Finally Come

Chapter 294

Chapter 294 I Forgot To Take Medicine Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 294 Forgot to take medicine [Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Not only was Jiraiya surprised, Danzo Sarutobi also looked at Orochimaru in amazement.

Yes, this incident is indeed very surprising, but who Orochimaru is, they are not at that level yet, it is really strange that Orochimaru’s personality looks like this.

Orochimaru’s face immediately became plain, and he said coldly, “It’s okay, I forgot to take the medicine.”

After all, I did it quietly, and really took out an unnamed medicine.

“Hi… Orochimaru… are you sure you are okay?”

Jiraiya watched Orochimaru taking the medicine, and said incredulously.

Orochimaru’s eyes were cold, looking at Jiraiya, Jiraiya was interested, and immediately shut up.

When Sarutobi saw it, he smiled helplessly. The two disciples have always been like this, and he is used to it. He coughed and then said: “According to our information, this person is a girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old.”


Orochimaru closed his eyes and listened quietly, thinking about something in his heart. Today, I have to contact the organization when I go back. This matter is a bit important.

The others grew their mouths in surprise.

When Jiraiya heard that she was a girl, she put down the book, and heard with a peculiar smell. He was very interested in this powerful girl… I don’t know what it is…

“This girl is the princess of the country of Kawa no Kuni, the only child of the daimyo of Kawa no Kuni, the daimyo of Kawa no Kuni loves her very much, and has no intention of having other children. You should understand what this means, right?”

Sarutobi is a little dignified. The princess is different from these people. They are members of the royal family. Sometimes the battle between ninjas does not involve big countries. This is the fame rule of the Ninja world.

The only child…that is to say…in the future, once the daimyo of the country of Kawa noe dies, this girl will be the new daimyo of the country of Kawa no…this is very different from the average princess.

“I heard that he is still Hanzo’s granddaughter, and now Rain Shinobi Village is under her leadership. Rain Shinobi Village originally belonged to Kawa no Kuni. With her identity, now Rain Shinobi Village is more unified than Hanzo led. Strong, coupled with the unconditional support of the daimyo…”

Sarutobi’s face has changed a bit. This is undoubtedly very troublesome. There is no doubt that there are some contradictions between the Ninja Village and the country. Every time the war starts, I have to negotiate with the daimyo, but this Rain Shinobi Village is different now.. ..

When talking about my granddaughter, I also looked at Jiraiya and Orochimaru…

Sure enough, their faces changed…

“Old man. Isn’t he the one who looks very beautiful?… It won’t be the same one back then…”

Halfway through, Jiraiya kept silent…this is Sannin’s shame, he doesn’t want to tell the public about the fact that he was saved by a little girl.

When Sarutobi heard the words, what is very beautiful? What you think in this eye is really wrong Jiraiya, because Jiraiya has a very good impression of the little girl in his heart.

But everyone else looked at Jiraiya with a black face, it was obvious that Jiraiya’s reputation was too bad.

“It should be the girl, but I haven’t seen it, and I don’t know what she looks like. In addition, there is reliable news that the girl seems to be a cousin of your Uchiha clan. According to intelligence, she has a Sharingan with three hooks.”Sarutobi once again turned his gaze to the leader of the Uchiha clan, with some inexplicable expression in his eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku said slowly: “Bloodlines are inherently very difficult to say, but I believe that girl should not have the surname Uchiha, right? Our family tree does not show this person either.”

I said so on the surface, but I wanted everyone to understand that his Uchiha clan had nothing to do with outsiders. Otherwise, it would become a meeting for the Uchiha clan.

Several elders of the Uchiha clan knew this well, including Uchiha Fugaku, who had cold sweats on their palms.

However, although he pretended not to be nervous, Uchiha Fugaku was thinking about whether to take advantage of this relationship.

“Hahaha, I just talk about it casually, don’t take it too seriously.”

Sarutobi smiled and slapped haha, the atmosphere immediately eased, and several members of the Uchiha clan also let out a sigh of relief.

“Jiraiya, do you know this girl?”

An elder heard what Jiraiya said before, and obviously wanted to learn something from Jiraiya.


Jiraiya was only a promise, and didn’t know how to say it. After all, it was too embarrassing. He looked at Orochimaru who was aside.


Orochimaru’s answer is concise and clear…

But in my heart, I desperately recalled the memory of the year, and didn’t want to let go of any clues.

Seeing that both of them are like this, the elders also put away their minds.

“In short, Rain Shinobi Village now unites Isshin, so even if it is to understand the information of that organization, our post-war talks must continue.

With such a powerful leader, we Konoha should probably reconsider our policies with Rain Shinobi Village. ”

Sarutobi slowly expressed his thoughts.

“I agree that we can provide some benefits appropriately. The location of Rain Shinobi Village is too important to us. If we are allies, they will be our first line of defense.”

Danzo also nodded secretly. First, it was because the red-haired man made him nervous. Since this girl can be defeated, it is right to have a good relationship. Second, Kawa no Kuni and Rain Shinobi Village are now huddled together. Fortunately, it is undoubtedly the most beneficial for the current Konoha.

Both Konoha have said so, and the others can only nod. Although Konoha has many factions, except for the family, it is the Hokage Sarutobi faction and Danzo faction, and the others are also arguing between the two. It was time to reap the benefits, and now both of them have the same opinion.

They can only agree…not to mention that they are indeed the most suitable conditions.

“Hokage-sama…A messenger from Rain Shinobi Village is here, why don’t you wait for the meeting to end?”

Suddenly the door of the meeting room opened again, and a ninja who seemed to be a secretary walked in and said respectfully.

Sarutobi pondered for a while and said, “No, you let him in. Since we happened to talk to them, the Lord has come, so we can see what the new leader means.”

Danzo and others also agree with Sarutobi’s decision. Many of them are very curious, such as Orochimaru, Uchiha Fugaku, etc. ..

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