Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 810: The taste of betrayal (2)

That's right, standing at the gate of Sun Qian's house, with a gloomy face like a midnight Shura, the one who can't wait to tear the person in front of him to pieces on the spot is precisely... Zhao Shuncheng!

"Shuncheng, when are you..." Sun Qian suddenly realized what she was like now, her face changed a little, and the depths of her eyes became more guilty. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

When did this man come? How could he not feel at all, how much did he see the things just now? What should I do now?

Sun Qian was flustered all over, and before she could think of a countermeasure, Zhao Shuncheng had already moved first.

"When?" Zhao Shuncheng sneered, "just when the woman ran in and beat you and scolded you for stealing someone's husband."

Zhao Shuncheng has been on the wall in many places recently, and he was already heartbroken to fall out with Zhao Yuming.

Unexpectedly, recently there have been a lot of bad things on Zhao Youming's side, so that he was dragged down, and he was so angry that he couldn't wait to have this son.

When everything went wrong, Zhao Shuncheng's first thought was his cute little lover.

Although there was some unpleasantness when I came here last time, Zhao Shuncheng was worried about Sun Qian's previous goodness, sensibility, and gentleness, so he rushed over again secretly.

Who ever thought that when he rushed over, he was not greeted with shyness and timidity from his little lover, but he had witnessed his little lover being caught in bed by other people's wives, and all kinds of abuse and beating.

At this moment, Zhao Shuncheng realized that he was given a green hat by this woman! The girl he thought of as a gentle white lotus for so long turned out to be a **** who could do his best!

Zhao Shuncheng's inner anger was surging, and he couldn't wait to immediately kill this woman who had embarrassed herself and felt extremely humiliated.

Zhao Shun is relatively masculine at the beginning. He feels that it is normal for him to be a big man with three wives and four concubines, so he can mess around with flowers outside and sleep with one woman after another, but he does not allow his own woman to go with other men behind her back. This is simply a shame for him, a deep shame!

Zhao Shuncheng could no longer contain the anger in his heart, and rushed to Sun Qian's face fiercely, raising his hand and slapped Sun Qian's face.

"You bitch, when I was away, you seduce other men behind my back. Say, have you been with me for so long, did you bring me a lot of green hats outside? You bitch, you are a bitch. !"

Sun Qian had just been beaten by that woman, and now even Zhao Shuncheng came to bully her, her tears never stopped, and she lay back on the ground with her head in her arms, retorting pitifully: "No, I didn't, I didn't..."

"You don't have anything?" Sun Qian didn't argue. Zhao Shuncheng became even more angry with this defense. He uncontrollably remembered what Zhao Youming said when he talked back with him, and the anger in his heart rose even more.

"You want to say that you have nothing? You didn't cheat with other men behind your back? Haven't done anything with other men behind your back? I saw the man naked and untidy walking from your room. When I came out, I also saw that man’s wife came to the door to slap you, calling you a vixen who seduce other people, and a junior who destroys other people’s families. I heard the man confess that you seduce him and wanted to fly. The upper branch turned into a phoenix. So many things, I heard and heard with my own ears, clearly and plainly, what else can you say?"

Sun Qian’s eyes were already red with tears, and she couldn’t help shaking her head when she heard Zhao Shuncheng’s words, stretched out her hand to grab Zhao Shuncheng’s thigh and choked up: “Shuncheng, you believe me, I don’t...I don’t...I really No……"

"At this time, you still want to quibble, do you really think I'm blind? Fortunately, I still think you are such a pure and lovely, understanding girl, thinking that you are so affectionate, I I should hurt you more, now that I think about it, I was really blind at the beginning to think that you are a pure girl like a bad guy who has been ruined by many men who don't know!"

Zhao Shuncheng’s words really wronged Sun Qian. Sun Qian did have other people before she met Zhao Shuncheng, but after being with Zhao Shuncheng, Sun Qian never talked to other people again, and she was hanging to death by Zhao Shuncheng. On the tree, I think that one day, like Li Hongyu, I can marry a wealthy man and be a rich young lady like Li Hongyu.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Zhao Shuncheng was not only driven out by the Zhao family, but the baby he was sure to be a son also became a daughter.

Zhao Shuncheng began to ignore her, and the frequency of coming to her side became much less. Sun Qian knew that Zhao Shuncheng had begun to tire of herself, but she still held a glimmer of hope.

Until the last time, when Sun Qian was about to pay the rent, Zhao Shuncheng came here. Sun Qian was overjoyed, but didn't want Zhao Shuncheng to suddenly turn around and leave, completely ignoring their mother and daughter. This made Sun Qian chill.

In desperation, Sun Qian could only find another way out, and only then did she catch up with the man just now.

Although the man was not as gentle and considerate as Zhao Shuncheng, he was much more generous than Zhao Shuncheng, and easily solved the rent problem that plagued Sun Qian.

Sun Qian was accustomed to the life of being raised. The man also liked her gentle, considerate and understanding. The two hit it off and got together smoothly.

Who knows that there is such a fierce wife in that man's house, and I don't know where I found their address, and I ran here to catch the rape. The most terrible thing is that Zhao Shuncheng saw this thing!

Sun Qian listened to Zhao Shuncheng's merciless words, her face turned pale as paper, and she just sat down on the ground in a daze, with only two big characters left in her mind: it's over!

At this moment, there was a burst of immature crying from the next room.

Sun Qian was shocked, her eyes lit up suddenly, she got up from the ground hurriedly, and ran into the nearby room to lift the crying child out, kneeled in front of Zhao Shuncheng, and said joyfully: "Shun Cheng , Shuncheng, you see, this is our daughter, our daughter, I love you so much, I don’t need any status for you, and have children for you. For you, I am willing to do anything. Shuncheng, You forgive me once, can you forgive me once for the sake of your child?"

The man is gone, and she is taking such a child whose milk has not been broken. I am afraid it will be really difficult to find the next home. Zhao Shuncheng is her last straw now, and she must hold on tightly.

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