Finally Come

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 Mission Complete【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

The 246th chapter mission is completed [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Planetary Devastation, which can be called Rinnegan’s Forbidden Technique, naturally has his reasons. The most important thing is the kind of meticulous control of Chakra. This is undoubtedly the most important point, and it is also the most wasteful. on the one hand.

With the knowledge and perception of the ontology, the control of Chakra has also reached the Ultimate, Tenshinto, and now I only have a little feeling about Planetary Devastation.

Just tired, very tired…

This is the flesh body that has just merged, and using such a large pupil technique, even he is somewhat overwhelmed at this time.

The huge sphere appeared in the sky above everyone at this time, covering the sky and the sun. Although it was dark, the oppressive feeling still couldn’t stop the deep integration into everyone’s hearts.

“This… what kind of witchcraft…”

Fear can no longer be used to explain people’s mood at this time, it is more of a kind of numbness, a kind of deep weakness.

The figure of Tenshindo was floating in front of the huge sphere at this time, with a faint flash of light behind it. This may be the result of Chakra playing Ultimate before, but the light is slowly weakening.

The remaining Konoha Shinobi are not one out of ten. Even if you are no matter how clever your Flying Thunder God Technique is, how many people can you save in that situation?

At this moment, there was a sacred voice in the sky, which immediately turned Jiraiya and the others’ attention away. It is better to say that their attention has always been on Tenjindo.

I saw Tenjindo slowly speak in the air: “This world… has been in chaos for too long… War, death, power, money, beauty, human beings are crazy about it…

This world is just a child…

Now, his master is back… the world will be peaceful, peaceful, and serene. Everyone should bow down to welcome the coming of the gods. You should be grateful and grateful, not this stupid struggle.

You are just meaninglessly resisting the coming of peace.. In a sense, you are all sinners…


The head of the five ninja villages, the culprit of the war, this time…I should give you a small punishment…

We are invincible ahead of us! ”

The indifferent tone and unprecedented self-confidence of Tenjindo chilled everyone. After seeing the Planetary Devastation before, no one thought he was joking, and no one knew what Tenjindo was thinking at this time. Therefore, No one dared to take the initiative to attack.

“What do you want to do! After doing this kind of thing and killing so many innocent people, can you still say so frankly that what you did is peaceful and just?!”

As soon as Tenshinto’s words were finished, Minato’s angry voice came.

Minato’s words were like cold water, and everyone’s hearts became sober…

Yes, no matter what the other party is, their village and their relatives have all suffered the price of death.

This is an unforgivable crime. Everyone was trapped in the oppression of Planetary Devastation before. Minato’s words at this time seemed like an initiation, calming everyone down.

“I don’t have to tell you so much, my task has been completed… then…”

Stabbed…I saw a dark red hole on the back of Tianshindo suddenly split.

Really red space…

When the virtual dog cannon of Nine Tails exploded, he already understood that his mission should be completed. Maybe he may have overfulfilled the mission. Nine Tails’ control time has already arrived. In this case, he has no more Need to stay here.

I just finished using Planetary Devastation. Although it has solved many ninjas, his consumption is also very large. Now there are Jiraiya, Sarutobi, Minato, and Ino–Shika–Chō a group of elite ninjas. Here, his fate is definitely death.

Tenjindo is arrogant, but he is not an idiot.

“Don’t even think about leaving! Today anyway…you are…”

“Minato, let him go…”

As soon as the real red space appeared, Minato secretly squeezed the technique kunai in his hand, and the others couldn’t catch up, but he was different. He didn’t want to let the opponent slip away again, the opponent’s thought strength was too dangerous.

However, when he was about to do something, Sarutobi on the side suddenly waved his hand to stop Minato’s behavior.

Minato frowned, suddenly let go, and slowly let go of the Kuwu posture in his hand.

“Master Sarutobi?!”

“Why let this murderer go away!”

Sarutobi didn’t explain, but watched Tenshindo slowly walking into the real red space and said slowly: “From today, Konoha will position you as the target for chasing and killing you.”

After listening to the god of heaven, he halted, then turned his head and sneered, and then entered the real red space without hesitation.

After Tenshindo’s body entered the true red space, the crack in the true red space slowly closed like a zipper.

Minato closed his eyes and sensed the surroundings. Finally, he exited the Sage Mode state, turned his head and said to Jiraiya and Sarutobi: “He has already left, at least, not in this area.”

Sarutobi nodded, and then looked at Konoha’s ninja and said, “I know what you just wanted to say, but don’t forget…”

Sarutobi’s eyes were solemn, and he looked at the Nine Tails still roaring in the distance…

The Konoha Shinobi understood what it meant at once. At this time, the focus should return to Nine Tails, and should not be spending unnecessary power to hunt down the erratic space ninja.

One by one, he lowered his head and looked at Sarutobi with shame.

“The uninjured ninja will go with me, and will seal Nine Tails with a few adults.”

Lujiu stood up first and shouted loudly. Suddenly, Konoha’s ninja’s hearts were united.

Minato looked at Jiraiya, and Jiraiya nodded. Minato disappeared in the same place instantly and appeared in front of Nine Tails for the first time.

At this time, the severe scarlet of Nine Tails slowly receded, and there was no sluggishness before, and it became somewhat spiritual.


As soon as Nine Tails gained control of her body, she felt a huge blow. When she reacted, she felt her abdomen received a huge blow, and her body immediately flew far away.

Slowly standing up, Nine Tails shook his head and looked at a young man with blond hair not far away.

In this man’s body, he felt a breath of danger. ..

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