Chapter 34—Broken 70% St.

A bright spot of light echoes the faint jewel of the fire in his hand.

Heartbeat, puff like acceleration, it seems to be a feeling of Heavenly Dao coming, is the key to the door in front of him.

Everything is inferior, and the entire semi-independent space is empty. All the volcanoes, flames, and even the entire space contain ‘Dao of Strength’, ‘The Way of Fire’. Every spiritual qi is turned into this light spot, and it is all over the place. Above the space.

Its existence is dazzling.

At this moment, it seems as if the light of the flames of the fire is covered.

“Hey!~” The twilight point is slowly falling, as if it was a rare treasure. Lin Feng’s birth pupils flashed with strange luster, gaze this light point, as if there is something implicated, attracted, he seems to be able to see through the light, see through it all…

this is? !

“The way of the king of the king?” Lin Feng in the mind inexplicably emerged from this word, even he felt shocked.

But in an instant –

“I understand.” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright.

“The way of the king of the king does not necessarily exist in the spiritual qi, it is not necessarily an invisible existence.”

“Maybe… it’s hiding here!”

As the heart moved, Lin Feng slowly extended his right hand.

The movement is very gentle and supple, but with the ultimate heartbeat, I want to hold this light in my hand.

It feels very deep, and it seems to stop at this moment.

Slowly, slowly approaching.

Chi! A collection of light spots like nothing, no entity.

But that is the existence of ‘tangible’.

Lin Feng’s hand did not catch this shining, but it seemed to penetrate a film, touch the password and open the Secret of Heavenly Dao. The body seems to be transparent. The whole person is connected with the right hand to form a vein, which is like entering a deep state.

The heart is moving!

“Hey!” The eyes are completely bright, and Lin Feng both pupils shine.

“What is this strength…” completely shocked. Lin Feng feels that his own smallness is like entering the place where the sky is soaring. Surroundings Everything disappears, and it seems to be covered by light, covered by heaven and earth.

In the void, the vague and awkward shadows are shining.

The presence of a high-altitude behemoth, like a bird, is full of fiery red feathers, and the high-pitched voice stuns the heart and lungs. It’s the pair of fiery red’s booth eyes, as if you can see through all the strengths, full of the ultimate killing aura, in a blink of time ——

Peng! Lin Feng’s huge earthquake.

The way to kill!

The ultimate killing strength. Quench everything terrifying.

“Hey!~” The eyes are bright and the four eyes are opposite. Lin Feng is completely absorbed. Just like the entrance of consciousness, as if I saw the fire, I saw the bright glow in the killing arrogance. The powerful strength that you have.

“Hey!” “Hey!” Both pupils were burnt, but there was no pain.

This kind of strength, there is no harm to yourself, but it is like a kind of light that will illuminate yourself, and the within the sky will be bright. The majestic arrogance came out, as the sky opened a door, and its own consciousness, soul, and even the eyes shining like the baptism of this pound of strength.

Nothing, quiet.

Time, stop at this moment.

It is an instant, the huge strength is full of rich aura, completely surrounded by himself.

The power of heaven and earth!

“This is the feeling of breakdown…”

“Inspire the power of heaven and earth.”

Lin Feng lightly mumble, sense the dramatic changes in the whole person.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” The body seems to be immersed in the sun, puff like growing up, like a bath. At this point, the strength in the Phoenix Destiny Chart is completely blooming, and the full-filled star repair is experiencing rapid fluctuations.

Different ways of saints breakthrough, the power of the heavens and the earth is different, and the strength is different.

The stronger the Star Territory Level, the stronger the path of the Holy One, the stronger the strength after the breakthrough, the more terrifying the strength, which is a proportional relationship.

And breaking 70% holy, can motivate the power of the heavens and the earth –

It is the biggest limit!

“Boom!~” Like the top of the pot, Lin Feng’s eyelids are completely radiant.

It is a kind of intrusion, it is a kind of strength, and 70% is broken. It is not only in the legend, but also truly recorded and has the mystery of existence! Any Martial Artist, once broken 70% St., his special bones, special eyelids will be completely transformed!

This is also why Qian Youhuang seeks hard and continues to endure.

Breaking 70% St., can determine the upper limit of a Martial Artist!

The body is shaking.

The blood is flowing fast.

Every inch of skin, every bone, every cell…

Everything is subject to the baptism and change of the power of heaven and earth. The biggest change, the most profound change is the ‘both pupils’, wrapped in heaven and earth, as if entering the aura of the great bird, it is not like the Phoenix’s flame, its flame… already solidified , forming a real state, forming the feathers of the piece outside the body.

Beautiful and powerful.

Every part of the body seems to contain strength and has the strongest ‘Dao’.

Infiltrating all this, into the body, the light of the gathering of Lin Feng’s heart, as if returning to the beginning of life, the stars and stars are soaked in a huge container, and some of the containers are not Flame, but –

A profound ‘day of the road’.

Give, change.

“This is breaking 70% St.”

“The strongest sanctification of strength, the most complete giving and changing…”

Lin Feng is lightly mumble.

