Chapter 20: People are not here

This question has been in the mind of Lin Feng for a long time.

The original “Fire Spirit Master Foundation” has already been mentioned, but I still don’t know the answer.

鈥淚t鈥檚 very simple.鈥?Lin Xiaotian explained in a light way: 鈥淎n Origin Fire Seed can create a Fire Spirit Master, of course, a fusion of quite dangerous. In Heavenly Martial Continent, this is a ‘taboo’, but it鈥檚 repeated, and there will always be people who take risks. “”

“It turns out.” Lin Feng nodded awkwardly.

It’s so attractive to be able to turn a Martial Artist into a Fire Spirit Master!

Like myself, although this is the Advanced Great Martial Master, the Fire Spirit Master is comparable to the Advanced Martial Emperor.

A whole rank gap!

See you high!

“Looking at the left side of the door.” Lin Xiaotian shook his head. “This is the Acquired Fire Spirit Master. Maybe it doesn’t make much difference in the early stage, but when it becomes Titled Martial God, the gap with the powerful Fire Spirit Master of the innate ‘soul’ will only be more Pull up.”

Lin Feng smiled helplessly.

Even if there is a gap, it is after Titled Martial God.

Heavenly Martial Continent, how many ‘Titled Martial God’ can you have?


Out of the father room, Lin Feng looked around, Qin Huo and Qin Lie were gone, but there were two more.

The two do not know each other, but they all have a ‘passenger’.

“Is it you?” Lin Feng lightly oh’ed.

One of them was the eldest young lady I met in ‘Chen Residence’ on the same day; the other was the middle-aged man who was seen at the Arbitration House last night, standing with Wang Jin and Sun Xing, but I didn鈥檛 say a word from beginning to end.

“Hello, Brother Lin, this Chen is a special trip to the door with a little girl to plead guilty.” Chen Yu showed a sincere smile.

“Sorry, Senior Brother.” Chen Xinya complexion pale, with his head down and his lips biting.

Lin Feng lightly sigh in one’s heart, suddenly understand.

In fact, he did not blame this ‘eldest young lady’, Wang Hao’s mistakes have nothing to do with her.

Strictly speaking, I am hard to swear Chen Residence, hurt her guard, kill her ‘Ai Lang’…

She hates herself, this is what it should be.

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Lin Feng’s indifferent words fell, and the two fathers were shocked.

“Brother Lin…” Chen Yu said urgently, but Lin Feng raised his hand and interrupted when he was. “Things have nothing to do with you.”

Chen Yu, the two fathers and daughters, is indeed an innocent disaster.

鈥淗u~~鈥?gave a long sigh of relief, and Chen Yu鈥檚 hanging heart slowly lowered, and it showed a smile and a snap. Suddenly, many families outside the door rushed rush forth, holding boxes, gift boxes and other items, one by one, let Lin Feng be a little surprised.

“Small face-to-face ceremony, this is a bit of a surprise for this Chen, Brother Lin must take it.” Chen Yu.

Lin Feng nodded. “Then many thanks.”

It is both intentional and push, but it is too close to favor.

Very fast, the gifts stacked like small mountain will completely fill the corner of the hall, Lin Wanqing and Lin Shui’er look at the side.

Chen Yu took out a gold card and took it with both hands and handed it over. “This 100,000 heavenly martial coin, Brother Lin please smile.”

Ten, one hundred thousand heavenly martial coin?

Lin Wanqing and Lin Shui’er have a head and look.

鈥淗ey?鈥?Lin Feng was also amazed. Watched this middle-aged man with a smile, knowing that he wanted to make himself. Lin Feng did not hesitate to take over the gold card. It is not to be white. I am really short of money.

There are countless Fire Spirit Cores on the body, including a variety of precious materials on the Fire Spirit Beast.


See you for nothing!

In addition to the 30000 heavenly martial coins from the ‘Wang Xianglong’ pit, there are only the 9350 heavenly martial coins left in the hunter card, and the ‘whale white skin’ and ‘rhino angle’ sold for points.

Total – 67850 heavenly martial coins.

This family member is definitely a ‘top leader’ in the Advanced Great Martial Master.

Poor poor!

Seeing Lin Feng took over the gold card, Chen Yu suddenly smiled, “many thanks Brother Lin can see the sultry, Chen Yu is not talented, a merchant, there are many people who know. In Firmament Yang Town, Brother Lin, as long as there are any miscellaneous Little things, despite the instructions, this Chen will definitely do the right thing for you.”

鈥淲ow, you are Boss Chen?鈥?Lin Shui’er exclaimed.

Chen Yu hearing this, suddenly with a bow and a smile: “It is down.”

“Great!” Lin Shui’er bit his mouth and suddenly ran to Lin Feng and whispered. Lin Feng listened, smiled and nodded, looking to Chen Yu, started talking: “Shemei has a strong interest in doing business, I wonder if Boss Chen would like to receive an apprentice?”

Chen Yu suddenly turned a blind eye, as if he was afraid of Lin Feng’s remorse, and even nodded.

“I am willing, how can I not, I can’t ask for it, haha!” Chen Yu laughed.

Originally, I could ask Lin Feng to forgive him for being satisfied. I can’t think of it now, I can climb the big tree of Lin Feng!

