in the city.

A brightly lit, very lively.

The nights of the underworld are usually dark and invisible, but the world is insignificant, but today is a big difference. There are crowds of people on the street, countless Martial Artists rushing in the streets, walking along the crowd, telling each other, laughter and joy, and the air is filled with joy and joy.

Not long after, it was the day of the great glory of one of the four Great Giants in the underworld.

How can it not be sensational!

You must know that the old genie is the third place in the underworld, and both power and strength are the existence of 1st grade. It is normal for him to ignore you, but if he is married, it will not appear. It’s hard to keep the old geeks from remembering and hating your heart and giving you trouble.

Therefore, despite the poor reputation of Yinze’s old geeks, the Martial Artist who came to the wedding was quite a lot.

But wherever Saint Level is above. All are qualified to come to the ceremony, and even the Imperial City, Loulan Kingdom has a lot of experts to come, just to congratulate the old geek.

“It’s only been less than ten years. I didn’t expect the old geeks to marry a new wife.”

“There is nothing, people have this ability, the Ming media is already good, the underworld does not know how many women are squandered by the sinister sins, just to give some money, some are even directly smashed, bred about one’s own destruction.”

“Hey! Little voice. You don’t want to die. This kind of thing dare to say.”

“Afraid of what, sinister old blame, this thing is broken, who knows no one, he, he often used to show off.”


“I heard that this wedding is not simple.”

“Yeah. Even one of the four buildings of the Loulan Kingdom will come to visit and attend in person.”

“That’s not true. It is said that there are many secrets hidden behind the marriage. Otherwise, the bride Zi Yao is a member of the Ziyue family, and the Ziyue family is quite famous in the Loulan country, how can they marry into the underworld. It’s just that these major events are not something we can know.”

“En, some things still don’t know.”


Discuss the sound bursts.

The crowds are rushing to where the big marriage is.

A lively and bustling street, where you can see the ugly old monsters and this sensational marriage. Among them, an inconspicuous black figure, mixed in the crowd. It looks calm, but in the eyes it is bright light burning, transmitting a terrifying aura.

Cold, with murderous aura.

The underworld, a quiet hall.

In the dark. With a point of aura, wide and boundless.

In the dead of night, only the candlelight flashed quietly, and thousands of paper cranes hung in the main hall. The light breeze blew, and the sound of the bell sounded crisp, making people feel calm. The faint light shines from a huge crystal cymbal, white and clear, exuding the cold aura.

In front of the crystal cymbal, a woman dressed in a purple clothed skirt, folded her hands and closed her eyes.

Without the use of powder, it is as dazzling as the stars in the sky, and the beauty is at its best.

It is Zi Yao!

Maintaining the position of ‘Blessing and Practicing’ for nearly three days, Zi Yao does not move, the soft skin is light and lustrous, the beautiful face has a firm, slightly pale, sincere blessing, The peace of mind.

“I’m sorry.” Gently open, Zi Yao opened his eyes, and flickering.

Watched The huge crystal cymbal in front, Zi Yao beautiful eyes flashing, since muttered, “If you are not me, you will not die.”

“Things start with me and will end because of me.”

“I owe you, I will give you back very fast.”

“Time is coming.”

Xu stood up, Zi Yao beautiful eyes flickering.

In the mind, a figure emerges, unforgettable, clear and natural memory, close your eyes, lick your lips, and Zi Yao crisps up and down, teardrops. Even if she is strong again, after all, it is a generation of women, and the depths of her heart are so soft.

“Sorry, Big Brother Lin.”

“Is Zi Yao sorry for you, contrary to the promise.”

“If there is an afterlife, Zi Yao will serve you for the rest of his life and compensate for the sin of this life.”


Weeping gently, as if I felt something, Zi Yao looked up and looked out of the hall.

At this moment, several auras are slowly approaching, and the beautiful eyes are with a bit of reluctance, but the bright light is slightly flashing, and the heart is firm. Zi Yao deeply called took a deep breath, the mood was calm and flat, wiped away the tears, and Zi Yao walked slowly, and walked slowly toward the door of the temple.

“Big Brother Lin, you can rest assured.”

“Zi Yao is your heart, body, forever and ever, and it belongs to you alone. It is your unique Zi Yao.”

“This situation, it is not dead.”

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