Finally Come

Chapter 291

Chapter 291 The Dignity of the Snake【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 291 The Dignity of the Snake Flowers Evaluation]

When Hanzo was still there, news of Rain Shinobi Village’s income was always slow.

However, what happened in Rain Shinobi Village always attracts people’s attention, not only because of the strength of Rain Shinobi Village, but also because of its special geographical location. Basically, it must be involved in every war.

But from the first time to the present, how many small countries have perished? How many small villages were affected and destroyed by the battle of the five ninja villages?

How many new villagers grow up and then destroy? This number may be very large, and the information is scary, but there is no such thing as Rain Shinobi Village.

No matter what is special here, he has deeply received the attention of the five ninja villages.

At the end of the three wars, the Ninja Villages of the five countries have their own victories.

After the fight, whether it is a friend or an enemy, there is always a discussion meeting, right?

What do you owe me, I give it to you, and it happens that he owes me again, then he will give you mine, but maybe someone owes him again, and I owe the other party again.

The distribution of things after the war is always very complicated. Although the battle of the five ninja villages is over, I don’t want to let some Xiaoxiaos take the opportunity to get a chance.

Therefore, it is equally important to discuss future development and cooperation after the war.

Rain Shinobi Village, why should we settle in this village to discuss.

It’s because, whether World War II or World War II, this Rain Shinobi Village has made the five ninja villages feel a little threat.

Discussing here is also taking the opportunity to put pressure to let Rain Shinobi Village know what to do and what not to do.

Konoha, it seems to be a little closer to Rain Shinobi Village.

The news of Konoha is always the first to know.

Just a few days after the Nine Tails incident, the people of Konoha were still immersed in the panic of Nine Tails and the sadness of the death of Fourth Generation.

The construction work seems to have begun.

Konoha is worthy of being the top of the five ninja villages, although many houses have been destroyed.

However, the background is indeed huge. With the concerted efforts of Konoha’s ninja and the villagers, the village quickly and slowly became vigorous and vigorous.

Everyone is deliberately forgetting the previous fears. Without war, life would still be plain and full.

In Konoha’s conference room, Konoha’s senior management seemed to have gathered here.

“The above is the strategic plan after Nine Tails attacked Konoha. I don’t know if you have any objections.”

Sarutobi, who sits in the first place, has put on Hokage’s big head again since Fourth Hokage’s death.

I thought Orochimaru would be a little dissatisfied, who knew Orochimaru just smiled mysteriously, without showing any unhappiness.

Even in today’s meeting, where his two disciples are sitting, it doesn’t matter to them.

Jiraiya didn’t understand these and didn’t want to care about these troublesome things. Minato’s affairs had made him sad for a long time before he calmed down easily.

And Orochimaru…

He doesn’t care about these at all now.

“Sarutobi! I think it is necessary to order a new candidate for Hokage. I think Orochimaru, one of Sannin, is a good choice.”

This person spoke with great momentum, it was the darkness of Shinobi, Danzo, after speaking, he stared at Orochimaru.Danzo originally supported Orochimaru, although Orochimaru seems a bit strange recently. He didn’t succeed in becoming Hokage before. This is an opportunity.

As long as he cooperates with Orochimaru, Konoha is the two of them.

As soon as the words came out, everyone around them whispered secretly to each other.. Discussing something.

When Jiraiya heard it, the look that was originally looking out of the window also turned back, looking at Orochimaru who was still self-sufficient and laughing, he pulled him a little and whispered, “Orochimaru, you are saying something, this is not the opportunity you always thought about. NS?”

“Oh? You would actually support me?”

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya strangely.


He didn’t understand what Orochimaru meant. He didn’t help Orochimaru when he was fighting Minato before, so he blushed now.

But now that Minato is dead, to be honest, Orochimaru is Hokage, and Jiraiya naturally supports his old friend. Although he is a bit cold to do things, Orochimaru’s ability is definitely there.

Sarutobi also frowned at this time. Although he had put on Hokage’s clothes again before, he had already abdicated after all, and Orochimaru…

Sarutobi always feels that Orochimaru’s character and Orochimaru’s thoughts are really not suitable for Hokage, but at this time, it is really difficult.

Sarutobi turned his eyes to Orochimaru, he wanted to hear what Orochimaru thought.

Everyone turned around, and for a while, the focus became Orochimaru.

“Hehe, Mr. Sarutobi, I’m Orochimaru, I’m not a casual person, I’m not the kind of thing that abandons and comes and goes, Hokage…”

Orochimaru said here, shaking his head and smiling, with indescribable contempt on his face.

Sarutobi was stunned when he heard the words, and then his face became a little embarrassed…. Other high-level officials also said something privately, no doubt that Sarutobi was too much before.

What Orochimaru said just now, they felt it, and the expression was that they didn’t let me be, but now I don’t want to be. You can find someone else.

Hokage? Is Hokage great? I, Orochimaru just don’t want to, what’s the matter? !

My Orochimaru is also dignified!

No wonder Orochimaru has been so plain and broad during this period. That’s right. People don’t care about Hokage’s seat anymore. What else does he care about? One of Sannin, Konoha’s mainstay, if you don’t care about that position, you Why do you show others’ faces?


Danzo looked at Orochimaru incredulously, which was different from what he had said before.

How could Orochimaru not care about Hokage’s location? He didn’t believe it, he never believed it, then there must be some reason, but Danzo couldn’t think of this reason.

Orochimaru looked at the anxious Danzo over there indifferently and continued to look at Sarutobi and said, “Although I don’t want to be Hokage, isn’t it one of Sannin? Isn’t there another one in the room.”

“Hey… Orochimaru… Don’t talk nonsense…”

Seeing Orochimaru say, almost all the high-levels around looked at him with fiery eyes, Jiraiya suddenly became anxious…

Sarutobi looked at Jiraiya for a long time, was silent for a while, and finally laughed and said, “It’s also a choice.”

“Old man?! Are you kidding me? I’m not a Hokage material, I can’t do it, you find someone else, don’t find me anyway.”

Jiraiya looked at Sarutobi incredulously, then turned around and read the book for himself.


Seeing that Orochimaru and Jiraiya didn’t want to be Hokage at all, Sarutobi’s head was a little bit painful, and the other high-level people present were also a little bit painful…

When did the supreme position of Hokage be so disgusting? ..

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