Finally Come

Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Big Eyes and Small Eyes Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 262 Big Eyes and Small Eyes Flowers Evaluation]

What does he want to do? Everyone stared at Tenjindao intently, not wanting to miss the slightest detail.

“Something is wrong, the air flow around has changed, not good!”

Minato was very sensitive to the changes in the surroundings, and suddenly thought of what Tenshinto’s movements were doing?

The other party wants to contain all of himself here.

“He wants to contain us all here, so that Nine Tails can do whatever he wants.”

Minato looked at Jiraiya and Sarutobi and said solemnly.

“You mean?”

Jiraiya opened his mouth, and he seemed to figure out something.

“When you look at each other’s current emotions, you are extremely angry, which means that the plain talking to us just now is just suppressing yourself.”

After listening to Sarutobi, his mind about Tenjindo changed a lot, and then Minato went on to say: “The other party’s mind is a bit terrible, and it can suppress such anger. The next attack must be very difficult.”

“That’s right, the surrounding air has already begun to change, and even the space is a bit unstable. I’m not sure whether it is the change brought about by the other party’s spell, or the other party was prepared to stop me before.”

Minato gave a wry smile, and now he found the space extremely unstable.

However, it was not actually brought by Planetary Devastation, but it was secretly prepared by Tenshinto and reserved a hand specifically to deal with him.

“His eyes?! How could it be possible?!”

Suddenly, Jiraiya noticed the change in the opponent’s eyes.

The original look in his ordinary eyes has now turned into a blue-purple circle.

As Tianshen Dao slowly rises, his aura has become increasingly fierce.

“Rinnegan?! In this world? How is it possible?”

Jiraiya’s mouth was surprised and could no longer close.

“Rinnegan? Jiraiya what did you say?”

Third Generation also said in horror.

“Sage of Six Paths’ Blood Succession Boundary? Does this world have this kind of Blood Succession Boundary?”

Minato is Hokage, after all, I know something about this kind of thing. Sage of Six Paths is so famous in the Ninja world, but it’s too far away…

The surprise of the three of them also caused the hearts of the people in the wood industry to suddenly cool down..

As everyone knows, Jiraiya is even more surprised that he doesn’t believe that, except for one of his former disciples, Nagato, there is actually a second pair of such eyes in the world.

Rinnegan’s blood inheritance is not a street thing. According to Toad Sage’s prediction, this should be a unique thing…how could it be like this? This is most of the reason why Jiraiya was surprised at this time. .

As everyone knows, since Long Key came into this world, everything from a little bit to a large part has been completely changed.

Perhaps, the original Rinnegan was really unique, but after the dragon key came, he also had his own Rinnegan, not part of the original Rinnegan, and still a somewhat altered nine-hook jade Rinnegan.

Of these circumstances, Jiraiya and the others are naturally unaware of it.

“Feel the pain, feel this gift from God.

witness!This, the power of Six Paths! ”

After Shinto had risen to his ideal position, the anger in his heart was calmed a lot at this time. From his perspective, Konoha’s hundreds of ninjas were just a bunch of ants.


Seeing the corner of Tenjin Tao’s mouth curled, his eyes slowly raised his hands proudly, everyone in Konoha understood that the real disaster was coming…

Although they don’t all understand what they are going to face, everyone’s heart is now with a determination to die, and a trace of fear hidden deep in their hearts.

The silver-black ball seems to be very small, and it floats slowly out of the hands of Tenjindo with a faint light. Even so, to the ninja at midnight, the light of the ball looks like It is so eye-catching again.


Suddenly, the silver-black ball suddenly accelerated, and the original feeling of floating and leisure became like the violent force of a soldier charging during a war.

Unblocked rushed to a highest point.

The silver-black light is no longer as faint as before, but it shines suddenly in addition to the strong light, giving people an illusion of daylight for an instant.

“Planetary Devastation”

At this time, Tenjindao narrowed his eyes slightly, putting all his energy on the control of Planetary Devastation.


With a sudden shout, Konoha’s people were startled.

Then, everyone slowly became alert.

However, nothing happened. After being slightly confused, a Konoha ninja finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to his companion somewhat mockingly: “Hey, scared me to death, this is not Nothing. The enemy will fart or mess up his own airflow when it’s critical, right?”

The words of this ninja didn’t know how to come up with it, and the surrounding Konoha Shinobi also laughed and raised their heads to laugh at all kinds of heaven.

What? Rinnegan wouldn’t be some plastic glued on to deceive people.

Even so, Sarutobi and Jiraiya can’t help but laugh.

Only Minato, who is still in Sage Mode at this time, is still keen on the changes around him, and his instinct tells him that something bad will happen to him.

Sure enough, it only took a while, everyone felt the earth seemed to be shaking.

“Earthquake? At this time? No? Is it because the other party knew that it would take an earthquake to get to the sky? But we don’t have this ability?”

With some slight shaking at the beginning, the ground fragmented, whether the house or the land, some small daily necessities, slowly floated into the air.

“What’s going on… my body?…”

Slowly, the ninja who finally had the first Konoha found that his body was floating uncontrollably, no matter how he moved, he couldn’t break free.

“Hey, you didn’t…ah…”

Some other Konoha Shinobi who just wanted to help pull, but at this time found that they were like their companions and could not control their bodies…

The earth is sinking, the broken soil is floating, and some rats who had been hiding in the ground and living a stable life were also affected at this time…

Some of the mice were a group of mice, and they didn’t understand what was going on.

Konoha’s ninja saw some mice clinging to some wood and stones in the chaos, and finally they were still sucked into the air.

When they arrived around Konoha Shinobi, they slowly floated up together.

Konoha’s ninja and the mice stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, but the blank gaze in the mouse’s eyes really made people feel innocent.

They don’t know what fate they will face next. ..

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