Finally Come

Chapter 239

Chapter 239 Human Path【Ask a monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter Two Hundred and Thirty Nine Flowers Evaluation]

After Orochimaru walked out of the hotel, he came to the street.

The past ninjas greeted him from time to time, and finally, Orochimaru walked to a place where no one was.

He speeded up, and the figure moved quickly.

In a short while, he reached the entrance of a forest.

Although there is no trace of human existence, Orochimaru knows that someone is waiting here.

Sure enough, as expected.

Two figures slowly appeared.

“You are Tenshindo… are you?”

The two who came were both big lords with black background and red clouds. One person, Orochimaru, had seen him. It was one of the two gods behind the dragon key at that time.

However, the other person is not a beast.

The masks on the face and the patterns depicted are distorted human souls.

“Six Paths, the human world.”

The voice is very neutral, Orochimaru still seems to feel that he has heard it there, but he can’t remember it anymore.

And this human realm is the space-time clone of our Dragon Key and the space-time clone of his physical body, which can also be called…Longyue.

“We need the detailed location of Nine Tails Jinchūriki.”

Tianshindao spoke indifferently at this time.

Orochimaru didn’t care, just like Nagato. This person was like this, but he was a little surprised by Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

“So, is the purpose Nine Tails? Is the position of Mrs. Fourth Hokage? I know, but I want to be undetected…”

“Don’t worry, we can solve it. It is not the time when you will be exposed. When Nine Tails Jinchūriki was in labor, it was when we did it. At that time, please take advantage of the chaos to seal the book…you should understand. ..”

Tenshinto looked at Orochimaru’s tone still that way.

Orochimaru smiled and said: “Should you say that you are worthy of inheriting the power of the adults, then, since I don’t need my help, then Sealing Techniques, leave it to me.”

“When Nine Tails appeared, Sora Chen, you still have to come out to help Konoha much, not too fake, by the way… protect Yurihong.”

The human world is what Long Key said at this time.

“Well, I don’t need you to tell me about it.” Orochimaru returned.

Tenjin said: “Give me a safe place.”

“No problem, it’s just… where is he?”

Orochimaru looked at Long Key with some questions.

“I have other things to do.”

“Then, come with me.”

Orochimaru shook his head indifferently, he didn’t care about human affairs.

Long Yao now has two thoughts. The first one is to watch red.

But soon, he threw this idea out.

It’s really inappropriate to go at this time, and the time is a bit rushed, even if I see it, how…

Maybe it’s okay to say hello…

But the starting point of the fucking dragon key and Hong meeting is not just a superficial thing such as greetings, but… um… more intimate… deep behavior.


Gold and silver are in the country of fire. The most important thing now is to find the two as soon as possible and see how much strength has recovered.

Long Yao looked at a small bottle in his hand…

This is something that Ms. Terumi Mei’s hair and blood have been researched…

If it can be used on gold and silver…Then, one of them can have Lava Style, and the other will have Flee.

But the most important thing is the plan.

He needs the two of them to arrive at Rain Shinobi Village immediately, he has his own plan in it, and he must not delay.

Thinking like this, Long Yao quickly made a decision.

After slightly perceiving the location of the two.

He moved quickly to that place.

Having said this, I have to say how much Dragon Key’s current ability is left.

Tenshindo can be said to have inherited his spatial ability.

But now Long Key still has space, not physically, but pupil technique.

The ability of the jade to suppress the golem cannot be used, and the same is true for time.

The rest is the power of the eternal Mangekyō.

However, the power of time cannot be used.

Even in space, only the pupil technique unique to space can be used.

Secondly, Wood Style was similarly separated and prepared to be used on Hell Road or Evil Kidō, but it has not been thought of yet.

Summoning’s ability is also directly gone.

However, the dragon key has the power left, and Chakra also has a guarantee. In addition, the escape technique cannot be used due to the evil Kidō who lives in the hell road.

However, Fire Style can be used.

But this Fire Style is a bit special, and more, it comes from power.


It is his power, and the flame is naturally not the flame of escape.

It is not without new abilities. He has the ability of the human realm, and the system has strengthened the reincarnation Six Paths, and the animal realm has the ability to summoning summoning, which can be exchanged for anything. Of course, it is also compared with the current godhood and strength. Coming.

The things that are summoned also have these various restrictions.

The strengthening of the relations among others is a seal.

It’s not as simple as general sealing ninjutsu, but a kind of sealing ability.

Some are similar to Onmyoji, or is it a Mage? Or astrology master?

Long Key feels that now he is more inclined to be like fortune telling and divination.

Even so, these abilities are already very powerful, because the existing abilities, in addition to time, are the main Grandmaster abilities of Dragon Key, and they are also mainly used for attacks.

To say that there is no lack of success, it is possible to recover the abilities of other Six Paths in a real crisis.

Temporarily returning to his body state for a while, during that time, his abilities were not much different from before the sealing golem.

Six Paths will also grow, and the ability to grow in the end will also be added back to the body.

Maybe it will become more powerful.

Finally, the Xie Ming Supreme Heaven is too evil… Dragon Key is only used to suppress the golem. Before his left eye, the Eye of Time, he did not dare to use it as an attack at all.

However, the second best thing is that Heaven’s Congyun can still be used.

Together with Shangyan Ling, the effect should also be very good.

“Then, the two of you did not disappoint me. You reached a forest on the border of Rain Shinobi Village as quickly as possible. I will come in less than a day or two.”

At this time, Long Yao was dressed in gold and white clothes, and looked calmly at the two kneeling in front of him.

“Jin Yin understands that we will be there awaiting the arrival of the master.”

“Drink this, this is my new strength for you, as time goes by, you will understand.”

Long Yao gave the two bottles to the two of them.

The effect is not straightforward.

However, the two of them have Dragon Key’s blood. Lava Style and Fudan were adapted to research on their own blood.

As time goes by, one of them will have such a Bloodline limit. ..

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