The fourth episode of the catastrophe, Chapter 22, Advanced, Martial Emperor!

4-layer training room

Lin Feng stood in front of the Strength Tester, watched the light curtain in front of him, could not help sneered geilixiaoshuo.

Every time, my ‘strength’ is dragged down…

“Peng!” Free to punch a punch

Lin Feng’s body didn’t move halfway, but with a punch, the light curtain severe swayed, and Lin Feng’s look glimpsed, “a strange feeling.”

The latest novel “Pig Pig Island Novel”

The number on the mirror panel keeps beating and slamming

“I am not mistaken? A lot of words” Lin Feng

I myself, just a very casual wave, even 80% strength!

But it is close to the standard 80,000 jin of Primary Martial Emperor?

Instant, Lin Feng eyes shining

The body is inexplicably feeling a little excitement, Lin Feng has moved the muscles of the body, and the eyes are hot and hot. He wants to know that if he uses his best punch, the strength will reach an astonishing value!

The latest novel “Pig Pig Island Novel”

Both eyes closed, Lin Feng spit out a long turbidity

When you open it!

Lin Feng moved, like a tiger eating, and his right foot was heavy, like Taishan! As soon as the waist side rotates slightly, the rear spine suddenly exerts strength. In a blink of time, the abdomen runs through, and the incoming arm only sees Lin Feng’s fist like the arrow of the full moon’s bow, bringing out a residual image and breaking the air. Ridiculous

“Peng!” The fist is like a meteor on the transparent light and shadow fist target.

“Good terrifying strength” Lin Feng feels erect

This strength is definitely beyond my hope!

drop! ~ Drop! ~ Drop!

Three consecutive screams, with a happy rhythm, but no number on the mirror panel

Lin Feng stunned


“Exceeding the limits of this Strength Tester?”

At this moment, Lin Feng thought of his own scene in the Preparatory Martial Artist Assessment. It seems like a past, like a cloud, but it seems like a cycle again in front of himself, just another way.

This Strength Tester, the ultimate strength is 10 jin!

The strength standard of Primary Martial Emperor is only 8 jin…

“Good astonishing to increase the range!” Lin Feng is only half recovered.

Unbelievably watched his own double fists, only two days and two nights, his strength was directly exceeding 75,000 jin from 10 jin!

It’s suffocating!

“I don’t know how much speed and physical strength increase?” Lin Feng’s heart is faint

Very fast, the result is coming out…

Speed: 2350 meters per second

Physical strength, again exceeding test limits

“The speed increase is not as big as I expected.” Lin Feng lightly brows his brow. “Two days ago, my speed has reached 1960 meters per second. Although the progress is not the same, but the progress of the strength is worse. many……”

Intermediate Martial Emperor speed standard, is 3200 meters per second

“Body Strength Tester’s test limit is 200 Taiji” Lin Feng muttered inwardly in one’s heart. “Two days ago, I already had 195Taiji. Even if I changed it to a flattering, exceeding 200 Taiji is also with no difficulty. After that, the pressure intensity of 200 Taiji…very easy”

Strength increase astonishing, the speed increase is small

Quite strange!

“Take him, anyway, anyway…”

Lin Feng smiled and shook his fist and seemed to be able to get the strength of the shackle. “Now, I have promoted Martial Emperor!”

The goal that I have been fighting for has finally reached!

“爹” Lin Feng pushes open the door


Two days

“Come on?” Lin Xiaotian pale watched Lin Feng, I saw him floating in the shadow of the fiery red scales, can not help but smile, “Feng’er, still not illusory armor”

Illusory armor ? …

Lin Feng startled, see the father’s eyes gathered, suddenly suddenly

“Hey…” Lin Feng pointed to the fiery red scales and scratched his head. “How does this ‘illusory armor’ come out?”

“heart sense” Lin Xiaotian started talking

Lin Feng nodded slightly with doubt, and immediately closed his eyes, slamming, and seemed to feel a wave of bloodline connected

Hey! Fiery red scales disappeared

“It’s magical,” Lin Feng looked at his hands and exclaimed.

“Feng’er, you are really daring.” Lin Xiaotian has a light smile, and there is no blame in his tone. “Even ‘dragon essence’ dare to swallow, you are not afraid of violent body?”

Lin Feng laughed bitterly, but it is dumb to eat Huang Lian

I once wanted to swallow, but it was accidentally… I got a big mishap

The result is that the Fire Spirit Core is almost exhausted.

“Hey, what is this ‘dragon essence’?” Lin Feng asked curiously.

“Dragon essence, as the name suggests is the essence of Dragon” met Lin Feng and nodded. Lin Xiaotian continued: “The ‘Bright Winged Dragon’ is not true dragon, but it still has dragon’s bloodline, this bloodline is Essence of Dragon, also known as ‘dragon essence ‘

Lin Feng startled

After a long time, what I absorbed was actually dragon’s bloodline?

“‘dragon essence’, generally only available on true dragon.” Lin Xiaotian said: “But I want to come to that ‘Bright Winged Dragon’ should be self-aware, hopeless, so leave ‘dragon essence’ to her child, go for a ride Turn around, but for the Feng’er you made a wedding dress”

“It turns out that” Lin Feng understood

Dare to ask this ‘dragon essence’ to be reserved for the ‘dragon egg’ by Bright Winged Dragon.

“Hey, why did I absorb ‘dragon essence’, the strength is greatly improved, but the speed is much improved?” Lin Feng said with a doubt

Lin Xiaotian smiled lightly. “It’s very simple, because ‘Bright Winged Dragon’ is famous for strength, but the speed is not excellent.”

“It turns out that” Lin Feng immediately understood

Just like inheritance, ‘Bright Winged Dragon’ is reserved for the next generation of ‘dragon essence’.

