Finally Come

Chapter 293

Chapter 293 The Mysterious Rain Shinobi Village【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 293 The Mysterious Rain Shinobi Village【Please ask for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]


Danzo stayed where he was…

Actually dead? Red hair…. Red hair…. Danzo’s eyes keep flashing. He has worked with Hanzo. He has a little impression of the red-haired man…

Also surprised was Jiraiya… when he saw Jiraiya book together, he immediately shouted to Orochimaru: “That guy Hanzo is dead?! Asshole/…I wanted to find him shame before washing, but It’s amazing to be able to bring people into Rain Shinobi Village to kill Hanzo…Is it right, Orochimaru.”

Orochimaru had no expression on hearing this…

Did that guy at Zero Burial do it, red hair…then there is absolutely nothing wrong…

Orochimaru clearly understood in his heart that everything in Rain Shinobi Village was as expected. Yes, Hanzo’s strength is strong, but compared to Zero Burial…hehe…that’s not enough to see. .

I figured it out, Orochimaru smiled cruelly…

The organization’s handwriting is really big, and while attacking Konoha, he attacked Rain Shinobi Village at the same time.

“Jiraiya, you are wrong. Our intelligence shows that Hanzo and his Anbu were killed by one person. From beginning to end, the man who killed Hanzo was the red-haired man.”

Sarutobi frowned and said.

“One…a person? One person breaks into Rain Shinobi Village and kills Hanzo and the others?”

Jiraiya’s eyes widened suddenly, and said incredulously.

The others also took a breath of air-conditioning. This strength is a bit terrifying…

“You…oh…you only noticed Hanzo’s death, haven’t you noticed, this person’s dress, black background with red clouds, is exactly the same as the one wearing the mask of the gods when Nine Tails invaded of.”

Sarutobi sighed, the whole person looked helpless, it was this organization again. ,

“That guy… sizzle… you think I feel a little scary… I can see the huge boulder clearly from so far…”

Jiraiya looked a little hairy when he thought of the ruthless and arrogant Tenjindo.

“If you want to talk about huge rocks, Rain Shinobi Village also has the situation on our side. Someday, a huge sphere happened on top of Rain Shinobi Village.”

Sarutobi is very worried that there are actually two people who know this kind of thing and this kind of technique.

However, he was even more surprised by the following content.

“Is it possible that the person who invaded Konoha did it? After all, that person has the ability to space.”

An elder stood up and questioned.

“Impossible, even if there is space capability, but we continue to fight on our side, as well as Hanzō of the Salamander over there. The masked man obviously does not have this strength. Moreover, Rain Shinobi Village is red-haired. We are here. The side is orange-haired, and it doesn’t show that the red-haired celebrity knows any space ninjutsu.”

Shaking his head, Sarutobi directly denied the elder’s question.

“What kind of organization is this? There are such powerful people.. We should really be careful.”

The elder of the Uchiha family stood up and said.

But no one seemed to care about him, which seemed a bit embarrassing.

But fortunately, Sarutobi nodded and said: “This organization, I met once a long time ago. During World War II, I also fought with a ninja codenamed Beidou.”

Beidou? interesting…

Orochimaru smiled evilly, he was curious about the battle.

“How is his strength? Master Hokage?”An elder curiously asked.

“At that time, due to some circumstances, he did not fight with me for too long, but before I came, we almost wiped out Konoha’s forward force and defeated Ino–Shika–Chō.”

“I defeated Ino–Shika–Chō…”

“Then the strength is absolutely incredible…”

Sarutobi waved his hand, looked at Danzo and said, “Danzo, that Beidou’s name is Kakuzu.”

“What are you talking about?! Is he still alive?”

Danzo was taken aback and stood up abruptly.

“What is this Kakuzu?”

Everyone questioned.

Orochimaru also has some doubts, is Beidou’s identity a bit peculiar…

“He used to be a ninja who fought with Master First Generation…”


This sentence represents too much…

The first is the times. How can ordinary people live for so long. Second, First Hokage Senju Hashirama is so powerful that he can barely survive the fight. What’s more, he actually survived, which is already very remarkable 2.

“I don’t know about other people…but this red-haired Rain Shinobi Village man is definitely stronger than Kakuzu. Of course, it is certain that the strength is also above me!”

Sarutobi looks a little solemn…

“So, what about Rain Shinobi Village? Hanzo is dead. The red-haired man should have occupied Rain Shinobi Village by this time? Should we cooperate with it?”

An elder stood up and asked.

“No! We must not cooperate with this person. We should unite the five powers to kill this person. This person’s strength is too dangerous. Now Rain Shinobi Village has just been occupied, and the hearts of the people are uneven. The ninjas of Rain Shinobi Village must be back. Resist again, this time is the best time!”

Hearing this, Danzo got up and exuded murderous aura, obviously he was nervous.

Orochimaru frowned…

Is there anything between Zero Burial and Danzo…

“Oh, the talks will continue…” Sarutobi sighed.

“Sarutobi! Are you cooperating with this terrorist organization?! Don’t forget, they did the attack on Konoha!”

Danzo was obviously angry, and said loudly regardless of Hokage’s identity.

Sarutobi shook his head helplessly, and sighed: “In fact, the previous is just an episode, the next thing to say is the most important.”

Sarutobi said solemnly, “Rain Shinobi Village is not occupied! This red-haired man was repelled by one person!”


Orochimaru stood up suddenly, with craziness in his eyes…

How can it be? ! ! Zero Burial was actually defeated? !

The strength of Zero Burial was actually defeated? It is absolutely impossible. In Orochimaru’s cognition, besides Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, there is also his leader Dragon Key.

If you want to defeat Zero Burial one-on-one, there is no such person at all, and Long Key, and Ben will not do it. This is what Long Key ordered (Of course it was not done by Long Key, it was Long Yue!)

So, who is it! ?

“Orochimaru?…Although I am also surprised…but…you are too…”

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru in amazement.. He was shocked just now. ..

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