It鈥檚 just like a pie in the sky.

Lin Feng slightly smiled, and Chen Yu has nothing to hate.

As the saying goes, it is good to reach out and not smile. Chen Yu is a businessman who is a mercenary figure, but he has a wide range of contacts, and it is indeed a good thing to get to know him.

What’s more, the younger sister wants to get a business, just need a mentor.

In the evening, the family gathered together.

“Brother, do you know, Boss Chen is amazing!” Shui’er’s eyes are shining, “Being a self-made, abandoning Wu from business, only forty years is one of the three richest people in the city, without any background influence.” It鈥檚 great to be able to follow him!鈥?/p>

“Then you have to study hard.” Lin Feng said with a smile: “After learning, Big Brother’s money is up to you.”

Lin Yun hearing this can’t help not shed a smile, “then our family can’t be cold and hungry?”

“Second brother!” Shui’er said while playfully pouting, suddenly provoked a burst of laughter.

“Right, butler.” Lin Feng looked at him, and the steward immediately said with a bow: “What is the Young Master?”

Lin Feng Xuan started talking: “From tomorrow, but all visits, gifts, all refused, said that I am not around, know?”

“Yes, Young Master.” The butler retired.

Lin Feng lightly sighed, watched the mountain of gifts in the hall can not help but blame.

There are no impenetrable walls in the world, not to mention the Martial Artist, who witnessed his strength at the arbitration office on that day. It is hundreds!

Since Chen Yu, a group of visitors have been in constant stream, and their own thresholds have been broken.

“You want se sentence again?” Lin Yun asked.

鈥淓n.鈥?Lin Feng nodded lightly.

For yourself, the growth of strength is the most important.

Lin Feng understands that only by having enough strength can he master his own destiny!

“You can’t see Elder Sister Qin Rou in that brother?” Shui’er cover one’s mouth light with a smile.

鈥淨in Rou?鈥?Lin Feng startled, looking to the younger sister, 鈥淲hat is the relationship between me seclusion and seeing Qin Rou?鈥?/p>

“Don’t you know that Elder Sister Qin Rou likes you?” Shui’er said while being shocked.

“Impossible!” Lin Feng is evening one’s head and said.

“It’s true, brother!”


Underground palace.

Azure Wood Turtle-Dove is sitting on the Golden Dragon Throne and playing with his fingers.

“Captain.” A slim purple shadow was suddenly appeared.

“That said, Zi Luan.” Azure Wood Turtle-Dove complexion is cold, said heavily.

鈥渞eporting to Captain, prey has revealed the secret of his own Fire Spirit Master.鈥?Zi Luan鈥檚 voice is soft.

“This brat is not stupid, knowing to use Scorching Sun Sect to protect himself.” Azure Wood Turtle-Dove nodded, said while waving one’s hand: “Continue to monitor, I don’t believe he does not go to Endless Savage Wilderness!”

“Yes, Captain.” Zi Luan disappeared when he was.

Azure Wood Turtle-Dove buckles the fingers in the make a move, revealing a disdainful look. “I thought it would be safe to have Scorching Sun Sect shelter? It would be too naive! If it wasn’t for a very long time, ‘King’ had no high-profile, trifling Firmament Yang Town What?”

“Just let you live a few more days!” Azure Wood Turtle-Dove eyes cold light.


Lin Feng, seclusion.

Merchants came to give gifts, people are not there.

Martial Sect expert came to make friends, and people are not there.

Scorching Sun Sect supervisor is coming, Qin Huo and Qin Lie follow behind the younger brother –

People are still not there.

Days, day by day.

Lin Feng鈥檚 plain and monotonous but powerful, but it seems to be a towering ladder.

Step by step.

Quite steady improvement.

On the third day, the body strength breakthrough 128 Taiji was the first to reach the Primary Martial Emperor standard.

On the fifth day, the speed of breakthrough 1600 meters per second, also reached the Primary Martial Emperor standard.

In a blink of an eye, ten days passed.

Under the ‘help’ of dragon egg **, even the weakest strength reaches 75,000 jin, which is only 5,000 jin away from the Primary Martial Emperor standard.

Across the line!

“According to this speed, two days will be enough!” Lin Feng was excited with a deep expectation.

I have waited for this moment for a long time!

“Continue!” Lin Feng is deeply exhaled, and the eyes are bright.

Through the tiny gap, gently dumping the dragon egg ** into the entrance, Lin Feng did not find it – the transparent crystal ** is very rare, and at this time, the red light hidden in it The point slowly flowed out and fell into his mouth.

With a brow of light brows, Lin Feng felt a little hot, but didn’t care too much.

“Hey.” Swallowed in one bite.

When you are embarrassed, the change is protruding! !

(Fast New Year’s Eve, wish everyone a happy new year in advance, family well-being, full round ~~)

(The New Year鈥檚 shelves are really a headache. Although you have to visit relatives and friends, you can rest assured that the two are definitely not less. The beginning of the seventh day, the restoration of the three, this book is the first small full-time writing, That is to rely on this to eat, update the amount of people do not need to worry. Third month start, 9000 words per day, irregular outbreaks, will not let you down!)

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