Chapter 32 has been waiting for a long time


The destruction of balance.

Because of the eruption of the Flame Mountain, the energy of the flames scattered and scattered, completely destroying the entire semi-independent space. It is like a precise equipment, which was able to run stably before, cycle, but with the entry of some other metal impurities, the equipment is paralyzed.

In particular, this semi-independent space, originally in its own hypothesis, is the existence of an ‘array’.

What is the array?

With a fixed architecture, it is more rigorous than mechanical.

This is far better than the entry of the ordinary volcano Flame Energy, enough to completely destroy the entire array. Therefore, after that, I can no longer trigger the secret here. Lin Feng smiles lightly, and the doubts in my heart are instantly disappeared, such as the dark clouds are completely clear.

Red dragonfly can’t absorb it.

Her absorption of the flame does not matter much, but the ‘quality’ must be within her ability to load.

This flaming mountain energy is so powerful, even if it is only a little bit, it also has powerful energy. It doesn’t matter to itself, but it can’t be digested by Hung Hom. It’s like a big stomach king. It doesn’t matter if you eat more food, but can you eat metal or ore?

The puzzle is finally cracked.

“Call!~” Lin Feng was relieved and sighed in relief.

However, new problems are emerging again.

How to deal with the energy of these flaming mountains?

Obviously, the ‘array’ of this semi-independent space has not been destroyed, and only need to remove these Flame Energy, and then the opportunity will be self-evident.

“Try it.” Lin Feng has a slight eyelid.

Volcanic bottom.

“Red Dragonfly, is the energy of this Flame Mountain only available at the bottom?” Lin Feng asked.

The confirmation of this point is very important.

If the energy of the Flame Mountain is everywhere, you are powerless and powerless.

“Yes, Master.” Hung Hom. “Only the bottom of these volcanoes is there, and the original flames merge into each other.”

Lin Feng nodded.

Although I don’t know how this array of space works, it is clear that the flame mountain energy that penetrates into the land now enters the depths of these ordinary volcanoes. How the process is not important, the result is known. The task at hand is –

Clear these flame mountain energy!

There is only one method.

“Fire of Devour.” Lin Feng blinked.

Driven by the way of the Holy One, the Fire of Devour appears instantly in both hands.

The rich flames, full of powerful devour strength, are quite different from the red devour. Even if the Flame Mountain is strong, its Fire of Devour can devour, but it takes time. Hey! Hey! The fire is shining, and the Fire of Devour blooms might, instantly absorbing the magma at the bottom of the volcano.

Ten seconds.

One hundred seconds.

Thousand seconds.

Time is constantly passing.

“Good energy.” Lin Feng’s big shock.

Although my sense is not enough. But absorbing and refining can be clearly sensed, quite powerful energy! Even if it is only a little bit, it will be more than a hundred times more devour than other Flame Energy, just like a hard bone.

“No wonder the red dragonfly can’t absorb it.” Lin Feng said.

This energy is too strong!

After half an hour…

“Hey!~” The fire disappeared, and the Fire of Devour seemed to have a faint joy, and it was a full meal. However, Lin Feng did not have a happy expression on his face, instead he was deeply dignified. Bright light The burning eyes are staring at the empty magma at the bottom of the volcano, and the heart sinks to the bottom of the valley.

Half an hour!

Look at it. Time is not long.

I am able to fully absorb energy and improve Fire of Devour strength.


This is just one of the volcanoes!

“There are nearly 10,000 volcanoes that combine the energy of the Flame Mountain?” Lin Feng shook his head.

Perhaps this volcano is near the central region, and the Flame Mountain has a lot of energy, but even if it doesn’t take half an hour, even an average of a quarter of an hour. Average a cup of tea time, how long does this nearly 10,000 volcanoes have to absorbing and refining themselves?

At least for a few months!

It’s a year and a half.

Far exceeding your own load range.

Shake his head, Lin Feng lightly sigh, his brows are slightly clustered.

Is there any other way?

To absorb like Fire of Devour, it takes months or even a year and a half. I would rather not have this ‘opportunity’ or ‘treasure’ because the uncertainty is too great. It takes time, but it costs nothing on the results that may not be necessary, but it doesn’t make sense.

When do you want to make a mistake or not?

Even if you get the treasure, it is like the inexplicable parchment that Qian Youhuang got, or it is not used by himself.

“If you can absorb it, then you can.” Lin Feng looked at Hung Hom, but smiled helplessly.

With the absorption rate of red scorpion, these magma can be swallowed by her for more than ten seconds, but she can’t swallow the energy of the flame mountain.

The world will be perfect.


“I wonder if this fire pearl will help?”

Lin Feng slammed his eyes.

I didn’t know it before, but as far as Hung Hom’s words are concerned, the energy of this defensive pearl is exactly the same as the energy of the Flame Mountain!

Maybe it will be useful?

Then enter another volcano.

Lin Feng eyes flashes and takes out the flame.

