Chapter 21—Following Disasters

It’s like a raging fire igniting with the body!


Lin Feng complexion is a blood red, splitting fingers, and the eyes are very round, so the blood is clear.

“How, how is it going?!” Lin Feng is heartbroken

In a flash, the whole body resembles a fire, like a fragmented trainer. It is almost a sneak peek at Lin Feng. Every inch of his body’s skin is suddenly changed, flashing fiery color, as if a flaming scale is condensed. , fierce is incomparable

The latest novel “Pig Pig Island Novel”


“pā !” Both hands clenched their fists, Lin Feng suddenly bite the tip of the tongue

The pain caused him to wake up. At the crucial moment, Lin Feng showed an unusual temperament.

Instant, sitting, closing

Forced to hold your heart, your body is still shaking, every moment seems to have endless strength filled with your own skin, painful to the heart and lungs! At this time, Lin Feng seems to have come to the ‘Illusory Realm of Darkness’ again. The profound tempering makes him both familiar and strange.

The latest novel “Pig Pig Island Novel”

“Long time… I have never tasted this pain!” Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth

At this moment, he seems to have thought of the strong pain that appeared in the lower abdomen of 1-3 pm.

Just the same!

No, ten times stronger, a hundred times!

“Boom!” The head of the earthquake, Lin Feng came to a familiar place

The familiar Fire Lotus Flower is still spinning, the Purple Nether Fire in the heart is swaying, and the orange Origin Fire is surrounded by the Fire Lotus Flower. Compared to ten days ago, the color is deeper and adds a touch of beauty. This ‘Fire Lotus Flower’ originally had ‘dominant’ its own body, but at the moment

A fiery red light spot like a star, with a dazzling light, will cover everything!

“It’s it!” At this moment, Lin Feng suddenly realized

Seeing from the gaze, every fiery red light shines every time, there are countless crystal bright stars scattered into the every layer meridians, in the skin, however

Far exceeding the load of the body!

The cells, non-stop swell, re-expand, but can not be differentiated at all, but in a moment the bursting of the meridians is violently blasted, even the blood is blocked, the body seems to have a group of terrifying robbers, all the belongings Are all robbed

“This way, I will die!” Lin Feng is very clear

This huge energy will definitely violently rob your body!

“How to do?”

“How to do!”

Anxious, but Lin Feng’s head is clear, the temperament of perseverance at this time…

Played a key role!

“Yes, soul power!” Lin Feng suddenly moved

If Spirit is the soldier then the Soul is the general!

Soul power, definitely can drive, rule this strength!

An invisible and powerful force instantly appears, as if an aperture would cover the fiery red light.

Between, the dazzling light is blocked


The ‘mask’ made up of soul power, the brightness is constantly weakening!

“not good” Lin Feng local shaking in one’s heart

Although my soul power has been greatly increased, but it can not withstand such consumption is completely imaginable, if this ‘mask’ energy is broken, that is, the soul power consumption will be how! This fiery red light spot will continue to ravage your body, when…

“The symptoms are not cured!” Lin Feng secretly thought

What should I do?

Countless thoughts come out of non-stop, Lin Feng desperately thinks

And at this time

Lin Feng sneaked into his physical condition at the moment. As the fiery red ray was blocked, the energy of the star point weakened a lot of energy that was enough to sustain the cells. At this moment, it was integrated into the cells, as if absorbed, and The same is true of other parts of the body!

“Right! This fiery red light spot is also part of the dragon egg” Lin Feng 恍 恍 ……

This dragon egg, since it can absorb the crystal clear **, naturally can absorb this fiery red light spot

Just an energy bursts an energy

Strong and overbearing!

“There is a way!” Lin Feng inwardly tremble in one’s heart

Suddenly, the control of the soul power is weakened, and at this time, the fiery red light spot is like a dislocated wild horse, the light is shining all around, making the scattered star point shine again.

“pā !” “pā !”

Cell non-stop burst, just repaired meridians are washed again

“Lowly weakened!” Lin Feng even strengthened the ‘mask’

Instantaneous, the bright star point is ‘wilting’


“too much!”

“Too little!”

“A little more!”


Slowly, with the control of Lin Feng, the soul power ‘mask’ is gradually fixed and the energy intensity of the crystal star is fixed.

The star-studded star is like a flexible groundhog, swaying around the body, blending into every inch of skin, and every piece of blood is faint, Lin Feng actually sees his skin… as if there is a layer of light Fiery red film

Although curious in my heart, Lin Feng is not too concerned.

After all, there are too many strange things!

For example, the bright star points are more like ‘like’ to move above the body, leading to the arm meridians, flowing to the body, but below the body is the leg

But it doesn’t seem to be like ‘like’

Time, one minute and one second

Soul power gradually weakened, his head was dizzy, and Lin Feng suddenly felt a rush of effort.

