Finally Come

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 The Dark Night Before Dawn【Seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

Chapter Two Hundred and Fortieth The Night Before Dawn Flowers Evaluation]

Konoha’s fifty years, this is a year that is destined not to be flat.

Konoha. Red’s home.

At this time, Hong was lying on the sofa, wearing a floral yellow dress with a jumpsuit, holding a thick book and looking at it with full attention.

Moonlight shines directly on Hong’s body through the window. This is indeed a good place to read.

The red skirt is not short, but not long. A pair of slender, white legs just leaked out. One calf was slightly lifted up, shaking from time to time, with the red mouth humming from time to time but it was not clear but it sounds nice. Tune.

This scene is really very relaxing and cozy.

“It seems that I did worry about it too much, too. Although it has been a long time for me from the dragon vein to the present, it is only half a year for Hong.”

Behind Hong, someone suddenly appeared at some point, and the space slowly distorted like a spiral nest, and immediately, Long Key’s figure also appeared.

Although there is no space ninjutsu, this pupil technique can still be used, and it is enough to talk about the pupil technique of space.

Long Yao’s most powerful ability is time and power, followed by Yin Yang and space.

And this body completely inherited most of the powers of power, and some of them require other abilities to be activated, so they cannot be used.

To talk about the ability in power, Long Yao’s evaluation from Xueyan also understands that he has not developed much.

Now basically all power comes from the sun!

Although Long Yao was smart, at this time, he seemed to be unable to remember.

The title of the prince is the king of the sun, and the surname is also the sunstrider.

Donghuang naturally does not need to say, the three-legged golden crow, who does not know?

Although the great king-kun has the power of the entire starry sky, since it is numbered Venus and dawn, it also means the sun.

And…flame…. What is the angel position of Lu Cifer?


Flames, all kinds of flames, are not escape techniques, this is one of Dragon Key’s current powers.

Of course, divine art is also within the scope of use…but…except for flames, the other gods are slightly weaker than flames.

“What more do you look at?”

Seeing Hong reading a book, Long Yao turned his mind, leaned his head and asked curiously.

“The love between princes…huh?! Who are you!”

Hongguan is when she is fascinated, and her strength is not weak. To be honest, if there is no space ability and some special methods of living, it is really difficult to come in without being noticed.

Hong said something subconsciously, then turned around and shouted vigilantly.

“You!? Obito!?”

Even though he wears a mask, the person in this mask looks at his eyes, red can’t remember it wrong!

“Ah… it’s me… But, don’t use this name anymore. I will have only one name… called Dragon Key.”

This strange and familiar name suddenly made Long Yao miss a little.

But in the end, he is Obito at first, but not Obito. Fundamentally speaking, he is Dragon Key.

“Hmm, key! Key! Key! Master key!”

“Why are you free to see me?”

Hong seemed to be addicted, and after three or four consecutive screams, he stopped and looked at Obito happily, and then took Obito to sit on the sofa.

“Hey…let’s call it key. I have something to do with Konoha. Major events may happen these days, so let me tell you.”

“Don’t they all call you that…what’s wrong?”

Hong suddenly looked at Long Yao with some questions.Long Yao’s eyes jumped, and his expression was a little strange and said, “What are they?”

“It’s Sister Xiaonan… Xin Jiuna, Bai… and Terumi Mei… and… it seems to be gone…”

The red board raised his little fingers and counted them one by one.

Every time he counted one, Long Yao’s expression became more and more awkward.

“Who told you this?” Long Key gritted his teeth a bit, and he probably guessed who it was.

“Mr. Orochimaru, he also told me, why should I hurry up and say that I have the most advantage, key… what does this mean…”

Hong tilted his head and looked at Long Key curiously…

Sure enough, it was this guy… Long Yao’s face turned black, and then looked red with embarrassment.

Fortunately, fortunately… She is really a good girl, a good one in the future Onee-san..

“Well, Orochimaru means that red your charm is so great that it makes me unable to extricate myself.”


Red’s little hand shook it, and he looked very happy.

“It’s more real than real gold.”

Long Key also replied unchanged, even if his face is usually cultivated.

“Key…you…come…are you going to…hmm…” The red face turned slightly red.

The time now is approaching midnight…

“Uh… this… I didn’t intend to come here because it was dangerous, but I couldn’t help coming here. The main reason is to tell you to go to Orochimaru tomorrow. No matter what happens in the village, leave it.”


Long Yao cursed slightly in his heart, and Hong Du had so obvious hint.

It’s a pity that I really have something…

I really missed the beauty of this good day…


Hong hummed, seemed a little shy and disappointed, but when he thought that Long Yao was looking at him at such a busy and dangerous time, his heart was more of the joy of being cared about.

“Red, would you be upset if I ruin Konoha?”

“It’s just a place to live. As long as you are there, it is the same to me.”

“I wronged you…”


Long Yao sighed and hugged Hong Wei Wei in his arms.

Hong is a clever woman. From Long Yao’s words, she probably understood that Long Yao might be attacking Konoha.

However, since the last time I saw Dragon Key, Hong has understood that Long Key is no longer the old Dragon Key. No matter what Long Key is now, she will feel satisfied as long as she stays quietly by Long Key’s side. .

Long Key is just asking, no matter what Hong’s answer is, the plan will not change this time.

Although somewhat ruthless.

But reality is such a ruthless world, no matter who it is.

“Key, I’ve always wanted to ask, where’s Lin?”

Hong asked curiously.

Long Yao was taken aback for a moment, since it was a little flat.

“Lin.. She has already gone to a wonderful place… One day, this world will be in my hands, take care of ourselves, and we will live in that new world together.”

Long Yao stood up faintly, and his body slowly turned into a spiral nest shape and disappeared.

Only Hong was left, and he looked at the place where Long Yao had left with a bit of reluctance. ..

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