All the time, the bottleneck and film that I couldn’t cross over, the first moment I saw the giant tits was broken, and the stars and the stars went up to the seventh floor, just like walking forward. A small step, that feeling, too easy.

Today, it is sprinting to the eighth floor.

In the huge container, influenced by the ‘Tianzhidao’, every moment, the strength of the portal pupils is increasing sharply.

Very fast, very full, but not satisfied.

“strength, this is the real strength!” Lin Feng’s heart is moving, the clear insight is the giants strength. Greedy and crazy absorption. But for yourself, the strength and strength improvement is really the best harvest, and the real gain is often the invisible existence.

for example……

The tits this terrifying the strength.

Different from the master Lei Wei. The strength of the Great Finch is a real real presence, far exceeding the Saint Level. Saint King Level. My own avatar has already reached Saint Level, so it is no stranger to Saint Level, but after Saint Level? After the Saint King Level, which exists in the legendary Starry Sky Expert, what about?

I don’t know.

It looks like a long but dark road, and you can’t see the end.

But now, the goal at the end is suddenly appear.

that’s it!

“The strength of the real Starry Sky Expert.”

“Great and powerful!”

Lin Feng is like a newborn baby, and everything is in sight.

The peace of mind. Fully concentrated, even if it is only a short time, there are all kinds of benefits.

Regardless of strength or thought, it is slowly undergoing transformation.

Three days later.

“Hey!~” A strong spatial fluctuation occurred.

It is the cultivating of the tensivating emperor that instantly opens his eyes. The elegant and elegant clothing of her fairy life, if not eating fireworks. Xu Xu got up, the dynamic pupil pupils watched the space change, a familiar figure slowly appeared.

Lin Feng.

The face of the thousand love kings faded, and a faint smile appeared. “came back.”

“En.” watched The beautiful woman in front of her eyes, Lin Feng is also a light smile, four eyes look at each other have a familiar and warm feeling, no wandering. The experiences that are common to each other are inconsistent. Has long been a friend of life and death.

“Your eyes…” The beautiful eyes of the thousand loves are beautiful, quite surprised.

Lin Feng did not speak, Lin Feng’s surprised expression in a blink of time changes, smiled, “Congratulations.”

“It seems that my luck is really better.” Lin Feng slightly smiled.

“Not necessarily.” Thousand Lovers have a playful squint and squint.

“Hey?” Lin Feng watched.

It seems that the strength of Qianshuanghuang has not changed much.

Obviously, this time she entered the truly isn’t essential change, but… what did she get?

Qianshuanghuang smiled, lightly said, “There is a way for you to explore for me. The next time you get into the ‘King of the Kings’ will be a lot easier. Isn’t it better for me?”

The sound fell in the ear, and Lin Feng couldn’t help but smile.

Also, even though I got the way of the king, the whole space was broken.

But this is only the evolution of the formation. It is like these ‘volcanoes’. In fact, they are just the evolution of energy. The existence of the way of the King of the Kings has turned into a test and a tribulation. With the entry of the second time of the thousand love kings, everything will return to its original form, of course, except for the array of battles.

Although the entire array is changing, the composition of the array will not change. The Qianghuang Emperor will get the king of the king. With his own experience, it will become very easy.

“Right, I have something to ask you.” Lin Feng snorted.

“Oh?” Thousands of beautiful eyes flashed, “What?”

Lin Feng nodded lightly, “about… in the battle.”

“Really?” Qianshuanghuang was shocked to cover the small mouth. Rao was very knowledgeable, but now she is completely shocked. The beautiful face reveals the startled expression, it is very cute, and it takes a long time to react. Watched Lin Feng is like watching a monster.

“So… this is really a battle.” Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully, blindly clear.

I was affirmed by the Qianghuang Emperor, and the doubts in my heart were completely solved. Just as I guessed it, this ‘Dinghuo Pearl’ has quite a shocking origin.

According to the words of the thousand love kings, the existence in the array is called ‘heaven defying’.

“I thought my luck was good enough. I couldn’t think of it…” Qianlianhuang bit his lip and his heart was scornful. Watched Lin Feng had a complicated look, but he had a bit of brilliance. “But even let me In the battle of the array, there is no such strength to get the treasure.”

In the heart, there is a lot of complicated feelings.

From childhood, she is a dragon and a phoenix. No one of her peers can match her half.

But now, there is finally a person who is more than half inferior to her, but it is even better!

“How are you ready?” Lin Feng smiled at the watched thousand love king.

“Oh?” Thousands of love contempt.

“Enter the way to get the ‘King of the Kings.'” Lin Feng gently opened, leaving forty-eight flame feathers, just enough to let the thousand love kings enter again. As for myself, this time I have already gained a lot, and it’s just a icing on the cake. It doesn’t make much sense.

Nodded slightly, Qianghuang watched Lin Feng, beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance, “many thanks you, Lin Feng.”

“Polite.” Lin Feng smiled lightly.

“Boom!” Once again, the light of the power of the squadron is guarded.

Lin Feng watched Thousands of love, the goodbye, with that light flashing away, the entire space to restore peace.

“Call!~” sighed with a sigh of relief, and Lin Feng’s face showed a faint smile.

It’s time to leave.

Return to Battle Spirit World.

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