Finally Come

Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Kong Chen’s Spicy Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 265 Kong Chen’s Spicy Flowers Evaluation]

(I know what a lot of people are worried about. Feiyan doesn’t read book reviews very much. She just reads it after a while, ah…update…I’m here to promise, although sometimes it will be updated, but never Eunuch, that’s for sure.)

The huge Planetary Devastation, not only the location where the incident occurred, everyone felt this horror, but because it was in the air, the sphere was too large.

Although there were only a few ninjas and some civilians who fled in the village at this time, even if they were separated by a long distance, they could clearly see what was happening there.

The first thing I discovered was not others, but Asuma, Guy, Shiranui Xuanjian these young ninjas, they are evacuation work here, although they are a bit far away from the location of the incident, but they are moving around the mountain. After shaking, I still saw the scene.

“Then… side… what happened…”

Seeing the heavenly masterpiece is almost a myth, Asuma’s mind is empty at this time, and he doesn’t know how it should work anymore.

“I finally know… why not let us pass…”

Shiranui smacked his lips, and he finally understood that if they could not help in the past, they would drag down other ninjas instead.

It’s Guy, who has always been a bit nervous, and at this time, he stood still and didn’t know what to say.

Only red, her eyes lit up slightly, and she probably understood something in her heart.

“Is that what the key is talking about, what will happen to Konoha…”

“The key is amazing!”

After a short silence, Hong suddenly had a star-like light in his eyes…

I didn’t care about… Konoha’s casualties…

Red…Don’t become a nympho~0.0

Hong suddenly held her small hand and looked into the distance brightly, and Asuma and their attention were also attracted.

“Red… don’t be sad… we will definitely get revenge!”

Asuma saw Hong look like this and thought Hong was a little sad. After all, Hong’s heart was very soft and kind, like made of water, so he comforted.

The other people also looked at the red in comfort.

Hong immediately noticed her gaffe, but since she had been misunderstood, she would not give any explanation.

revenge? Isn’t that looking for the key?

Red frowned, and then said coldly: “Let’s go, our mission is not to waste time here.”

Then he turned around and flicked his hair, and left without looking back…

He cursed Asuma in his heart.

Asuma got caught in some way inexplicably, but what Hong said was right. Seeing that the others had followed slightly, Asuma gave a wry smile and shook his head. If he didn’t understand, he didn’t want to. Now there are other things. To do, for Hong, although he has some good feelings at this time, he is more treated like a younger sister.

But Asuma who followed up would not know, he had no chance, and his so-called elder brother seemed to be a little disgusted at this time.Not only did they notice it here, although Konoha’s ninjas were already in other places at this time and didn’t notice much, but some still noticed this horrifying worldly sight.

Not far from there, Orochimaru and Kakashi already brought a group of people to take Naruto and Mayuri, who were still babies, with Asari. Originally, because of Minato’s order, Mayuri didn’t have to go there, but because of Mayuri’s insistence. , Kakashi naturally has no choice for this master.

Because Minato was more urgent when he came, the other ninjas slowly sent Mayuri in the back, while Orochimaru and Kakashi went in first. Kakashi was just a transporter of the children, and Orochimaru was in the eyes of other ninjas. It is one of Konoha’s highest combat effectiveness.

So in the face of things like Nine Tails, you must go first. In this way, the pressure on Hokage can be much smaller.

At this time, Orochimaru and Kakashi quickly shuttled through the ruins. This Nine Tails raid has destroyed most of the area.

Kakashi’s eyes revealed this sense of anxiety, and Kakashi knew in his heart that his teacher’s expression just now was only revealed when he was really serious.

The teacher who has always been sunny and cheerful, even in times of crisis, is facing with a smile. This is the case. It must be that the situation has reached an irreversible level.

On the other hand, Orochimaru, with a rumorous smile on his face at this time, looks very flat, but Orochimaru’s heart is not like that.

What exactly does Minato want to do, why should he take his children with him at this time? To say that Konoha Orochimaru is a character who does not have this kind of village feeling.

After Hokage’s seat was robbed, it would be better to say that Orochimaru had some resentment in his heart at this time, and the things I could not get like Uchiha Madara would be destroyed, similar to that kind of thinking.

“what is this?!”

Suddenly, Kakashi’s exclamation pulled Orochimaru out of thinking, and Orochimaru looked past Kakashi’s gaze…

“This is…..&”

The sphere suspended in the sky not far away was so shocking at this time.

Orochimaru’s heart jumped, this thing…can’t be wrong…

The base of the organization!

Although there are a lot of differences in size, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. I originally thought it was a natural thing, but now it seems…

There was a trace of horror in Orochimaru’s heart…

Organizing that, did Master Key personally make it…

It’s horrible…

However, Kakashi, at this time, seemed to be seen something incredible, his mouth opened, but because he was wearing a mask, others could not see clearly.

Then he moved forward at a faster speed. Seeing such a miraculous thing, Kakashi understood that the battle over there was undoubtedly very dangerous.

But Orochimaru was thinking, no matter what Minato’s purpose is, but this child was definitely harmful in the past.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru’s eyes immediately turned cold, his eyes squinted slightly at Kakashi in front of him.

“The plan cannot be destroyed. If you are done at this time, no one will find out. Even if they find out, it will be a big deal if they defect.”

Orochimaru thought about it, then raised his hand slightly. He was ready to attack Kakashi and the child in his arms.

Suddenly, Orochimaru’s figure stopped.

Just stopped in place.

Kakashi sensed Orochimaru’s movement, and then stopped and looked back at Orochimaru with some questions. ..

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