Finally Come

Chapter 260

Chapter 260 We Are Transformed by Glorious Justice Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 260 We are transformed by the glory of justice [seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Tenshindo is only carrying out the order issued by the Dragon Key, but the third generation’s purpose is to exclude Nine Tails from Konoha…

So, how does Nine Tails destroy the rest…


The figure of Tenshindo just stood in place, but no Konoha ninja dared to attack rashly at this time…

At this time, a figure suddenly flashed onto the battlefield here…


The sudden appearance didn’t let anyone notice, but Kakashi’s surprise shout made everyone look over in surprise…

Then everyone looked happy…

Orochimaru’s face changed and became a little gloomy. His existence can more or less contain Jiraiya, but it can’t be too obvious…

However, suddenly Minato…

Orochimaru is already weighing the pros and cons. Does it need to be exposed at this time?

He used the ring on his hand to contact the Tenjindao in front, but the other party remained silent and ignored.

“Minato…what are you doing?”

Jiraiya and Third Generation looked at Minato a little dignifiedly…

“Sage Mode?! Minato, what happened?”

Jiraiya suddenly exclaimed, Minato’s current appearance change is exactly the Sage Mode, and what exactly needs Minato to achieve this level. . .

Third Generation also thought about it. This may be related to the fact that Minato didn’t appear before, and he looked at Minato very solemnly.

“Great, Master Fourth Generation is here… Adding Master Third Generation, Master Jiraiya, Master Orochimaru, we will definitely win.”

“That’s right! It’s impossible for Konoha’s ninja to lose.”

Although it is also a little strange what Sage Mode is, the old ninja is a bit meditating, while the younger generation does not understand, but they also know that it is a very powerful thing.

And Master Fourth Generation is now in such a strong mode, how could they lose?

They have great confidence in their Hokage.

This is the difference between the thinking of the lower and the upper.

“Something is in trouble… I have encountered a very difficult enemy…”

Minato’s face also looked ugly, thinking of the dragon key that had left, the endless ability, Minato suddenly became helpless.

“Tricky? Even you feel tricky?”

Jiraiya said in disbelief.

“Ninja is so big, there are no surprises, Jiraiya, you are too confident…”

Orochimaru snorted coldly, seemingly disdainful…

As for Jiraiya, it was only Orochimaru targeting Minato, and there was no too much speculation.

“Orochimaru-senpai is right…you?! It’s not you…then, what that guy said is true…”

Minato suddenly spoke and noticed the Tenjindao not far away. At first, he thought it was a dragon key. After carefully distinguishing it, he discovered that the masks between the two are different…

“Minato… what are you talking about?”

“Minato, be careful, this guy is not easy. He also has the ability to space.”The Third Generation item is a reminder.

“He has it too?”

Minato was a little surprised…

“and also?”

The people around don’t understand… the sensitive person guessed something.

Orochimaru naturally wouldn’t say anything. Just when Minato wanted to say something, the Tenjindo on the side finally opened his eyes…

Coming this way, looking at Fourth Hokage, he said, “Well worthy of the name of the yellow flash, you actually escaped from his hand. It really surprised me.”

“Escape? How could it be possible…”

No matter who it is, I don’t believe that Minato will actually escape under the attack of opponents. What is escape? This is only when one person loses against one person.

And seeing what the other person meant, I was surprised that their Hokage even escaped…

“Nonsense… Hey… Minato… is it true?”

Jiraiya also didn’t believe it, and singled out with the ninja of the space. It was impossible for everyone to force it to such a degree. But when I asked Minato this way, he saw that Minato’s face was a little ugly, and he was a little bit convinced. , The words of Tenshinto.

“What he said is not wrong… The opponent’s strength surpassed my imagination. If it weren’t for the opponent to not plan to tug-of-war, it is very likely that I would die in the opponent’s hands…”

Minato nodded. The current situation is too dangerous. It is not the time to consider face or face. What happened today may be related to the survival of the Ninja World in the future.

Is it true? ! Isn’t it…

All the ninja’s mouths were wide open, in an unbelievable appearance.

“Who are you guys and what purpose do you have?”

Third Generation shouted at Tenjindo in a sharp voice.

If the same is true for Minato, then the other party’s purpose is really not as simple as Nine Tails alone, there may be a deeper level.

“Be deceived by you low-level guys. In that case, it’s okay to tell you, Nine Tails, it’s just for Ashura.

Remember, I will only say it once. ”

“My name is long gone. I insist on speaking. Now I am one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation under the seat of the Lord.

Since I was born, I existed for adults…”

“We wait for dawn! We wait for justice! We wait for light! We are transformed by glory! Representing the will of God, for the peace of the world!”

Ashura said? What does Nine Tails have to do with this time?

Not to mention Konoha’s people don’t understand this, even Orochimaru, who was silent in place, frowned.

It seems that Reincarnation Six Paths is far more mysterious than I thought.

As for Konoha, what really surprised everyone was that the legendary lord…

Is such a powerful ninja only someone else’s man with such ability?

“I remember… it’s you guys…”

Jiraiya suddenly turned aside and seemed to think of something bad…

“Old man, it’s them, maybe it was that person that time, it was the incident of World War II, do you remember?”

Jiraiya suddenly thought of the shocking change at the end of World War II. It was the man who fell from the sky with a big red cloud on a black background like a god…

“Are you sure, Jiraiya…”

Sarutobi also looked at Jiraiya with a serious face…

If you can be certain, this matter is really too important, that is to say, the organization of the other party may have been secretly controlling something decades ago. ..

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