Finally Come

Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Anxiety【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 251 Anxiety [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

This is a forest not far from Konoha.

Konoha Village is really big, and no one will usually come here.

In this place, at this time, Fourth Hokage was looking at the person in front of him with a serious face.

Minato’s expression is still calm, but his heart is anxious, and he must not spend time with the person in front of him. Nine Tails in the village is still waiting for him to deal with it.

At this time, Long Key has a somewhat formal attitude towards Fourth Hokage. After he came into this world, in terms of confronting the enemy, except for the Kage-level Nishidahara at the beginning, Long Key almost No more injuries.

The power of the body has almost reached the level of Sage of Six Paths. As long as the plan of the fruit of the sacred tree is completed and swallowed, then his strength will once again rise to a level.

Although the body now has a lot less abilities, it hasn’t fully adapted to it.

Long Key has been in that state of extremely strong strength for a long time, making Long Key, who has suddenly fallen in strength, a little uncomfortable, but this is not the reason.

Now that he was injured by the Fourth Hokage in front of him, this enemy is indeed worthy of treatment.

“Has the lock on the space been lifted…then…”

Long Yao’s hand turned the knife and rushed directly to Fourth Hokage’s position.

With the sudden attack, Long Key used all his strength this time.

Minato also felt the change in this detail. He understood that the person in front of him was serious.

He was really fighting with the intention of killing himself.


I saw Minato’s hands together, and a slight green light radiated from his body. Before Long Key’s sword pierced him, he directly dodged in advance.

“You are not from the Uchiha clan, and you don’t have the blood inheritance limit of the investigation. Is it the power that the special change in your body gives you.”

As if he had known his own attack in advance, Long Key watched and dodged his attack very easily, so he said.

Minato’s figure flashed, directly behind the dragon key, and flashed quickly several times, like a golden streamer constantly changing on the field.

However, Long Key directly Hollow, no matter how fast Minato’s attack speed is, he can’t attack him anymore.

“You are indeed very strong, and I have never played against a ninja with the same spatial ability, but in this state, I am very different from before. I don’t need to beat you…”

“Just wait for your Konoha reinforcements to wake up?”

Long Yao sneered and fully expressed Minato’s meaning.

“Yes, my Flying Thunder God coordinates are already covered in this land. You can’t escape. No matter where you appear, I will catch up immediately. Although your sword is powerful, but now I am The natural perception around you can be avoided.”

Since I can’t control the other party, it’s better to hold him back and wait for Anbu’s arrival. There are ancestors in the village, and it should be possible to suppress Nine Tails… at least… you have to persist until you solve the person in front of you.The surrounding area has been covered by the Flying Thunder God, and with the spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles, the opponent will definitely be able to attack the opponent at the moment they appear!

“I know you must have some special reason, so you have been avoiding injury to yourself. You can completely do it if you want to leave here injured. However, from the beginning of the battle until now, you have not done that, especially For larger injuries, you could have exchanged your own minor injuries for my serious injuries, but you didn’t do that!

So I bet that you will not pay to escape my Flying Thunder God range. ”

Minato pondered for a while, and finally looked at Long Key calmly and said.

“Think very rigorously. If I don’t leave, then, although Nine Tails will continue to wreak havoc, you can wait for the reinforcements to catch me. If I leave, then you can immediately return to the village to reinforce and deal with Nine Tails. Really rigorous thinking.

You are not afraid that when my control time is about to end, your reinforcements have not come yet, will I leave at that time? ”

Long Key watched Minato express his opinion.

“You won’t do that… If you want to pay for the injury, you have done it a long time ago. You must have some limitations, and there are ancestors in the village, as well as our Konoha ninja, which can hold Nine. Tails! Don’t try to destroy the village!”

Minato looked at Dragon Key and scolded angrily. The other party’s attitude was irrelevant, but it caused many people in Konoha to suffer disaster. This war has just ended, and the hard-to-reach peace can be destroyed so easily!

Long Key frowned. He really can’t get hurt here, and he can’t pay too much consumption. Therefore, he has not had the meaning of dying with Minato. After a long time, the people of Konoha will definitely notice here, but he is restrained. Fourth Hokage is also necessary before the Nine Tails mission is completed.

He has a way to leave Flying Thunder God, but what should I do after using it? What if there are other changes? It might as well stand at a stalemate.

And it will be done soon…

One-third of the destruction…

You can already perceive it from Tenjindo…

But the battle over there is really fierce, as long as there is a short while…

And the time to control my Nine Tails is almost…

Rinnegan, who doesn’t have nine-gou jade, has too many restrictions.

After thinking about it, Long Key looked at Minato mockingly and said, “I can understand that the Nine Tails in the village are killing your Konoha people, but you are standing in a stalemate with me here. Konoha’s four Hokages, unexpectedly The death of villagers and the rampage of Nine Tails are less important than a stranger.”

Minato’s heart seemed to be stabbed by the words…

Indeed, as Fourth Hokage, he should appear in Konoha at this time. It is true to reduce the sacrifices of the villagers, no matter what the reason.

Immediately afterwards, Minato woke up…

Suddenly felt that the other party’s words were extremely vicious, and watched Long Yao firmly said: “Your words are taking advantage of the fact that I am Hokage. Although, more villagers will die because of me, but if you don’t treat you like this People will be wiped out, and more people will die in the future.”

This masked man…

It’s so deceptive… Minato is secretly wary…

“Is that what I think of as Hokage? It’s really righteous… to shirk the responsibilities that he didn’t fulfill so cleanly…”

“You don’t need to say any more, I won’t be affected by what you are saying!”

Minato pointed the shuriken in his hand at the dragon key and shouted. ..

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