Finally Come

Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Dawn Plan, begin! [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 290 Dawn Plan, begin! [Look for a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

(It seems that many people still have questions about the identity of our Miss Longyue.

So Feiyan is here to explain again. From the very early time when she met Tsunade, she was the foreshadowing of her sister. Let’s put it this way, Sister Longyao now has time for most of her soul and spiritual power in order to produce the fruit of the sacred tree. The abilities are all placed on the Gedo Statue.

So it can be said that the body of our Miss Longyue is sister Longkey, but since the soul is not complete, it can also be regarded as a space-time clone.

Since the body is the body, so to speak, Dragon Moon is Dragon Key, and Yao Yue is stupid to distinguish it~)

Nagato is gone, Kisame is gone, and Nan also left.

So, it’s definitely a sigh of relief…

He didn’t think of it at all, because he defiled someone as a sister-in-law before (slander? Probably, because Long Yao really doesn’t have a sister, but I know, Feiyan, I know, if there is, Long Yao must be a sister-in-law! ), so a sister-in-law seems to be absolutely hated because of this.

So Keben did not send a message to leave.

Absolutely coughed and adjusted his whole body. This time, he felt that he had completed the plan, and the performance was quite successful. Black Zetsu White Zetsu raised his head at the same time and turned around. Absolutely was already waiting for his adult’s face. Looked at him appreciatively.

Oh, absolutely, it’s really nice to have you as a subordinate.

It is indeed the one left by the teacher, and it is really reliable.

Absolutely, sure enough, everything can be done with you.

Ideas are very beautiful, but reality is always different from dreams.

Jue turned his head and saw, a girl, oh no, his adults were looking at him with a smile.

At the beginning, he was very happy, but the more Jue saw it, the more he felt something was wrong. He had followed Long Key for a long time, and he still knew what this smile meant.

Long Yao is not happy…

Jue frowned, not thinking of his body at all.


“Silver… hello… you guys… now there is no one else…”

I want to ask for help from the two brothers Jin and Yin. I want to know what will happen. Unexpectedly, the brother Jin and Yin seemed to ignore him when he was acting just now.

Just kidding, this guy didn’t know what was going on, but the two of them stood behind and clearly saw the change in Long Key’s face, and they didn’t know that it was the black and white face in front of him.

It’s better to pretend not to know each other at this time…

The gold and silver brothers glanced at each other, and at the same time put their heads aside, without looking at them.

“My lord, have you eaten… I invite… uh…”

“Eat your head, that’s what you asked just now, is there anything new?”

Long Yue’s face was black, this is what came out of there after all.

What kind of treasure did his teacher Uchiha Madara leave behind…

Sister control? What the hell… Loli at most… uh… asshole… anyway…

The more he thought about it, the more Long Yao felt that his stalwart image seemed to be polluted.


The sword body of the Sky Cloud Sword suddenly ignited a dark golden black fire.

Under the shining of the black fire, Miss Longyue’s expression looked exceptionally cruel.

Long Key didn’t even want to look at the head that was about to hit Jue. Just when he was about to meet Jue, he suddenly heard Jue yelling: “My lord! I was wrong!”

Long Yao frowned, and said clearly: “Oh? Seeing how tired you are, I will spare you this time, dare you dare to say it next time?”

“Say what? Oh…oh…not dare…not dare…”No one knew where he was wrong, but this was an excuse for not being devastated by Dragon Moon.

“My lord, how do you think I acted just now?”

Seeing that there seemed to be nothing, I definitely felt relieved, and then said excitedly.

“It’s okay, so so…”

Long Yao said lightly.

“Ah? My lord, I think the most powerful section is the last one. Did you know that if it wasn’t for me to tell you something that your sister controlled… I didn’t expect it to be really useful… You don’t know, this little one? Nagato and the others believed it all at once…”

Without noticing the change in Long Yao’s face, he absolutely said to himself.


Finally, Long Key seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and the handle of the knife slammed Jue’s proud face and body on the ground.

As if not satisfied yet, Long Yao raised the hilt of the knife and was ready to continue.

“My lord… my lord… my lord… don’t my key… my Madara… my Obito… no, what did I say wrong… I changed… I changed Not yet…”

Seeing this scene, I was absolutely shocked, and hurriedly yelled for mercy, even using all the names Long Key had used before.

“Idiot, I didn’t say it, don’t call that name.”

Obito…Long Key’s face changed and became black…This name represents too much.

“Yes Yes Yes…”

Absolutely nodded…. suddenly he accidentally forgot…

“From now on, I’m not allowed to say that I am a sister-in-law…huh…”

The voice of Long Key, with majesty and Tsundere in the girl, sounds unique, but there is absolutely no way to think about these things now…

Oh…that’s how it is…it turns out to be angry because of this thing…

I won’t tell the truth next time…

But he said: “Understand.. Understand… I absolutely know…”

“Rain Shinobi Village’s affairs are basically certain. On the base side, you just don’t want to show your feet.”

Long Yao said lightly, he didn’t want to blame it…there would be too much trouble at that time.

“Bring the leucorrhea here…”

As if thinking of something, Long Yao then looked at Jue and said.

“My lord, she has been waiting for this moment.”

It’s absolutely white… Bai, this kid, he feels really pitiful.

“My lord, I heard that the Five Shadows post-war assignment meeting was originally to be held at the end of the Three World Wars, and the location is here in Rain Shinobi Village, but now…”

“Now Hanzo is dead?”

Long Yao sneered… unspeakably seductive…

“Yes, does that need to be cancelled? After all, what if you see it?”

There are definitely some worries about this. The five big countries are not waste, and it is easy to find something from some clues.

“Why do you want to cancel? Hanzo is dead, there is no need to cancel. Sometimes, if you don’t do this, it makes people feel like they are hiding…

Since the decision is Rain Shinobi Village, how much should Gokage know, the current Rain Shinobi Village is not so easy to mess with…


And…the plan…began…just from this moment…

Dawn Plan….. ..

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