Finally Come

Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Fifty Years of Konoha【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 253 The Fifty Years of Konoha 【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

With the lifting of the Minato ghoul seal.

In an unknown void, the action of a light spot suddenly stopped, and then it swayed left and right, not knowing which direction to go, as if hesitating something, then the stream of light flashed, and it seemed to be a decision. Go in one direction at will.

And at this moment, it was also the moment when Minato lifted the seal of the ghoul.

Is it really that accidental?

“The black flame, Uchiha’s pupil technique Amaterasu, which was only mentioned by the ancestors, has such a description.”

The blazing flames all around made Minato, who was already silent at the moment, even more unbearable.

It’s just that this flame is not a pupil technique. Minato can be sure of this, and there is a dark red and a hint of dark gold in the flame, which is somewhat different from the description…

In fact, the flame of Amaterasu is the sunspot from the sun, and the flame of the dragon key can be said to be the fire of Amaterasu, but it is a more central flame. Therefore, even Uchiha’s Amaterasu is still not enough to look at compared to this flame. .

“seal up!”

Now that the person is gone, then, next, it’s Nine Tails. The other party’s contract has already reached its time. It’s ridiculous. I actually delayed it again for so long meaninglessly.

Minato laughed mockingly, then pulled out a scroll from his hand to seal the surrounding flames inside.

The flame does not extinguish, the impact on the surroundings is very large, and…

This may be able to study the other side’s origins, and perhaps find its shortcomings.

After finishing, Minato’s figure disappeared suddenly, using Flying Thunder God Technique, preparing to reach Konoha as fast as possible.

————————————————– ———————–It’s the beginning of the month! ! ! You can hand in your monthly pass or something~~~ Don’t wait until the end of the month to give it…—————————- ————————————

Among Konoha, what is happening now is when Minato is chased by Dragon Key to Fourth Generation.


The destruction and roar of Nine Tails still echoed throughout the Konoha Shinobi village.

The tail beast is known as the existence of war nuclear weapons.

And Nine Tails, which can be regarded as the first of the nine big-tailed beasts, naturally has extremely powerful destructive power. What Nine Tails did made Konoha’s villagers and ninjas truly feel the tail beasts up close for the first time. The destructive power of terror.

But why?

Isn’t the war over? Also, isn’t Jinchūriki from Nine Tails Konoha? Some knew, some were unknown, so the civilians and nobles were running in panic at this time.

The speed is a little slower, and the luck is a little bit worse, and you will be affected by the huge claws of Nine Tails and the collapsed houses nearby.

“Lord Third Generation.”

The number of Konoha Shinobi deaths and injuries in the surrounding area became more and more.

At this time, Sarutobi finally came to Nine Tails, and the surrounding ninjas gathered towards him.

In the face of terrifying creatures like tail beasts, you can’t win by numbers. Even Kage-level powerhouses can only use special methods to suppress them.

Not to mention that this is the most powerful existence of the nine big-tailed beasts.

There are no Youyu Chiba Madara and Senju Hashirama in this era, and the existence of Dragon Key is also an unknown fact. Then, the power represented by Nine Tails and the power of Infinite Chakra can be said to represent a level of peak power.”Sure enough, it still shows up… Minato.”

Sarutobi saw the chaotic houses around him, sighed, and then seriously asked the whereabouts of Minato.

The surrounding ninjas also slowly gathered more and more. At this time, one of the people who had just arrived in the crowd was officially Lujiu. He just came to hear the third generation’s purpose.

“Nine Tails’ virtual dog cannon was stopped by Minato just now, but I haven’t seen it since.”

Lujiu’s expression was a bit solemn, and the ninjas around were a bit strange, why their Hokage hadn’t appeared yet.

Sarutobi looked ugly after listening.

“Lu Jiu, what do you think.”

Sarutobi waved his hand, and most of the ninjas around were dispersed, leaving only some Anbu and some elites with high strength and reputation.

The class of the world is like this, and there is no dissatisfaction with the scattered ninjas.

This is the quality of the Konoha Shinobi at this time, worthy of being the top of the five ninja villages.

Deer paused for a long time, looked around, and finally said slowly while Sarutobi nodded, “The appearance of Nine Tails was an accident, but Minato was missing at this critical time, my Guess, what trouble Minato might be having, or Mayuri…

It may be a bit bad for Mayuri, but I really hope it is the second case, otherwise…”

“Otherwise… this Nine Tails incident was something someone deliberately manipulated in secret, right?”

Sarutobi’s momentum rose, and the whole person looked very serious.

Even the ninjas who are far away have experienced the temperament of Third Generation.


Lujiu was also a little surprised…

The temperament of the Third Generation…It hasn’t degraded much compared to before, but Shino’s imposing name still makes them ninjas feel scared.

The momentum of the Third Generation’s purpose seemed to remind everyone of Sarutobi’s majestic appearance in the previous battles, and the morale of Konoha’s people suddenly rose.

“Hiruzen-sama, what should we do now.”

One of the elite ninjas stepped out of it and said respectfully.

“You should understand the strength of Minato, we don’t need to worry, then, now, hold back Nine Tails and wait for the problem on Minato’s side to end, and then all Nine Tails will be resolved!”


After receiving the order, the ninjas around Sarutobi immediately summoned the surrounding ninjas to organize an attack on Nine Tails.

Although the deaths and injuries were heavy, as long as the main body is in the heart, the eternal flame in the heart will not be extinguished. That kind of spirit may be a kind of spiritual sustenance of the current Konoha Shinobi, a kind of hope.

In the distance, Nine Tails, as if hearing the words that Third Generation wanted to solve him, gave up the surrounding destruction and went straight to the gathering place of ninjas.

“Everyone do what Hiruzen-sama said!”

“Hold Nine Tails, we are Konoha’s ninjas!”

The ninjas around are high-spirited, their ancestor Hokage is here, they are not without hope.

Konoha fifty years…

This year, the Nine Tails incident finally kicked off the destruction. ..

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