Finally Come

Chapter 289

Chapter 289 Sister Control【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

The 289th chapter sister control [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Kisame reluctantly said: “The relatives are certain, otherwise it is impossible… to look… this… uh… you should understand…”

Kisame’s words deeply convinced several people.

“Family? What kind of relationship is there?”

Nagato turned blue, and then asked.

“I don’t know how old the adult is, so this girl must not look at it on the surface, judging from her attitude towards adults, and the attitude of talking to adults.

Well, it is definitely smaller than an adult. ”

Kisame said his thoughts…

“Then there is only one possibility…”

Nagato said helplessly.

“younger sister……”

Xiao Nan figured it out right away…

He nodded as if relieved, and gave the three of them an answer.

“No wonder… what incest…”

“Shut up!” “Shut up!”

Kisame wanted to understand what the incest before Longyue meant, and heard two arrogant shouts, one was Xiao Nan by her side.

The other one was Miss Long Yue not far away.

Kisame smashed his mouth, but he decided not to speak anymore.


Nagato is a reasonable believer, and Kisame is also a ninja of superiors and inferiority.

Now that the identity of the other party is clear, his attitude seems to have suddenly changed respectfully.

“Come on! Call sister-in-law!”

Knowing that it is not the relationship between rivals, Xiao Nan’s eyes on Sister Longyue suddenly became hot, really cute girl…

I completely forgot the look in Lace’s eyes just now.


Long Yue didn’t even care to laugh this time, she really didn’t expect the three of them to have such a big nerve.

“You… didn’t I just say… she has betrayed the organization! The adults have already ordered her to be killed… Do you remember one time when the adults spoke halfway and didn’t say anything.”

Jue’s face went dark, these three are really…

“I remember… it seems to be… for planning, even if that person is mine… the time that disappeared later?”

The elders seem to remember…

“Yes, she is talking about!”

Definitely nodded, leave early…finish sooner…

With that said, the three of them thought of Long Key, and their attitude seemed to have undergone another change…

The look in his eyes immediately became hostile again.


Long Yao felt that his nerves seemed to be a little painful… that kind of indescribable feeling…

“Then why were you so respectful to her just now?”

Jue’s attitude seems a little weird, Xiao Nan is sensitive to it..

Suddenly surprised…

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally looked at the girl on the opposite side, as if to say that I had no choice.

Looking at Xiao Nan, he said, “Because I can’t beat her.. This is the first point.. Then I was used to being bullied before… Just now I was nervous…”Jue’s eyes Longyue saw it, and she had any bad feelings, but isn’t Jue’s statement quite reasonable.

Miss Long Yue tilted her head and watched cutely.

“My lord won’t help you judge?”

Kisame blinked his right eye slightly, his mouth was a little crooked, questioning.

I definitely closed my eyes… I didn’t even look at Long Yue, it seemed to be sad, and it seemed to be a sigh for someone’s character, and then sighed: “My lord, he is a sister-in-law…”

“Oh…” Kisame gave a weird cry, and the voice was dragged for a long time, seeming to understand.


Nagato nodded, not talking about the bond between relatives, the concentration of family affection…wait, Nagato seems to understand something wrong…also, how could he know if the sister is in control of something.

Although Xiao Nan didn’t say anything, her face looked like she had guessed it..

Even if the other people see Xiao Nan, this is the same expression…Long Yao suddenly feels that he is particularly fucking with his subordinates’ impression…


It’s all because of absolutely…

That’s right, this guy must be talking nonsense later. The more you think about it, the more Long Yao feels right. How could he have reached such a point with his wise image.


A sharp sword came towards several people.

All of them were ninjas who responded quickly, and they evaded them immediately.

“I’m so reluctant, just don’t leave. I just planted some flowers recently. They are very delicate and can’t be supported by ordinary fertilizers. It seems that your meat is maintained very well. When chemical fertilizers, they must be very nutritious. ”

With a crazy smile, the girl hacked wildly with a dark golden long sword.

This kind of picture is bloody in its beauty, how to look at it, how to change it.

Is this person sick…

It seems that you were talking about your brother just now… What are you excited about… Is it brother control?

But the position is clear. Nagato is not the kind of ninja who talks about emotions. They are just for the dragon key. If the dragon key has an order, even if it is really going to kill the sister of the dragon key, they will do it.

Just when several people were preparing to fight back, suddenly a message was received in the ring at the same time.

“Come back, there is no chance this time, I must kill her next time I have a chance.”

The cold voice made a few people feel a little strange for the first time, and there seemed to be a little indifference and sadness in this coldness.

Nagato’s expressions jumped, this is the voice of Dragon Key…

Since Long Key has said so, then this girl is indeed an enemy.

The three of Nagato Kisame Xiaonan glanced at each other and nodded slightly, as if they were exchanging information. Seeing that everyone had received the information, they were preparing to retreat.

They had rushed forward, but then they changed their minds and immediately retreated.

Miss Long Yue didn’t seem to care, she just stared at absolutely…

“How did they withdraw?”

Looking at his three companions in amazement, they were still crazy just now, and the sourness that suddenly appeared now made him suddenly unacceptable.

But fortunately, this was originally the purpose.

Jue secretly nodded in relief. It seemed a bit silly to find that Jue hadn’t kept up with the few people who retreated.

“Hai, why didn’t you leave?”

Nagato questioned, but your lord has ordered…

He didn’t know, and never received it at all.

I never saw it, it seemed that something bad happened.

“Uh… I’m just a clone, not the main body, you can go first…”

After thinking about it carefully, he still couldn’t think of anything, so he explained that this is actually his body, but maybe there is nothing else the boss wants to order.

When Nagato saw him, he nodded secretly, and several people quickly disappeared into Rain Shinobi Village.

In fact, a few of them are very strange, because Absolutely looks like this, and the clone is also a human being. When they saw the black-breathing girl behind Absolutely, they felt a moment of fear in their hearts. ..

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