Finally Come

Chapter 254

Chapter 254 The Sealed Book【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 254 The Sealed Book [Ask a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

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The war in Konoha is continuing, but not all ninjas have joined the battle. Some working ninjas and some younger generations have been gathered in other places.

At this time, the younger generation seemed very dissatisfied.

Why are they also Konoha’s ninjas, but they can’t participate in this battle.

Among the younger generation, there are many ninjas with high strength.

At this time, in these places, Asuma, Kakashi, Red and others stood here in silence.

After the silence of some young people began, they began to whisper each other, and there were some complaints and dissatisfaction in their words.

“Shut up all to me!”

A huge roar came from the front of the crowd. Hearing this loud roar, some young people with broken words, and others, seemed to be shocked.

Even Kakashi turned their heads over there.

And that person was not someone else, it was Morino Ibiki, who was in charge of the Criminal Trial Department. To put it bluntly, it was torturing and annoying. Konoha also had a bad name.

The handle on his face also portrayed his face more serious and terrifying.

But that said, if Konoha’s young people want to say who they are afraid of, it must be this cold-faced and terrible uncle.

“There are people dying every moment in the village. What you have to do now is to stay here honestly, don’t talk about useless things to disturb others, just follow your own orders.”

“That…that…we can also join the fight.”

This was a rebellious young ninja, but in the face of Morino Ibiki, at this moment he still seemed a little resolute.

“You…oh…Forget it, you are Konoha’s younger generation. Nine Tails are not ordinary tail beasts. You can say that they are all Konoha’s future. You must not let you take this risk, and This time…well, if you really can’t stay still, you can do some tasks to evacuate the villagers.

However, you must not take risks. You can come over later. I will tell you the location. ”

Morino Ibiki wanted to scold the young man, but found that the ninjas around were looking at him with some hope.

I sighed in my heart…this is Konoha’s ninja…the voice has also eased a lot.

This way, it made everyone quiet, this cold-faced uncle, but he has never been like this before.

But Kakashi noticed the words sensitively.

This time? …What does this sentence mean?

“Kakashi! Did you hear…we can still help a little bit!”

Before I finished thinking about it, the excited Guy patted Kakashi’s shoulder vigorously..

But this strength… almost made Kakashi call out…

“Red, let’s go there too.”

On the other side, Anko and Asuma also looked at Hong who had been standing aside since just now.

Hong froze for a moment, as if thinking of something was interrupted, and said: “You go first. I’ll be here later.”

“…All right….”

People who are familiar with Hong also found that Hong was a little unusual, but no one said she was timid. Hong was considered a famous young ninja, so everyone didn’t think about other aspects.Only when the body feels uncomfortable or something.

Seeing everyone gone, Hong’s eyes flashed.. did it aside…

She suddenly remembered something Long Yao had said to her before…

“Red, what I am going to do is very dangerous, and may be regarded as the most dangerous person by the five ninja villages.”

“So, you are safest only in Konoha, at least temporarily.”

“Something may happen in a few days, no matter what, you have to take care of yourself.”

“If you have anything, go to Orochimaru, he can help you a little…”

Thinking of what he had said before, Hong had complained somewhat before that Long Key was not with him, but at this time he was not there anymore.

Today’s affairs, such a big movement, plus the appearance of Long Key a few days ago, Hong is probably already certain that Long Key did it.

Now that he realized what Long Key had said to him before, Hong could only feel how much Long Key cared about him, and it could be said that he had protected all aspects of his safety.

And Orochimaru, one of those cold Sannins, actually helped and protected himself in a kind and respectful manner.

This is what Hong didn’t expect, and every time he talked about Dragon Key, Orochimaru almost had that kind of respect.

Dragon Key…how much has changed…

Ever since I met in the cemetery, Hong believes in Long Key no matter what… No matter how it becomes, Hong still loves him.

“Key…you don’t want to do anything…”

Looking at the flames in the distance, Hong was not worried about Konoha at this moment. With such a big movement, Hong’s heart prayed for Long Key instead.

Speaking of Orochimaru, Orochimaru at this moment also has his own business busy.

Konoha’s raid by Nine Tails is now full of chaos. What kind of identity Orochimaru is in Konoha is very convenient, at least for now.

In Konoha’s forbidden area, there were dark lights everywhere.

Orochimaru walked slowly towards the last staircase…

“Master Orochimaru… why… you want to do this?!”


How much unbelievable and shocking is contained in that voice…

Orochimaru’s footsteps didn’t slow down, and with a cold snort, the ninja’s life ended.

In this small secret passage, blood was flowing into a river, corpses were everywhere, and the dead ninjas fell here in all directions.

But they were not killed by others, but by their respected Lord Orochimaru.

“Are you there… It seems that my mission is basically completed this time… It’s really sad.”

Orochimaru looked at the corpses around with some pity…

The truth is unknown…only a meaningless death…

Orochimaru slowly walked up the stairs, looked at the half-height scroll, took it down, and then laughed wildly: “Finally. The beginning of the chaos, the execution of the plan. I waited for everything I did. .. are all..”

At the same time, at the same time. Kawa no Kuni, Rain Shinobi Village…

Four people with different black backgrounds and red clouds stood on the highest peak of the mountain. From here, you can see the condition of the entire Rain Shinobi Village.

One of them stood at the forefront, slowly raising his hands.

The purple Rinnegan suddenly opened, and the wind blew the corners of his clothes to the back, looking proudly at the Rain Shinobi Village below, and said in a respectful tone: “It’s all…for…Dawn!”. .

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