Chapter 33, Chapter 7

The seventh volcanic eruption!

The ultimate element of fire spreads in the air.

“xiu!” Lin Feng slammed down from the sky and landed on the ground. Despite having the guardianship of the red dragonfly and the existence of the ‘fixed fire pearl’, there is no need to fear these ‘ordinary’ flames, but more than one thing is less.

Nothing is reluctant, no need.

“It seems…somewhat different.” Lin Feng eyes.

Looking around all around, it’s been a tenth second since I came out of the volcano, but the volcanic eruption has not yet begun. The previous six volcanic eruptions only bloomed in an instant, but this time the volcano is still accumulating strength, the magma continues to flow from the volcanoes, and the earth is shocked by the people.

“Because the formation has just recovered?” Lin Feng brows lightly.


Lin Feng vetoed instantaneously.

The energy of the Flame Mountain only acts as a suppressor, and really isn’t destroying the entire array. Once the energy of the Flame Mountain disappears, the array naturally starts the cycle. If it is because of the relationship of the Flame Mountain, it is undoubtedly too far-fetched. The bigger possibility is that –

This seventh volcanic eruption is very ‘subtle’.

“It takes a lot of effort to get it.”

“The more you pay, the more you get.”

“No, it’s coming.”

Lin Feng smiled lightly, with a slight smile in his face.

A little bit scared, opportunities and danger coexist, the more dangerous, the more unusual, the more you prove yourself now… the closer to the truth!


Heavenly Thunder moves.

It took thousands of seconds to save the first volcano.

The aura of the sultry flame is condensed in the air, far better than the previous six times. If you use the spear technique to compare, the previous six times are to win with ‘fast’, this time with ‘force’ to win! Overwhelming pressure. The richness of the flame is almost condense solid, far more than ten times stronger than the previous Flame Energy.


Fundamentally strengthened flames of strength.

“Curious.” Lin Feng has a bright eye.

The heart is clear, this is really isn’t what secret skill, nine out of ten is because of the array.

Taking the power of the array as the axis, if the first six volcanic eruptions are a gradual process. So now…it’s the end of the game, the final battle. Strength strength, the first six volcanic eruptions are added ten times, not far behind!

Hōng lóng!

boom! boom! boom!

The sky, the earth changes and shakes, as if the big End is approaching.

The whistling flame came from all directions. As a fireworks bloom, the beautiful flaming colors make the surroundings all inferior.

“Hey?” Lin Feng eyes is bright, high and steep.

“Sure enough.”

“This time, it seems to be prepared.”

Lin Feng lightly said.

Sense is very clear.

The previous flame strength is a purposeless chaos attack, even if the sixth strongest volcanic eruption of the might. Thousands of volcanoes erupted together, but the real ‘harm’ to themselves was limited. The farther away, the weaker the attack might.

But this time, the Fireball was overwhelming and seemed to be ‘targeting’ itself.

It seems that someone is manipulating in general and quite accurate.

“Interesting array.” Lin Feng slightly smiled.

Change to yourself when you first entered here. I am afraid that it is already a mess, and the energy is strengthened like a sharp flame. The strength of the red dragonfly may not be able to stop it. But now, not only with no difficulty, Hung Hom is even more excited!

The stronger the intensity of the fire, the stronger the purity and the might, the more benefit the red dragonfly!

“Hey!~” The red dragonfly of the snake body, the body shines the severe light, in a blink of time, the body becomes much larger, and the long body of the giant dragon is condensed with the body of the snake. Quickly set up, the eyes of the fiery red bright glow 粼粼 flashing.

“It is greedy.” Lin Feng smiled.

I seem to live in a sealed room, the red scales will wrap themselves, and the aura is not transparent.

Complete guardian!

Peng! Peng! Peng!

The landslide broke and the volcano broke out completely.

Comes from all directions of rapidly rush forth. The trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood seems to blast everything. As Lin Feng expected, all the volcanic energy is like a transmission, so that the strength of the fire is confined to the extreme, one piece is passed, one piece is passed, and finally it is turned into a fire like a meteor, and it falls down in all directions.

There are no dead ends.

For any Martial Artist, the first thing to consider now is —


This strength is already far from the load of the Exceeding Star Territory Level Martial Artist.

Moreover, the slightly minded Martial Artist can see that this is just a prelude, and the current volcanic eruption is completely different from before. All the strengths, like a burst of brains, straight to the only goal!

Resisting is the most stupid way.

The resistance to the defense in place is even more stupid.

But Lin Feng chose a way to be so stupid.

“Hey!~” bright light is brilliant.

The red dragonfly made a loud noise, and it was really injured, but it was the ultimate excitement.

After upgrading to Saint Level, the normal flame strength is almost no help for her, but now this flame strength goes beyond the Star Territory Level to the Saint Level category. The first time the flames blew, the red 绫 绫 全 全 全 , , , , , , , 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收


Quite cool.

