Finally Come

Chapter 292

Chapter 292 The Shocking Change of Rain Shinobi Village [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 292 The Shocking Change of Rain Shinobi Village [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Neither of them wanted to be.

Danzo’s heart is very anxious now. Although he has a higher status, if he recommends himself, everyone present will definitely oppose him.

There is no other reason, this is Konoha’s interest struggle.

When he is in power, it will definitely affect the interests of others. He understands this, and others understand it.

“Then, let me consider it the Third Generation again.”

The silence of the scene made people feel a little embarrassed. Sarutobi thought for a while and then said his decision.

“Since it is Sarutobi-sama, there is no problem naturally.”

An elder immediately stood up and said.

Several other elders looked at this elder with a sneer, and they knew it was the Sarutobi sect, but at the moment the others also acted and said: “Yes!”


“Then, let’s set it down first.”

Sarutobi nodded.

I’m really tired… I have to put on this suit again, I never thought of it before.

“Now that it’s decided, let’s discuss the following post-war talks right away, Sarutobi! This time we must deal a severe blow to the other villages and ask for more supplies!”

Now that it has been set, Danzo has entered the state very quickly. In the final analysis, he is also for Konoha. This post-war meeting is very important to him!

Hearing that Hokage’s seat seemed to have been decided, Jiraiya exhaled and felt relieved, and then looked at Orochimaru complainingly.

Jiraiya doesn’t care about the next thing. This post-war distribution is undoubtedly the distribution of Konoha’s many families. He is the most annoyed of these intrigues.

Although Orochimaru knocked Jiro’s leg, he also listened to these people’s disputes.

“Elder Danzo, I think that supplies are second. We Konoha do not lack these things. We need their apologies, and Konoha needs his attitude.”

An elder stood up against Danzo.

Danzo frowned, looking a little unhappy.

Then another elder stood up and continued: “Apologize? What’s the use of an apology? Although we don’t care about these materials, they lack these things. If they get them, it will change the direction and weaken the enemy’s strength.

But I personally prefer contracts! We may not need materials, but the other party must use something to compensate. ”

When Sarutobi saw it, he was a little moved, and said, “Tell me what you think.”

The elder continued: “For example, the corpse of our ninja, many of Konoha’s family members are still alive in panic. Many of their families are ninjas. Their corpses can calm the villagers’ psychology.”

Sarutobi nodded, he thinks this is still more important.

“Huh…what’s the use of a corpse? I think that if you use a corpse, you should ask them to exchange the corpse of a ninja from their village to be qualified.”

Danzo said with disdain, he thought this elder was a hawk, but he didn’t expect that he was also an idealist.

“Elder Danzo! You hurt the ninja too much by saying that!”

The elder looked a little angry.

“Sad?! So you are not a ninja at all. When they choose the profession of ninja, they should have this consciousness! Death? Even death will bring more benefits to the village.”

Danzo was unmoved. Although this was undoubtedly the most correct choice, it did sound a bit cold-blooded, at least in Konoha.”I agree with Elder Danzo’s opinion that the corpse of the Blood Succession Boundary Ninja, if thoroughly studied, will be of great help to us in the future.”

At this time, the silent Orochimaru said slowly.

As soon as Orochimaru spoke, the elders around him wanted to say something, but now they are rethinking their position.

Danzo nodded, looked at Orochimaru, and did it.

He still favors Orochimaru in his heart. Orochimaru and his thoughts are similar. Although he did not become Hokage, as long as they work together, they can still get a lot of benefits.


The door of the meeting room was suddenly opened, and an Anbu suddenly appeared and hurriedly passed towards Sarutobi’s position.

“Master Hokage, this is a meeting, you can take care of yourself Anbu.”

Sarutobi didn’t speak, but looked at the letter from Anbu with some solemnity.

When the Anbu heard the elder’s words, he turned his head and looked at the elder coldly.

“Kakashi! Enough!”

Jiraiya shouted.

“Kakashi? Oh… it turned out to be that White Fang’s son…”

The words White Fang pierced Kakashi deeply and turned into a bit of murderous intent.

“Your eyes are the Sharingan of our clan, right? You should be considered half of our member. You have never had a chance. How about it. Do you want to come to our clan at night?”

A 30-year-old man looked at Kakashi and said lightly, this man looked more serious, his expression seemed to never change, he was the patriarch of the Uchiha group, Uchiha Fugaku.

“I don’t belong to anyone…”

Kakashi said coldly and walked out quickly.

“Oh, when did your Uchiha clan still have a relationship with the Hatake clan? It seems that he refuses your kindness.”

“Haha… is the Uchiha clan too powerful? After all, even the tail beast can control it…”

“You…you guys!.. Don’t talk nonsense!”

An elder Uchiha looked at the two angrily.

Many village elders believed that the Nine Tails incident was done by the Uchiha group.

However, Uchiha Fugaku knows very well in his mind that there is no such strong person in their clan now. The Uchiha group was not well received, but it is better now.

“It seems that our post-war seminar will be postponed for a few days… This time the owner of the place, Rain Shinobi Village has changed…”

Suddenly, Sarutobi’s deep sigh and worried tone attracted everyone’s attention.

“Sarutobi, what do you say?”

Danzo was stunned. He had spies in Rain Shinobi Village, but he hasn’t come back these days. It seems that something happened to Rain Shinobi Village… and, is Sarutobi actually arranging people?

“The demigod Hanzō of the Salamander is dead. He was killed by a red-haired man with a big red cloud on a black background. Rain Shinobi Village Anbu was wiped out!”

Sarutobi put the letter on the table and said solemnly.

“The demigod was killed? No way… The strength of Hanzō of the Salamander… actually was killed?”

An elder was obviously a little unbelievable when he heard it.

The other elders also have big mouths. They obviously don’t believe that Hanzo is famous for being careful, plus he is the head of a village at any rate, and his strength is like that. How could he be killed like this?

And… Anbu was completely wiped out? ! ! ..

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