“So, what is illusory armor?” Lin Feng asked again.

“The illusory armor is made up of demon beast essence parents, combined with Martial Artist.” Lin Xiaotian explained: “You can understand it as a kind of ‘defensive tool’, but with a stronger defense than the defensive tool, illusory armor. Force, stretchability, controllability, etc. Most importantly, the illusory armor has the same defenses as the original demon beast!”

“So great!” Lin Feng was shocked.

The defensive tool, made of demon beast material, has some high defenses, some are flexible, and some are comfortable on the body…

However, there are always drawbacks!

And illusory armor, obviously like the ‘perfect version’ of the defensive tool!

All defensive tools are made from a high-grade demon beast fur with a low level of defense, such as the Primary Beast General, which is sewed with a defensive tool that is only Advanced Beast Soldier. The defensive tool made of the material of Advanced Behemoth Lord is at most eight Star Level defensive tool.

But now, I am equal to adding a set of nine Star Level defensive tool!

“I now have the defensive power of ‘Bright Winged Dragon’?” Lin Feng can’t believe it.

Any ‘dragon’, its defense is quite powerful

Open Fluorescent Compass, suddenly

“Drip!” “di di~~” ”

An intensive message, Lin Feng took a closer look, squinting at the corner of his mouth and smiling, “Sect is Sect Master”

I learned from the housekeeper that in my seclusion this time, I had an influential inflation figure…

Scorching Sun Sect supervisor !

“In any case, go see it.” Lin Feng lightly mumble

Immediately, step on the Transmission Array

Firmament Yang Martial Sect ,Firmament Yang Hall …

In this room with the highest treatment and enjoying the distinguished status, a man in a robe is exactly a complexion sitting cold.

‘Swift Fire Leopard ‘Zong Liang

Intermediate Martial Emperor, Scorching Sun Sect supervisor, not only has good strength, but also has considerable power. At this time, ‘Swift Fire Leopard ‘Zong Liang is screaming Qin Huo, half-pointed, “I found Fire Spirit Master, why not early? Notice?”

Cold eyes with a strong deterrent, Qin Huo is hard to say

Lin Feng is Hunting’s preparatory member and obviously won’t join Scorching Sun Sect, but…

I said it myself, I am not guilty of Zi Yao?

“This Lin Feng, I am proud, I have to wait for him four times and four times!” ‘Swift Fire Leopard ‘Zong Liang deep frown, coldly snorted

But really isn’t impatient, but

Face can’t hold

He ‘Swift Fire Leopard ‘Zong Liang is famous, and is the Scorching Sun Sect supervisor. He has always been waiting for him, how can he wait for someone else! Last time, ‘Lian Xian Corporal’ visited the door, but did not want to eat a solid closed door!


“咔啦”, the door was pushed open

A youth dressed in loose martial clothes stepped in, it was Lin Feng!

“This brat, even wearing a formal dress,” Qin Huo only felt a cold sweat in his forehead.

“has seen Sect Master , has seen supervisor ” Lin Feng smiles nodding

“You are Lin Feng?” ‘Swift Fire Leopard ‘Zong Liang looked up and down Lin Feng, and his eyes suddenly shot a severe light

Lin Feng calmed watched Zong Liang, smiling smiled

Ignore it!

This level of shock is too pediatric for myself…

“Yes, supervisor” Lin Feng

‘Swift Fire Leopard ‘Zong Liang See Lin Feng’s expression of calmness, his inexplicable seemingly short, suddenly remembered the ‘closed door’ that day, the heart suddenly came to the air, “Do not give him some lessons, really Climb up the sky!”

Coldly snorted, the sound is in the ear, Qin Huo suddenly complexion greatly change

A puff like Qi strength was released, and Zong Liang’s robes bulged, and the powerful suffocation directly pressed Lin Feng!

“Lower Mawei?” Lin Feng laugh indifferently

The body vaguely feels Zong Liang’s imposing pressure, but… compared to the astonishing pressure in ‘Illusory Realm of Darkness’, it’s not worth mentioning!

Eyes flashes a bright light, Lin Feng’s pupil pitch-black and shining bright, direct Zong Liang eyes, when

Powerful soul power burst!

boom! Zong Liang only felt shocked in his mind, his body was petrified in an instant, and the feeling of suffocation came on his face. The pressure of severe made him feel like he was trapped in a cage. Zeng Liang complexion greatly startled, but suddenly, the pressure of terrifying But it is scattered

Looking at the watched eyes, Zong Liang saw Lin Feng’s light smile.

“No, impossible!” Zong Liang

Lin Feng laugh indifferently

When people enter me, I will enter the world!

“Cough, cough!” Zong Liang complexion transient, a few coughs to cover up his own cockroaches

At this moment, he finally understood that this ‘little brat’ was not what he could provoke, barely revealing a smile. Zong Liang said: “This is the case. I heard that there is a ‘Fire Spirit Master’ in the Firmament Yang Town, and the Chief Manager is specially designed. Confess me to confirm and invite Lin Feng to join ‘Scorching Sun Sect ‘”

“Reassured, my ‘Scorching Sun Sect’ will give you the best treatment conditions, the best…” Zong Liang Kaikai talks

Listening to the voice in the ear, Lin Feng stands with a smile

Whatever Zong Liang says, no matter what kind of treatment Scorching Sun Sect gives, it is no longer important.

At this moment, he is in the mind and has nothing else.

“supervisor, I have joined ‘Hunting'” Lin Feng said with a slight smile

The indifferent voice fell, Lin Feng immediately turned and left to leave a dumbfounded Zong Liang, stunned with a stunned mouth.

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