“Boom!” “Boom!~” The flames fell like a meteor.

The red body flashes the fiery red light, which is constantly absorbed and enjoyable.

At this time, Lin Feng is also the main calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. The corner of the mouth is faintly smiling, and the comfort is hidden in the guardian of the fiery red scales of the red dragonfly. The semi-ignited strength is not felt. With the strength of today’s Hung Hom, these Flame Energy are strong, but still within the scope of absorption.

As long as the ‘quality’ is not exceeded, the ‘quantity’ does not matter much.

Of course, this law is very fast and is broken.

“No, Hung Hom Aura is a bit confusing.” Lin Feng, who was lightly standing, opened his eyes and moved his heart.

The time it took to burn one stick of incense In the past, the eruption of the volcano was the most white-hot stage. Lightly purse one’s lip Lips, Lin Feng closes his eyes again, and the sense is clearly spread all around through the red dragonfly, just like wearing a pair of eyes in the same sky. Everything is in my eyes.

“This…” Lin Feng was shocked.

The scene at this time is quite different from before.

Like End is approaching, with the sky, the number of fireballs is hard to predict, and tens of thousands of crazy fall. In almost every moment, there are hundreds of fires that are slamming on the red dragonfly, and all have the strong strength of strength.

Can’t absorb it!

Red dragonfly. Saturated!

Really isn’t true saturation, but saturation in the moment.

It’s too late to absorb.

“This really isn’t red 绫 body flame, she needs to transform to form her own strength.”

“If Flame Energy is ordinary, the transformation is naturally fast; and these Flame Energy are not only fine, but the number is so huge, no wonder.”

Lin Feng’s secret thought. Fully understand.

The red dragonfly is also very stubborn, and even if it is injured and hard, it will not fall back half a step.

But this, really isn’t good.

“Red dragonfly, give me a gap.” Lin Feng lightly said.

The voice fell and there was no pause. Almost in an instant, the red dragonfly body slightly moved, revealing a fiery red gap.

That is the color of the flame!

“Hey!” Lin Feng both eyes are bright.

Lightly stepped on the neck of the red dragonfly, the light in the hand glimmers and shines.

Set the fire pearl!

“Come.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

After experiencing the absorption of the energy of the Flame Mountain, I have a little understanding of this defensive pearl. Its absorption is indeed terrifying, and the rate of absorption is also terrifying. The only drawback is that the absorption area is not large. For example, if you lift yourself now, you can only protect the area of ​​the head.

However, the world will be perfect.

This is enough now.

“丝!~” “咝!!~” in a blink of time,within the sky The fallen Fireball is like being sucked by a magnet, and instantly enters the flame of the fire, and the blink of an eye disappears without a shadow. Even the powerful energy of the flame mountain can be absorbed by the flame, let alone these ‘ordinary’ flames?

Even if it is ten times as fine as a hundred times, these flames are far from being comparable to Flame Mountain’s Flame Energy.

And red dragonfly. Suddenly the pressure is light.

Although Lin Feng absorbs most of the flames, there is still a small part left for her, but it is just right. Within the limits of her ability, these equal amounts of flame can absorb and transform in a blink of time, not only hurting themselves. It can be quickly transformed into energy, enrich the body and strengthen recovery.

Time, slowly passing.

With the entry of Lin Feng and the Pearl of the Fire, the whole situation is completely stabilized.

In fact, even if there is no red 绫 ‘help’, this most stupid way can easily solve this big crisis. Even if strength is strong, it has a world of difference with the flame mountain, and the most important thing is –

Set the fire pearl, too abnormal!

“It seems that it is coming to an end.” Lin Feng stood on the red scorpion, slightly looking up, his eyes bright.

The speed and efficiency of the flames have fallen by more than one grade. From the beginning to the “gao chao”, and then from the “gao chao” slowly, now, as the sun sets, the seventh volcanic eruption finally ends. boom! boom! The number of fireballs is getting scarcer, and Lin Feng is increasingly looking forward to it.

Intuition tells myself that the secret of this semi-independent space is about to come out!

What will it be?

“Peng!” The last flame turned into nothingness.

The whole space seems to be still at this moment, and Lin Feng’s eyes are like starlight.

When –

“pā !” “pā !” “pā !” The sound of change is ringing. Lin Feng was shocked, watched four surroundings, and the huge volcano that I saw was bursting in an instant. Really isn’t disappear, but turned into a tiny spot of light, like a firefly flying over the top of his head.

“Hey?” Lin Feng raised his head and was curious.

The vision that has never been seen is presented a little bit in front of itself.

In the distance, the light spots from near to far, from slow to fast, constantly converge on top of their heads, as if they were absorbed by the strength. One point, a little gathering, the light spots are dazzling like stars, more and more shining, so that your own heart is more and more shocking.

“That is!!!” Lin Feng eyes are completely shining.

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