"She just came back recently. After I went to the beach that night, she suddenly called me and asked me to go out to meet, so after that, I went to see her. --- End of this Tanmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw .tw))

The interrogation police officer didn't seem to be paying much for Zhao Youming's explanation. A man who was supposed to be abroad, so he died, suddenly called to meet with the suspect that night. No matter how he thought it was a bit too coincidental.

When Zhao Yuming saw that the interrogation officer did not believe it, his expression became gloomy: "What I said is true."

The other party was noncommittal and continued to ask: "between 10 and 12 o'clock in the evening on the day of the incident, where are you, Mr. Zhao, and are there any witnesses to prove it?"

Zhao Yuming was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that this time period should be when Zhao Yifei was killed, his face was whole, and he said in a deep voice, "I should be with my sister at this time period."

"Oh? So, can you tell us where your sister is, Mr. Zhao, and how can we contact her?"

Zhao Youming opened his mouth and was about to speak, but suddenly realized that he hadn't even asked where Zhao Youxi lived that day, but...

"She called me that day. There should be her phone number in my mobile phone. You can call her to verify."

After hearing what Zhao Youming said, the interrogation officer put down his pen and raised his hand to signal that Zhao Youming could hand over his mobile phone number.

Zhao Youming was stared at by him, and there was no chance to talk to Zhao Youxi. He gritted his teeth, found a call log from the phone, and placed it in front of the person.

The interrogation police officer immediately made a gesture to the camera in the interrogation room. Soon another police officer walked in with a telephone and dialed the number on Zhao Youming's phone.

At the moment the phone was dialed, everyone in the room pricked up their ears, but what they heard was...

"Hello, the user you dialed has been turned off."

Zhao Yuming was taken aback with the two police officers. The police officer who made the call unwillingly dialed another call, and he heard the same voice again, not surprisingly: "Hello, the phone you dialed is turned off."

Zhao Yuming's face sank, and the interrogation officer's eyes looked at Zhao Youming more and more intriguing: "It seems that Mr. Zhao's sister should have no time to testify to Mr. Zhao now."

Zhao Youming heard the faint sarcasm of this person, his face turned dark, and he wanted to say something, but found that he had no way to refute it. There was a bit of complaint in his heart that Zhao Youxi did not turn off the machine early, and did not turn off the machine late. Shut down when it is critical!

"My sister may have a dead cell phone. When her cell phone is powered up again, you should be able to contact her."

The interrogating officer nodded his head, and spit out an understatement: "So that's the case, then please Mr. Zhao stay in the police station temporarily before we contact Ms. Zhao."

When Zhao Yuming heard that this man wanted to detain him in the police station, his expression changed, and he stood up from his chair: "You want to detain me? No, you are illegally detained! I can sue you! Me! I'm going to sue you!"

The interrogation officer's face also sank when he heard the words, and then he laughed mockingly: "Mr. Zhao, we just hope you can cooperate with our work, or are you guilty of conscience?"

"I..." Zhao Youming deliberately defended, but was interrupted again by the person.

"Besides, don’t blame Mr. Zhao for not reminding you that you have been involved in a criminal case before. At that time, we warned you not to do unnecessary things, but you left home without authorization and got rid of our assignment to you. The police officers of the United States, and another case was involved in this period of time. If you really want to care about it, we are indeed qualified to detain you."

Zhao Yuming suddenly fell silent, his face turned blue and white, and white and blue, but he lost the momentum of his previous challenge.

When the interrogation police saw that Zhao Youming was finally in peace, he didn't embarrass him anymore, and only asked other people to take the people down first.

At the same time, Zhao Youxi, who was once again complained by Zhao Youming, is preparing to deal with her last enemy.

The sunny morning was supposed to be the most comfortable time of the day, but some people who were addicted to their sleep did not know that disaster had come quietly.

The rushing doorbells made the two people who were still lying on the bed cuddling together frowned uncomfortably.

Sun Qian remembered that there was a child in the next room, and if the noise went on, the child was afraid that he would wake up, and it would be more difficult to handle it, so she struggled reluctantly, got up and walked outside.

The moment the door was opened, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup was standing at the door angrily, and she slapped her hand when she saw her regardless.

With a snap, Sun Qian's entire head was slapped to the side, she covered her face for a long time before she recovered, and she was shocked and said: "You hit me? How can you hit people casually?"

The middle-aged woman snorted coldly: "Yes, it was you who hit you, you shameless mistress, the vixen who destroys other people's families, see if I won't kill you." She said, she raised her hand to Sun Qian's body again. Hit it.

Sun Qian hurriedly stretched out her hand to block, who knows, the woman's strength is very strong, even though Sun Qian exhausted her strength to stop, she was still beaten by her with no power to fight back, and she was beaten several times on her body, Sun Qian I really couldn't bear it. I covered my face and ran into the house, yelling, "Akun, Akun, please help me. Someone wants to kill me, somebody wants to kill me!"

The man in the bedroom had already heard the noise outside, and the good mood with the little lover Chunfeng was destroyed by this sudden noise. He was about to go out to see what was going on outside, and his little lover had already rushed over. , There are still red five-fingerprints on her face, matching Sun Qian's tearful eyes, it looks extraordinarily affectionate.

The man felt distressed all of a sudden, so he lowered his face and asked, "Who did you beat me? I'm so brave after I've eaten Xiongxin Leopard, my Zheng Kuncheng women dare to beat me too. I'm really tired of my life! See if I..."

As soon as the man's voice fell, Sun Qian had not had time to say something, and there was a sharp chorus outside: "Who do you think is tired of life!"

The man's face changed when he heard the voice, turning his head and looking around, he saw a familiar figure rushing over, punching and kicking him as soon as he met, and yelling, "Zheng Kuncheng, you are good at it." Oh, I dared to look for a woman outside with me behind my back. I'm still such a young and beautiful little bitch. What, do you think I'm old? Today, I don't want to kill you shameless adulterers*** *!"

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