Finally Come

Chapter 261

Chapter 261 Planetary Devastation【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 261 Planetary Devastation【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Seeing Sarutobi’s face, Jiraiya understood how shocking the question was. After thinking about it, Jiraiya nodded affirmatively.

“Master Jiraiya, is there really such a powerful person?”

For Kakashi, like his father, he may be the representative of the strongest ninja, but…

“Oh?.. Is this the son of White Fang… That trash… actually lost to the look of an adult…”

Tenshindo set his eyes on Kakashi, and then said with a mocking expression on his face.

“White Fang is dead, no matter what, I hope you don’t go too far.”

White Fang, no matter what, is Konoha’s hero, and the hero who slander Konoha really makes Konoha’s ninja feel chilly.

Third Generation immediately roared at Tenjindo.

I don’t know, this roar is even more true to the words in the mouth of the gods.

“Old man…Isn’t it…Suo Mao, he…”

Jiraiya opened her mouth, she couldn’t believe it, and finally she didn’t know what to say…

Minato also looked confused, White Fang…just like him before, the villages gave orders to meet White Fang, and giving up the mission is not a failure.

No matter what he thinks, Minato won’t feel that White Fang is weaker than himself.

It’s just such a person, who can’t match the look of the other person’s eyes?

Is there really such a powerful person in the world? Is this really still a human? Still just as the other party said, it’s a god.


This sigh of Third Generation not only caused the ninjas around Konoha to take a breath of cold air, but Kakashi also turned into a gray face.

Minato looked at the Tenjindo in front of him, as if he had made some determination.

“Kakashi, go and bring Naruto and Mayuri to me.”


The dignified look on Minato’s face is something Kakashi has never seen before. Usually, no matter how big a crisis is, Minato can always calm everyone’s nervousness with a sunny smile, but now it is such an emotion.


I have seen the Dragon Key Human World before, and I feel more and more that this organization is not simple. There is this person here. Although there is still Third Generation Orochimaru Jiraiya here, it is not that simple to solve Nine Tails.

And in just a moment, more people will die…

As Hokage, he must end this moment.

“Let me go with me too… It’s good to have someone on the road…”

Orochimaru suddenly walked out with a strange smile, to Kakashi’s side.

Although it felt strange, but couldn’t find it anyhow, Minato nodded and said to Orochimaru, “Please, Senior Orochimaru.”

Orochimaru laughed and said it was okay, and left here with Kakashi immediately…

Now, Orochimaru just wants to leave here quickly…

Just now Orochimaru suddenly received such a message.Run…Get out of here…

And this message came formally from Tenjindo, and there was a bad feeling in my heart. Since contacting Tenjindo before, Orochimaru felt something was wrong when there was no response from the other party.

What is certain is that Tenshindo must have been angered at that time. This is absolutely not wrong. The arrogance of Tenshindo makes Orochimaru dare not imagine what he will do after being played again.

And even the ring’s information was not returned. This shows that Tenshindo must be preparing something, whether it is Chakra’s control or Chakra’s demand, it has reached the kind of energy that there is no way to be distracted to contact oneself.

At this moment, I suddenly told myself to go…

Then, there is really only one possibility…that is, the surgery… is done…

Orochimaru is worthy of being a great scientist, and his IQ and thoughtfulness of thinking are also beautiful. After thinking about this.

Orochimaru’s footsteps suddenly became even faster, leaving Kakashi directly behind.

He wasn’t really going to accompany Kakashi, it was just an excuse, but all of a sudden, Kakashi was a little dumbfounded…

This was fine just now, but the words suddenly speeded up.

On the other side, Konoha’s ninjas whispered to each other, obviously they were shocked by the previous situation, that is, Fourth Generation Jiraiya and Third Generation are also discussing.

With so many strong people here, their confidence in this battle has been greatly improved. Rather, they don’t think they will lose.

However, Tianshen Dao is a space powerhouse, how to stay, and the mysterious organization of the other party, is what makes them feel the most palpitations.

No one noticed, the palms of Tianshendao slowly opened and finally came together.

“Nine Tails! Do it!”

Suddenly, Tenshinto suddenly shouted, and a flash came to the back.

After talking so much nonsense, he didn’t do nothing idle, he kept gathering Chakra secretly, just for such a moment.

The moment when everyone is distracted, the moment when one’s own technique is completed.

The anger in his heart has long been intolerable, he is proud, prouder than anyone else, but just speaking in a plain and flat way, he suffocated his anger.

Now that it has been completed, the time for trial has arrived.

Nine Tails, after receiving the order, slowly lay down on the ground, looking fiercely in the direction of Konoha, and slowly opened its big mouth with sharp teeth.

The air immediately became cold at this moment, and the dark blue and dark purple Chakra slowly gathered to the mouth of Nine Tails.

“Tailed Beast Bomb?! It’s awful.”

Third Hokage’s expression changed. Unexpectedly, Nine Tails, who had not been restrained by anyone, suddenly came so suddenly.

“Minato, leave it to you, we are here to hold the opposite Tenjinto.”

Jiraiya looked at Minato and said.

Here only Minato can move quickly and transfer the huge virtual dog cannon.

“I will try my best…”

Minato smiled bitterly. After the previous battle, Chakra didn’t have much left.

Just when everyone said something, a small black ball slowly condensed out of the hands of the gods.

“Remnant! I lost my face in today’s battle. It’s a shame!”

“Don’t think about going anywhere, just quietly accept the baptism of death again!”

“Six Paths Secret Art. Planetary Devastation.”

The body of Tianshindao became higher and higher, and finally recorded the positions of everyone one by one, and threw the small ball in his hand to a central position. ..

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