Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 809: The taste of betrayal (1)

Sun Qian originally ran in to ask the man for help. Who knew that in the end the man was actually crushed and beaten by the fierce woman, and Sun Qian was stupid. (((Cartino Novel Network

Especially after listening to the woman's words, if Sun Qian can't see the relationship between this woman and the man, then she will really be blind.

"" Sun Qian was stunned. To put it bluntly, she was just a shameless mistress who digs corners everywhere, but she has been cautious before, even though she has been the mistress of several men in succession. , But was not discovered by the original partner. The original partner like this one came to the door to tear it up. It was really the first time the girl got on the sedan chair.

A man can't be alive outside, but when he arrives in front of his wife, he becomes a little sheep to be slaughtered. He doesn't even dare to say a word, let alone fight back.

The middle-aged woman still felt puzzled after playing for a long time. When she turned her head and saw Sun Qian again, she became more and more angry, stepping forward, and slapped her hand in the slap again.

Sun Qian was shocked again when she was unprepared to be affected. She clutched the beaten face with a look of disbelief.

"Bah, you shameless vixen, even if you have a wife, you dare to seduce you, a filthy mess. If I don't kill you today, I will give you your last name." The middle-aged woman said, she went to arrest Sun Qian. s hair.

Sun Qian is a weak woman. She is used to pretending to be a white rabbit on weekdays, so that her combat power is also at the level of a white rabbit. How can she win such a sturdy tigress, and she was severely overthrown by the middle-aged woman. On the ground, while holding her hair, she slapped her with a bow left and right.

Sun Qian had never been treated like this before, and soon she started to break down and cry, hurriedly trying to pull a man to help herself.

It is a pity that the man at this time cannot protect himself, and it is too late to clear up the relationship with her, let alone help her.

And the middle-aged woman saw that Sun Qian dared to seduce her husband in front of her, and her anger became more fierce, and her strength to slap Sun Qian's palm became stronger.

The man watched his tigress beating for a long time, and finally couldn't help but grab her.

The middle-aged woman felt that someone was pulling herself, and she turned her hand back to a block, and almost didn't slap the man in the face.

"Why, do you feel bad for your little lover? Well, very well, we will get divorced when we go back. I have to see what you can do without me. You dare to look for a woman outside. It's really good.

When the man heard that the middle-aged woman was about to divorce him, his face changed, and he hurriedly laughed and said, "Wife, my wife, listen to me. I don't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for you. Look at you and hit your hands. It's red, and I feel so distressed to see it."

The middle-aged woman didn't buy the man's account, so she snorted and pulled her hand out.

How can a man let her withdraw like this, and quickly said: "Wife, wife, don't be angry. Isn't it worth it to be mad for such a woman? This woman is right. That's right, it's all this woman's fault, you I also know that I love you the most. If it weren't for... if this **** seduce me and give me medicine, how could I... Wife, you also know the virtues of the woman outside, this woman wants to use me as a tall stick , Fly on the branch to become a phoenix, so deliberately set up a situation to provoke the separation of our relationship. Wife, you must not be deceived by her."

When the man said this, the middle-aged woman wrinkled her eyebrows, and she actually began to believe the man's rhetoric.

Sun Qian's long hair had long been ripped apart by the woman, and her face was slapped mercilessly by the woman, her face was swollen, and the corners of her mouth were bitten.

She originally thought that the reason why a man went to pull a middle-aged woman was because he still had feelings for him and was reluctant to bear himself, but after hearing the words the man said to the old woman, Sun Qian only felt hopeless.

This man...This man is so shameless. He obviously ran over to confuse himself at first, but now that the conversation turned around, it turned out to be her seduce him.

Sure enough, men are unreliable!

"Really?" The middle-aged woman glanced at the man, with a trace of suspicion in her eyes.

In fact, she didn’t really want to get a divorce, she just wanted to scare men. After all, there were a few men who hadn’t stolen fishery outside these years. As long as the man’s heart was still with her, she could turn a blind eye to the women outside. One eye, but you can't be too presumptuous, otherwise it would be bad for these women outside to climb on your head.

Now this woman just gave her the opportunity to kill the chickens and the monkeys. With such a show, men will not dare to mess around outside in the future. Those women also have to carefully weigh whether they can really compete with them. Kill two birds with one stone.

Now she has beaten and beaten, and the lesson has been learned. The man handed over a step, and she took advantage of the situation and went down to the ass.

Seeing his wife’s expression loosened, the man uttered a play in his heart, and quickly pushed all his faults onto Sun Qian, and said faithfully to his wife: "Of course it’s true. How much do you love your wife? Don’t you know? It’s all this bitch. You also know that I am kind-hearted. This woman deliberately pretended to be pitiful and approached me. I kindly helped her. Who knows that she reversed her way in the end.

As the man said, he glared at Sun Qian who was lying on the ground, his eyes full of disgust.

Sun Qian trembled, knowing that she was in bad luck today, and she became the victim of this disgusting couple.

"Wife, this time I was wrong. I will apologize for you. Whatever you want me to do, just don’t divorce me. Without you, I really would be better off than life. For the sake of our children, you just Forgive me once."

The middle-aged woman didn't pay attention to the man's request for peace, turned her head and gave Sun Qian a fierce look, then she lifted her foot to Sun Qian's body and kicked again, before turning around and preparing to leave.

The man did not react and did not follow up in time.

The middle-aged woman walked a few steps and saw that the man hadn’t followed, her face was dark again: “I’m not keeping up yet, are you still going to follow the little hooves to continue you and me? Go back and clean up you, this matter, it’s not over!”

The man just woke up like a dream, secretly groaning in his heart, without even looking at Sun Qian on the ground, he quickly picked up his clothes and put on them, and followed the middle-aged woman out.

Sun Qian lay on the ground alone, listening to the footsteps of the two getting farther and farther, the corners of her lips unconsciously evoked an arc of self-deprecating.

After lying on the ground for a long time, Sun Qian suddenly felt a little cold, staggered to get up from the ground, and was about to turn around and go back to the room to put on a piece of clothing. When she raised her head, she suddenly saw a very familiar person standing at the door of her house. people.

Sun Qian's eyes widened suddenly, her expression in disbelief: "Shun...Shuncheng..."

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