Finally Come

Chapter 250

Chapter 250: Spiral Flashing Super-Round Dance Roar Three Forms【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 250: Spiral Flashing Super-Round Dance Roar Three Forms [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

“What a terrible weapon…”

Minato looked around, and there was only half of kunai in his hand, silently silent…

“Don’t you say that I only rely on weapons or something, fighting is unfair or something, I won’t throw my sword down because of this.”

“Weapons are part of the battle, and the battle is unfair. I didn’t intend to say… and…”

Minato threw the kunai in his hand to the sky…

“Shadow Shuriken Technique!&”

Kunai was thrown into the air, one became two, and then more and more,

Then quickly scattered on the ground at different angles.

Immediately, with Dragon Key as the center area, all kinds of karma were inserted all around.

“I don’t use weapons to speak of you, so you are not qualified to speak of me.”

Minato’s body bends, and then dashes towards Long Key.

“what do you want to do?”

Long Key frowned when he looked at Minato who was rushing forward. Such an attack had suffered a loss just now, but he still wanted to attack him like before.


The sound of weapons intersecting again.

Just when Long Key was about to stab Minato, Minato suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Long Key, and then Kuwu was about to bayonet the Dragon Key.

Long Key turned the sword and placed it directly behind his back.


There was another intersecting sound, but it blocked Kuwu.


Then Minato’s figure reappeared to the left of Long Key. This time, Long Key was too late to stop him.

The body immediately went Hollow, and Minato’s whole body instantly penetrated Long Key’s body.

Then just when the dragon key’s sword swung to Minato’s body, Minato’s body disappeared in a flash.

“Do you think this is interesting? You can’t attack me, and I can’t attack you.”

Long Yao said helplessly looking at this shameless dismissal.

“you are wrong!”

Minato looked at Long Key with a smile and said.

“Oh? Am I wrong?”

Long Key looked at Minato interestingly, he was a little curious.

“Yes, don’t forget, where are you now, and you can’t always control Nine Tails, I know, there is a time limit.”

Minato looked at Long Key and said lightly.

Long Yao’s eyes slowly became cold..

He knew what Minato meant.

This is Konoha. If you wait for someone to come over, then a group of people will hit him alone.

He cannot be exposed now, and the identity of the human world is the same.

“Don’t want to go!”

Long Yao sucked himself into a different space and just appeared outside the encirclement of Flying Thunder God Kunai.

I saw Minato’s figure constantly flashing across the kunai, and then the kunai was nailed to the dragon key’s surroundings one by one.

And Minato’s figure appeared beside Long Yao.

Long Yao just thought, Hollow suddenly found out…

“Don’t want to do that. There are four Kumos here. Just when I flew over, I used the enchantment technique. At least for a short time, you don’t want to escape into a different space!”

Minato looked at Long Key’s appearance and said lightly.Is it locked? Although it’s only for a while, it’s a bit troublesome…

Enchantment technique.. Uzumaki clan’s technique, plus the power of space, that his wife Mayuri handed over…

The two weapons intersected.

Minato’s figure suddenly appeared not far away, threw a kunai, and then instantly came to Long Key’s side and hit him.

Then it came to the side and threw a kunai.

Repeated this four times…


Long Yao looked at several kunai who came towards him at different distances…

“Spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles!”

Spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles

Ninjutsu combining Shuriken Shadow Clone and Flying Thunder God.

Throw multiple special kunai clones with art styles around the enemy, and use Flying Thunder God when attacking the enemy, which can be used as an inducement tactic.

Just like a golden flash, it looks like a golden light has been trained into a line. Four attacks are almost the same time period…

Dragon Key’s heart is down…

“Humanity… Sealing Techniques!”

The trick of not having a complete Master comes from the system-enhanced humane Technique, and it is used forcibly.

Long Key directly sealed the four supreme art techniques temporarily.

“Sage Art! Rasengan!”

Long Key was surprised…

Minato suddenly appeared above him.

At this time, Minato, a huge Rasengan, just fell to himself…

Is it too late.. can only be hard-wired…

Long Key’s eyes condensed, but he underestimated Fourth Hokage.

Long Yao’s hand quickly wiped the Sky Cloud Sword.

Then the sky from the cloud directly slashed towards Rasengan…

And just when Rasengan and Dragon Key were about to touch each other, Minato directly put his hand back, and a Flying Thunder God Technique instantly reached the distance.

But Rasengan directly collided with Dragon Key.

It stands to reason that Rasengan, who is not supported by anyone, should disappear slowly, so the later Naruto is good or Jiraiya. When it hits Rasengan, the people are in front of the enemy, and the hand is placed on the attack. Of the site.

However, Minato is different. The huge Rasengan has joined the very large Chakra. Even if it disappears, it will take a while, and he has the ability of space to leave by himself at the moment of meeting. At that time, Rasengan has basically attacked the opponent. NS.

There won’t be such a big impact.

It can be said that Rasengan of Minato was born for space ninjutsu…


Minato squinted at the huge explosion…

The spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles require very powerful Chakra and space to release. This time, by surprise, the opponent’s space ability is temporarily unavailable, and it should be able to kill the opponent.


The sound of flames disturbed Minato’s mood.

Slowly, I saw where Long Yao’s body stood faintly, and the uniform on his body had never been damaged.

But the originally smooth and sharp Sky Cloud Sword, at this time, there was a trace of black inflammation on the sword, and the black flame rushed into people’s heart palpitations…

“How is it possible, nothing happened?!”

Seeing the other person as if nothing happened, Minato was inexplicably shocked at this moment in his heart.

Long Key was not all right. In the attack just now, a black flame was suddenly wiped across the center of Long Key’s last palm, and then he placed it on the sword body of the Cloud of Heaven.

Both are products of power, and they are very convenient to interact with each other.

However, it doesn’t count as if there was no injury. This time, he immediately used Black Flame without speaking, causing Long Key’s current body strength to be a little uneven.

The huge impact caused the center of Long Key’s palm to crack slightly, but there was not much blood flowing out.

As for Fourth Hokage, although he was not injured, he undoubtedly consumed a lot more than Dragon Key…

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