Finally Come

Chapter 238

Chapter 238 Arrival【Seeking monthly ticket! Flowers Evaluation]

Arrival of the 238th chapter [seeking a monthly pass! Flowers Evaluation]

The third Ninja World War finally ended.

There was no such thing as the end of the Second Ninja World War, without Long Key’s intervention, so it was not as contradictory as it was that time.

Therefore, the shadows of the five major villages made a decision at the same time.

There is no such thing as a defeated country or a victorious country when the Five Shadows Conference is held. In this war, every village has suffered a lot of losses.

Therefore, this time the conference is to discuss the following various cooperation treaties, post-war treaties, and a series of various political and diplomatic treaties.

In order to prevent some small villages from taking advantage of this opportunity to rise up, it can be said that the convening of this conference is very necessary.

In Konoha Village.

At this time, it was a little beaming. After all, what Konoha had to say this time could be regarded as a victory over the country. The new young Hokage has a very good attitude towards the future prospects of the people of Konoha Village.

Although Konoha is now in the afternoon, it is already crowded. The streets are no longer the panic of the war era. Everyone is out to celebrate. All the shops are very bold to reduce the discount price to the lowest on this day.

Both ninjas and civilians are enjoying this beautiful atmosphere.


“Ah, what I said before, if the war is over, you will teach my son ninjutsu.”

“Hahaha, no problem, I’ll be there in a few days.”

“I said you two, shouldn’t you punish yourself for three cups if you are late?”

“Three cups is three cups!”

In a hotel, whether ninjas or civilians, people who know or don’t know each other, they are like old friends in this day, playing with each other happily.

“This is?”

“Master Hokage?!”

“Long live Hokage-sama!”

“Master Hokage, thanks to you for this battle.”

At this moment, a man with yellow hair walked into the gate, who was in his twenties.

When the people around saw it, the atmosphere immediately reached its highest point.

When Minato saw everyone happy, he also smiled and greeted everyone. The warm smile unconsciously made everyone respect him.

Minato quickly walked to one place, but everyone discovered that the famous Sannin was there. Suddenly, the atmosphere became more cheerful.

“Master Orochimaru, Master Jiraiya.”

“Ah… it’s an honor to see the two here.”

“Thank you so much, two adults.”

The ninjas all stood up, respectfully facing the two heads.

Orochimaru saw him, but just nodded slightly, his expression still cold.

The ninjas knew this for a long time, and it was a great honor to be able to make Orochimaru nod.

But Jiraiya stood up and said without any shame: “You’re welcome, you’re welcome, after all, we are the respected Sannin…hahaha.. Don’t be restrained.”

Orochimaru had been used to doing this by Jiraiya and didn’t care too much, but Minato, even after so long, still blushed with embarrassment.

“Ms. Jiraiya, Senior Orochimaru.”

Minato greeted the two respectfully.

Jiraiya laughed haha ​​as the disciple was promising.

Orochimaru said in a yin and yang weird manner: “How dare you, senior, but you dare not be, you are now the respected Fourth Hokage Lord, I greet you.”

Minato’s tone stuck… and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to say.”Eh eh eh, Orochimaru, you are wrong to say that, you and I are both the teacher’s disciple, Minato is my disciple, he is Hokage, shouldn’t you feel that too…”

“Huh… sit down.”

Orochimaru snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Minato exhaled… the atmosphere has eased…

“You too are going to be a father soon, oh… time flies so fast… but I…”

“You are not old at all, teacher…”

“Who said I’m old?! Who said! I’m talking about how attractive men like me have yet to get married. These girls have terrible vision…”

“Hehe… Teacher Jiraiya is still so confident…”

Minato said awkwardly…

“That’s…” Jiraiya said without skin and face.


Another voice came from the door…

“Oh? Kakashi… come, come together…”

“Sorry… I still have something to do… Seniors, go ahead.”

“That’s really a pity, I have to come over after it’s done…”


Kakashi is more famous, and everyone greeted with a smile.

“Teacher, Lord Jiraiya, Lord Orochimaru.”

Kakashi came over and said.

“Oh… in a blink of an eye, he is also a good ninja, why, did your teacher come to drink and didn’t make you angry…haha, it’s okay, underage drinking or something, today is an exception…exception… ”

When Kakashi heard it… there was a black line on his head for an instant.

Then he looked at Minato and said, “Teacher, the doctor said, my mother is going to give birth in a few days, I’ll let you know.”

“Really?! Great… thank you very much, since you are here… let’s sit down together, if you have a drink… uh… you… feel free to…”

Minato was a little happy at first, then hesitated.

Kakashi was taken aback…then there was another black line on his face…Sure enough, the teacher was in front of Jiraiya-sama…

“Ah…you see, your teacher said so…Come on, let’s have a drink, yes, just a drink… Orochimaru, let’s get together…”

Jiraiya patted Orochimaru. Until now, he doesn’t know that his friend is no longer the Orochimaru he used to be.

Orochimaru picked up the glass indifferently, and when he was about to drink, his eyes suddenly condensed.

Then he put down the wine glass.

“Hey, hey, Orochimaru, don’t tell me, your gas leaks again…”

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru strangely…

A few days ago…During the Konoha high-level meeting, Long Key suddenly gathered… Orochimaru had no choice but to use this random reason.

“I have something to do, let’s go first.”

After speaking, Orochimaru put on a pair and left here faintly.

“Insane! It’s always weird these days, I really don’t understand.”

Jiraiya said in a weird tone.

Minato explained slightly: “Maybe Orochimaru-senpai really has something to do.”

“Forget it… Let’s first, wait for him to come back, and fine him a few cups. Come, Kakashi, let’s come first!”


Looking strangely at Orochimaru’s leaving figure, before he came to think about something, he immediately looked at the wine in front of him with a bit of bitterness… ..

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