“Hey!” The heart is very familiar, and the feeling of deep heartfelt feeling came again. Lin Feng smiled lightly. Before I studied this defensive pearl, I found out that I was holding this defensive pearl with my body and body. Different.

The avatar is only a weak familiar feeling.

The ontology is the touch of the heart.

But that’s it.

Except for the familiar feeling, there is no other role, so I will earn it after the study that day.

Is this time? !

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” The feeling of heartbeat is very familiar. Lin Feng instantly enlarges the pound pupils. This ultimate sense of power is completely unseen. At this moment, I seem to be integrated with the flame of the Pearl, in the mind seems to have a fuzzy figure, sorghum cry!

what happened? !

Lin Feng was completely shocked.

Not yet reacted, in a blink of time, the flames have already shined.

“Hey!” “咝!!~” seems to have endless appeal, and the flames of the fire are bright. The flame of the magma, even with the energy of the flame mountain, rushed straight into the blink of an eye. Lin Feng felt a little stunned and had not yet had time to react. The flame of the flame had been absorbed quickly.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

“pā !” The light of the flame of the fire, dimmed down.

However, Lin Feng is already a watched picture. Shocked like a stone sculpture.


A large piece of magma is instantly empty.

No way?

Lin Feng’s mouth is slightly faint, and it is hard to believe. If you don’t see it yourself, you can’t believe it. I need to refining devour for half an hour, that is, it takes more than ten seconds for the red dragonfly to absorb the magma flame. The flame of the fire is only less than three seconds, and it will be exhausted!

What kind of astonishing.

The most important thing is that it has nothing to change!

“Heavens.” Lin Feng recovered. Can not help but shake his head.

Too incredible!


“I like it.” Time, the startled look on Lin Feng’s face turned into a smile, and his heart was very happy.

Although I don’t know what is going on in this defensive pearl, but at the moment, is this important?

“Three seconds.”

“Plus the time of entry, an average of six seconds.”

“With 10,000 volcanoes, it takes nine hours to completely remove the energy of the Flame Mountain!”

Lin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

All the difficulties are solved. There are no obstacles anymore.

Perfect execution!

Lin Feng stood on the back of the red dragonfly, and the flame of the fire was shining in his hand. Maximize efficiency.

After becoming a saint, the speed of the red dragonfly is not as good as the metamorphosis of the body, but it is better than the body. Moreover, for this flame mountain energy, only the red dragonfly can sense, and she leads the way. Program. It can save a lot of effort.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” The flame is quickly absorbed, and Lin Feng has a slight bright clear.

Quite a strange fire ball.

I tried it later, and I used the flame of the fire to absorb the flame. Instead, I could repel the flame like in the Flame Mountain; but use the flame to use the flame. Not only the sense of the heart is strong, it is easier to absorb the flame.

Obviously, this defensive pearl is more “good” to the Fire Spirit Master.

“Hey!” “Hey!” The flame is constantly absorbed.

However, there is still no change in the flame of the Pearl, even if it absorbs so many Flame Energy, it still looks so ‘ordinary’. But this time, Lin Feng is very clear, very sure, this set of fire pearls is not ordinary things!

“Sure enough, it is the treasure that lies in the battle.”

“Having a big secret.”

The secret thought of the heart, Lin Feng feels hilarious.

This time, I really found a treasure. I don’t understand it at the moment. It’s okay to use it. It will be used in the future.

It seems that the earliest to get the innate star treasure, I do not understand, just because the strength is too shallow at that time, now this fire pearl is also the same. With the continuous improvement of your own strength in the future, there will always be a Heavens that will make it shine!

Three hours.

Five hours.

The seventh hour!

“The last one.” Lin Feng said that the eyes are shining.

There is no half missing in the volcano that laps around the circle. According to Hung Hom, only the last volcano is left. All the energy of the Flame Mountain is absorbed, but it is much less than the nine times predicted. It is not only because the number of volcanoes is less than 10,000, but also because the energy of the Flame Mountain is more and more outside the region. less.

“Hey!” For a moment, the magma at the bottom of the volcano was absorbed.

carry out!

Finally finished.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed shining bright light, and with the absorption of the last Flame Mountain energy, the volcano suddenly changed his feelings. Although there were flames in the past, it was as sleepy as it was, but it was completely different!

In an instant, the fire at the bottom of the volcano fierce, spit out.

“Come on!” Lin Feng is not shocked, but the heart is moving.

The fire of vomiting does not need to care at all, and it is absorbed by the flame of the fire when it touches itself.

And at this time –

“sōu! !” The red dragonfly came out like a Soaring Dragon.

Hey! In a blink of time, flew out of the crater, Lin Feng smirked at the corner of his mouth, gazing all around, clear sense of the surroundings, the ‘vibrant’, the volcanic volcanoes, as if they had recovered all the life in a flash, that kind Feel unbeatable!

“Come on.” Lin Feng’s eyes are bright light.

I have been waiting for a long time.

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