Finally Come

Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Darkness is shrouded [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 263 Darkness is shrouded [Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Just when everyone in Konoha felt surprised by the changes around him, Nine Tails in the distance had already completed his attack to the last step.

Seeing Nine Tails’ head tilted forward slightly, and then lifted up, some huge virtual dog cannons in his mouth swiftly marched forward.

“Oops, it must be stopped.”

Fourth Hokage is calm, even if it is risky, but this virtual dog cannon must also be transferred.

However, how could Tenjindao make him do what he wanted? He has been preparing for a long time, how can the anger that has been suppressed for so long fail again and be useless again?

Tianshendao yelled, and the palms of both hands were folded heavily, and he made a slap. As he floated higher, the squally wind here scattered his hair a little, and he seemed to be even more violent.

Following the movement of the Tenjindo, the suction power of Planetary Devastation increased significantly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and just for a moment, the blockbuster Konoha Shinobi was sucked up.

Under the earth, even the immortal Xiaoqiang like the cockroach could not escape his fate.


Jiraiya yelled.

Minato nodded. He understood that houses are not so important now. What is important is the lives of these elite Konoha Shinobi.

If the house collapses or is destroyed, it can still be rebuilt. If Konoha’s villagers have any objections, it’s a big deal, but the lives of these Konoha Shinobi are not so simple. They didn’t cultivate a ninja like this, and it took a lot of money. More than ten years and twenty years time.

In the time period after this war, Konoha could not withstand such a consumption.

This time, the Planetary Devastation has a somewhat broad scope, and the goal is not just one goal. So after spreading the suction power, like the more powerful Third Generation Jiraiya, if you use all your power, although it is very difficult, you can still Resisted for a while.


Before they could react, several people heard the roar in the distance.

It was the sound of a virtual dog cannon exploding. Hearing this sound, the faces of several people changed. Although they knew that there might be no way to stop them, it really happened. Everyone’s faces became very gray.

“Flying Thunder God Technique!”

Minato’s figure flashed by, throwing the kunai in his hand into the air beside the Konoha Shinobi, then flashed to their side, pulled it past, and then flashed to the ground.

After this cycle a few times, Minato felt that his body was overwhelmed.

This is natural. I have fought Dragon Key before. At this time, both my mentality and my body are not at their peak. Moreover, under the suction power of Planetary Devastation, even Flying Thunder God Technique is not so easy to use. .

Seeing that Minato looked a little tired, Third Hokage, Jiraiya, and some of the rescued wood industry people were not idle, they all used the energy of milking.

At this time, their potential seemed to have been stimulated, and they were so much higher than their usual combat effectiveness.

Even so, it still cannot prevent the death of most Konoha Shinobi.

“Master Hokage, help me!”

A ninja, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the clod above, couldn’t help screaming in fear.Minato just took out an unprepared one to go over, but it was too late, and saw that Konoha’s ninja had stuck to the clod, and then more clods covered it, and there was only a few strong squeezing left. The pressed blood dripped from the air.

The blood of the dead ninjas slowly dripped on the faces and clothes of the few surviving ninjas.

Minato opened his mouth, his eyes became a little red, and the grip of Kuwu in his hand became tighter and stronger, and a trace of bright red overflowed from Minato’s hand.

Just when everyone was a little grateful for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe, and prepared to look up to see where the enemy in the sky was, something that surprised everyone happened..

“This…is…what…Sure enough…we…”

As the first person raised his head and his angry eyes turned into surprise, and finally changed his appearance of panic and bewilderment, more and more Konoha Shinobi also raised their heads and looked at the sky after feeling strange. It also changed to the same look as that ninja.

“Is this… the power of the descendants of Sage of Six Paths…”

Although Sarutobi is very knowledgeable, he has never heard of the scene here. Even if it is him, he can’t stop feeling a trace of fear on his face at this time…


When Jiraiya saw it, he discovered that one of his former disciples, the mysterious power of his bloodline turned out to be so terrifying…

Jiraiya has made up his mind… he needs the power of his disciples, the blood of the descendants of Six Paths, the horror of Rinnegan, he used to understand a little bit, but today, he finally feels it…

Maybe only Rinnegan can fight Rinnegan…

For this, he needs the power of Nagato to deal with the so-called mysterious Six Paths..

Even if Jiraiya was killed at this time, he would never think that his disciple, the hope he now thinks about, is their enemy, one of the Six Paths of Samsara…

“Six Paths of Samsara…Six Paths of Samsara…”

Minato thought of other places. The human realm is already terrible, and this heavenly shinto is also terrifying. If the other party has six such people…

Minato’s face changed, he didn’t dare to think about it anymore…

This time, even if Konoha is lucky, I am the one who will dominate the world of Shinobi one day, depending on the means… what I have is…

This sentence was left before the human world left…

Although the tone did not seem to be a joke, Minato still had some disbelief in his heart, but he had witnessed such a miracle.

Minato’s heart is no longer as sure as before…

Even the three of them are like that, let alone the other Konoha Shinobi…

Above the sky at this time, although it was originally night, everyone felt the envelope of darkness. Only when they looked up… did they find that… in the sky above them, there was a giant sphere suspended in the air.

On the ground, a large area of ​​land has become a big pit, and even the surrounding area has become pitted. Now, everyone understands…

Why does it feel darker all around…

This is because it is at night.. If it is daytime…

This huge sphere had already blocked the sky, so even the bright and bright moonlight at night could not shine on them at this time.

They seemed to be surrounded by darkness.

Whether it is the surrounding environment or their heart at this time. ..

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