Finally Come

Chapter 249

Chapter 249 Sage Mode【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter 249 Sage Mode [Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Looking at the masked man with a human soul engraved on his face, Minato sighed slightly in his heart, then his expression became serious…

Although the activation is a bit demanding, it still needs to be used… if it still doesn’t work..

Ghoul seal? .. what to do with Nine Tails in the village…

The surrounding air began to vibrate slowly…most people couldn’t feel it, but Long Yao noticed it keenly.

The natural energy in the air slowly gathered towards Minato.

Long Yao didn’t make a move, he thought a little bit in his heart.

His original intention, his mission was to let Nine Tails destroy one third of Konoha’s buildings.

There is Tenshinto there, there should be no problem.

The big problem is that if the Fourth Generation passes, the pressure on Tenjindo will be much greater, and it is not suitable for you to be exposed to everyone.

If in the end Fourth Generation finds that something is wrong and uses the ghoul seal, and the area destroyed has not reached one-third of the point, then the mission can be considered a failure.

It doesn’t make any sense to come here by yourself.

The body has not yet fully adapted to it. The separation of the soul’s spiritual power is not so simple. Although the body is the body, the soul has only one soul and one soul, and the main thing is gathered on the side of the golem.

The strength has not yet fully adapted, and Susanoo can’t use it at this time, I have to say that there is some irony.

But just wait a short time.

And now the most important thing is to contain Fourth Hokage here. If you can say that you can defeat it, but if you want to kill, you don’t fully adapt now. Dragon Key really doesn’t have the confidence to do it. Minato’s ability is space, and he really wants to run away. It’s very troublesome.

And, this is Konoha.

Minato is now afraid that if he fights with him in the village, the casualties will be even greater, so he has been here.

If Minato has the meaning of death, then it can be killed as long as it pays some injuries.

However, when the matter is over, Long Key has other things, so there must not be any major damage. Then, the only thing left is to stalemate with Minato and let the other party pay some injuries.

And looking at the other person’s appearance, it should be prepared for Sage Mode, which takes time, so it just happened to delay the time, which is exactly what Long Key means now.

“Six Paths of Reincarnation, Human Path, Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, let’s get serious now.”

After Long Key finished speaking, he immediately printed the seal in his hand.

“Human Dao…Six Paths…how do you know…”

Minato was a little dazed, Samsara Six Paths, literally speaking, the opponent should still have five people of this kind.

Actually otherwise, the current Dragon Key has not yet adapted to the transfer of strength, but it has surpassed the Heavenly God Dao. If fully adapted, with power, space, and pupil skills, even Nagato is not his opponent.

What Minato was really shocked was that that sentence became serious.

What does this mean? One is because the other party may have noticed that they are preparing for Sage Mode, but if they are not using Sage Mode, how can they perceive natural energy?

The other is that the other party didn’t take it seriously before…

This way, it is quite troublesome..

The golden light of Long Yao slowly radiated from behind.

His mouth opened slowly and said, “Here, Susano leads a thousand evil gods to rebel-want to obtain this country!

Thousand swords stand on the ground, fighting against the enemy with its current city walls. “Minato frowned, Long Key’s self-talking explanation made him a little confused, what the other party wanted to do.

Then, in the void, a golden Uzumaki appeared in front of the two, and a dark golden long sword with a golden ring appeared in front of Long Key.

Long Key’s hand slowly stroked up. With the touch of Long Key, the golden halo of the change-up cage disappeared, and the golden Uzumaki also disappeared.

“Heaven’s Cloud Sword-draw a sword!”

Long Yao’s eyes opened, and a cold tone came from his mouth.

At the same time, with a sound of…sin in his hand, the Sky Cloud Sword was slowly pulled out little by little.

The hilt of the sword then turned into golden powder and disappeared, and the dragon key pointed the blade straight at Minato (sword? sword? This is almost the same, at least the sky is from the clouds…probably…)

“Artifact?! No… it’s beyond the artifact…”

Minato looked at Dragon Key solemnly. As the clouds of heaven appeared, Dragon Key’s power was now attached to him, and his entire popularity became stronger. Minato also keenly discovered this.

“However, I am almost done, Sage Art! Sage Mode!”

“Oh… is it Sage Mode?”

Long Key looked at Minato’s body, the eyeshadows slowly turned yellow, and the wrists and the back of the hands on the face, yellow lines also slowly struck up.

It is as if the other party has merged with nature.

The momentum became gentle with majestic and tyrannical.


Looking at Minato who suddenly appeared next to him.


You are very fast and you must not lose the first opportunity. Minato understands this.

A Body Flicker Technique appeared in front of Long Key, and the bitterness on his hand stroked towards Long Key without force.

It’s just that Long Key’s long sword swung directly in front of him, making a crisp sound.


Minato gritted his teeth, and the strength in his hands kept increasing.

The friction between the two weapons made a sizzling noise…

Suddenly, the blade of the Sky Cloud Sword became golden and shiny.

“Chakra weapons!”

Minato cried out in surprise, watching his kunai being penetrated, and immediately took out another kunai with his left hand. This kunai was a little different from the others. The front end of the kunai was a little longer, and it looked like It was like a kunai that was shorter on the dagger.

“I have Chakra weapons, too.”

The specially-made Chakra Kuwu gave out a pale blue light, and greeted him towards the cloud sword of the sky.


I saw that the characteristic kunai was greeted with the cloud sword from the sky, and there was nothing to stop it. It was still penetrated through, and the specially-made kunai immediately became two paragraphs…

Minato was shocked, then flashed, and flew far away with Flying Thunder God Technique…

“Don’t take my Sky Cloud Sword as a normal thing. He is truly invincible. It is not comparable to a Chakra weapon. No matter what it is, he can cut it off with a single blow.”

Long Key’s hand gently touched the sword of the sky cloud, and the sky cloud sword also slowly gave a slight tremor…

It seems to be the joy of Dragon Key, or the disdain for Minato…

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