Finally Come

Chapter 252

Chapter 252 A Thousand Swords Stand on the Earth【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 252 Thousand Swords Stand on the Earth Flowers Evaluation]

The decisive attitude on Minato’s face made Long Key feel a little ridiculous.

If you really believe and be firm, how can you have these Hypnosis’s own attitudes, but you don’t care too much.

Instead, he said meaningfully: “Oh? Isn’t that so… What a pity, you think those guys from Sarutobi and Konoha can resist Nine Tails.

So, why do you think that I am the only one in this action? ”


Minato’s pupils suddenly opened wide.

Looking at the other’s mocking tone… Minato’s heart suddenly tightened.

Not alone? ! If it is true… then…

“Where is Tenshindo… It’s really a happy message that came suddenly, isn’t it, Fourth Hokage, you think it’s the best decision to contain me here, who don’t know, but what a stupid choice? .Ha ha ha ha…..”

Finally, Long Key laughed directly…

From the beginning to the present, Minato has been doing meaningless things…

“Tenjindao…Is…No! You are talking nonsense! Don’t want to disturb me, as long as the Flying Thunder God technique is not removed, you don’t want to leave this place easily.”

Secretly chanting the three words called Tianshen Dao, from the literal point of view, it seems to be similar to the human Dao, then, the strength is definitely not too low.

“It doesn’t matter if you talk nonsense, it depends on whether you believe it…”

Long Yao has an indifferent attitude…

The plan was carried out as expected. The only surprise was Fourth Hokage’s strength, which became so much stronger just a few years ago…

If you don’t go to Dragon Mai…

The animal path of Rain Shinobi Village is already in place… and judging from the message just sent, Rain Shinobi Village is about to reach a climax…

Now is the best time, Konoha’s side, the rest is handed over to Tenjindo, it should be almost done… The control of Nine Tails is about to end…



Long Yao suddenly saw that Fourth Hokage’s temperament had changed a little… that kind of transformed temperament was not unique to humans..

“This was originally the technique I wanted to deal with Nine Tails! But you are too dangerous!”

Minato looked at the masked man in front of him, his expression flashed with determination…

Long Yao’s eyes shrank…

Ghoul seal? !

Wrong…why…he felt a very bad feeling in the breath of this space…

Well, it’s not the breath of this world…

Never let him use it.

Long Key erected the clouds of heaven in front of him, holding the hilt of the knife in one hand, and slowly passing the blade with the other.

“Don’t think about anything more!”

Minato saw that Long Key’s mouth seemed to be thinking something, and the mask man in front of Byakugan must be doing something…

A Flying Thunder God is going to flash past…

“Don’t be too arrogant, Fourth Hokage!”


Just when Minato just thought about it, he suddenly found that his location space was distorted…

And he is slowly being twisted into it…”Then Uzumaki’s general space ability can not only absorb the opponent, but can it also twist the opponent from a distance?! It is a terrible space ability.”

Long Key’s spatial pupil technique not only includes the original one in the original work, but also Kakashi’s Kamui is also awakened.

But it is really the eye of space.

Both near and far have their own means.

“Flying Thunder God Technique!”

Minato gave up the attack very decisively, as long as the opponent was still within the range of Flying Thunder God.

Then, the spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles can affect the opponent.

Avoiding this attack is undoubtedly the wisest choice.

The dragon key on the other side is almost finished.

“Yes! It’s the so-called, Tiancong Yunjian! It is the steel that breaks a thousand blades! Now is the time to annihilate the Southern Barbarian, Northern Didongyi and Xirong! Annihilation!”

The Sky Cloud Sword in Long Key’s hand slowly glowed with golden light, and Long Key pressed hard and thrust the sword into the ground heavily.

The earth seemed to have been infected, with the sword light as the center, slowly staining the surrounding area with golden red little by little.

Gorgeous colors enveloped this land. Minato had Sage Mode at this time, so he clearly felt the changes around him.

The natural energies around were all confused by this force.

What a brilliant technique to get the majestic natural energy to such a degree!

“You think I can’t escape with your Flying Thunder God, so let you see it, although it’s not fully completed yet.”

Long Key looked at the opposite Minato and said disdainfully, then his eyes condensed.

“At this moment, it is the time when you wait for the glory to shine, and this moment is when you wait for the edge to shine. A thousand swords should stand on the earth, covered by the sky from the clouds, and annihilate our enemies!”

“Ding ding ding ding ding!”

Two black flames appeared in Long Key’s hand, and then Long Key’s hand pressed down to the ground. Suddenly a sword with black flame appeared on the ground. If it didn’t show up, Minato was specially made. The zone of nothing burns into a black flame zone.

And Minato’s special karma was naturally burned to ashes.

“This time, even Konoha is lucky, but next time it won’t be so easy. I am the one who will dominate the Ninja world one day… In terms of means… what I have is…”


Long Key turned into a white smoke and disappeared…

At this time, the Beast Dao in Rain Shinobi Village yelled, “Summoning Technique!”

After the smoke and dust, Long Yao’s figure slowly appeared.

“Thanks a lot.”

“Nothing, what will God do.”

“He will be almost there soon. You will Summoning him back then, and then you can go back to the base. It’s time for me to start.”

“I see.”

In the forest of Konoha…

Minato looked at the black flames around him with an ugly expression. Even though the opponent had left, the black flames still did not go out, and there seemed to be no trace of it.

The way Long Key walks, Minato and Ben can’t feel it…

The only thing that is certain is that it is not the ability of space, or that it is not the kind of space ability displayed by the other party.

And his Flying Thunder God array was directly broken…

And Kamui, who appeared at the end, in all, Minato didn’t suffer any injuries, but he felt like he was being tricked.

“The tone that the other party said before leaving is definitely not a joke…it seems that there will be a bloody storm in the Ninja world in the future…”

Minato paused in place, looked at the black flames around him, and then disappeared in a flash.

In the village, there is also Nine Tails…and the…unknown Tenshindo! ..

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