At this time, the fiery red light spot is still ‘energy unlimited’, not to mention that there is no sign of consumption weakening!

How to do?

Before changing, Lin Feng must have nothing to do.


This is not the same as before!

When consciousness comes back, Lin Feng takes a Fire Spirit Core at lightning speed and bites it down!


There is a stream of warmth flowing through the body. The powerful Heaven and Earth Energy seems to have countless tributaries running towards the sea. When it comes to mind, Lin Feng is clear and the light in the eyes is all around. This is almost exhausted soul power. Make up, the spirit is very exciting

“Fortunately!” Lin Feng showed a smile

But half of the points are not delayed, even entering the state of consciousness

Without the restraint of soul power, this fiery red light spot is like a tiger that is out of the cage, and it is bruised and bruised!


again and again

again and again

Repeatedly repeating the cycle and experiencing physical transformation

Every moment, my body is growing, and there are great changes!

“Sure enough, opportunities and risks coexist” Lin Feng secretly thought

For Lin Feng, the rapid increase in strength is certainly a happy thing.


The consumption of Fire Spirit Core is too astonishing!

You know, an eight grade Earth Spirit Core is worth 50000 heavenly martial coins, and the value of a seventh grade Fire Spirit Core is calculated by 10 times.

50 million heavenly martial coin!


Not a quarter of an hour, a seventh grade Fire Spirit Core is hard to be ‘啃’

Lin Feng’s heart is in drop of blood


Two hours

8 hours


Eight hours!


Two days and two nights!

“pā ~~” fiery red light spots exhaust the last trace of energy

“Finally, it’s over…” Lin Feng’s eyes were black, and consciousness suddenly returned. However, the stun of his brain severe came, but time


Soul power is indeed constantly adding

But this supplement is still inevitable.

Especially the two days and two nights that Lin Feng experienced, no one second can relax, the whole person’s nerves are completely tight!

No time, no fight with the fiery red light spot…

After sleeping for a whole night, Lin Feng wakes up slowly.

“Heavens” Lin Feng lay on the ground and looked up at the metal plate above, revealing a bitter smile

This is definitely harder than any battle!

“Fortunately, I am used to the tempering of ‘Illusory Realm of Darkness'” Lin Feng lightly sighed, “If not, this strength, it really can’t be eaten…”

With his hands on the ground, Lin Feng is waiting to get up, but it’s awkward.

Complexion has changed dramatically!

“This, what is going on?!” Lin Feng looks stunned

When I saw my eyes, my hands and arms were faintly covered with a layer of fiery red scales. The tightly wrapped Lin Feng even looked at my body, but it was exactly the same as the arm, even with my legs, the whole body seemed to cover A whole layer of fiery red giant scales!


“No…” Lin Feng suddenly was stunned

Own, this is not a monster?

Lin Feng can’t help but touch the fiery red scales, but it is strangely straight through, as if it was just a virtual shadow.

“What happened?” Lin Feng light exclaimed

In my heart, there is no doubt. Lin Feng touches the whole body again. The scales of fiery red seem to be non-existent. Although it exudes a vivid glow, it is only a thin phantom. There is no entity at all.

“Freak” Lin Feng mumbled inwardly

“But… this fiery red scale I seem to have seen it?”

Thought in one’s heart, Lin Feng suddenly clap his hands and suddenly thought about it, “It’s the Bright Winged Dragon!”

“No wonder so familiar!” Lin Feng nodded and stood up

With a fist, Lin Feng eyes suddenly shines, the strong and powerful feeling, completely different from the previous body!

“strength, with a significant improvement!” Lin Feng heart

Gently patted the chest, the sense is not the same, Lin Feng can not help but laugh

The strength of the body is also greatly enhanced!

And at this time

“Right, Fire Spirit Core!” Lin Feng suddenly thought about it, even the space to open the Fluorescent Compass, but the complexion changed, the bitter smile of the original more than a hundred Fire Spirit Core, only the lonely eight Four seventh grade Fire Spirit Cores, two sixth grade Fire Spirit Cores, one fifth grade Fire Spirit Core and one fourth grade Fire Spirit Core

It’s just a bounce!

“How many heavenly martial coins did I eat in these two days and two nights?” Lin Feng couldn’t help but shake his head, but he couldn’t even think about it.

This is definitely an incomparable terrifying astronomical number…

“Forget it, anyway, it is hot potato, and can’t sell it,” Lin Feng showed a smile, self-comforting: “At least good steel is used on the blade blade, it is not a waste, if it is a small life, it is It’s useless to have more money.”

Mind, Lin Feng is secretly thought

If it’s not enough for the Fire Spirit Core, you’ll have trouble.

Stretched and stretched, Lin Feng couldn’t help but reveal a hint of hope.

“I don’t know how I am physically fitness…”

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