"Zhao Youming's fingerprints?" Zhao Youlin originally felt that with Zhao Youming's personality, she would not be so stupid to commit crimes on the cusp of such a storm. Now when she heard that his fingerprints were still on the scene, she felt that things were strange. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance www.hjw.tw)))

Mu Tingfeng obviously thinks the same way: "With Zhao Yooming's level of caution, even if he really clashed with Zhao Yifei and killed him without observing him for a while, he probably wouldn't make such a low-level mistake. Zhao Yooming is being taken. Did he say anything before leaving? Or, how did he react when he heard this?"

The old man made a calm face, thinking of what Zhao Yuming's housekeeper had told him, and said coldly: "Yo Ming was said to be surprised when he heard about this incident. He almost clashed with the policemen who went to look for him on the spot."

As soon as Mr. Zhao said this, everyone was silent.

After a long while, Zhao Yulin sighed and said helplessly: "It's such a big mess, Sanshu probably can't help it."

Father Zhao had thought of this a long time ago, and his face would be so ugly.

"There is nothing we can do to make things happen to this point. The most urgent thing is to let people figure out if Zhao Yifei's incident is really related to Zhao Youming. Sanshu, let his family watch it. Dad and I are in the company. I'll also pay attention, we will tell you, Grandpa, immediately when something happens."

The old man closed his eyes and sighed faintly: "It can only be this way."

On the other side, after Zhao Youming was taken to the police station, he underwent strict interrogation.

"Mr. Zhao Youming, according to the investigation, your relationship with the deceased Mr. Zhao Yifei is not very good, and you like to face **** for tat on weekdays."

Zhao Yuming said with a calm face, and chuckled: "I really don't agree with him, but if I kill him, then I am really wronged than Dou E. Zhao Yifei has never said anything. He is very pretentious, and has no eyes. There are not a hundred or dozens of offenders. There are so many enemies, and now he has no backing. It is possible for anyone to do it. Why should it be me?"

The interrogating police officer pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, facing Zhao Yooming's somewhat out of control accusation, with a calm expression: "Mr. Zhao, don't get excited. We don't want to be beaten, but just ask some information about Mr. Zhao and the deceased. So that we can investigate the case."

Hearing what the police said, Zhao Youming only felt that he had hit the cotton with a punch, his face grew colder and he did not speak.

The interrogation officer continued: “According to an insider, Mr. Zhao had a conflict with the deceased in a bar on the night of the incident. Is it true?”

Hearing this person mentioning that he had a conflict with Zhao Yifei in the bar that night, a guilty conscience flashed across Zhao Youming's face: "...it's true."

The interrogating officer’s glasses on the bridge of his nose slid down, and a bright flash was skipped: "In that case, please tell us about the situation that day, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yuming lowered his head and pondered for a moment, thinking that although he really smashed a bottle of Zhao Yifei on impulse that night, looking at Zhao Yifei's cursing look at the time, he shouldn't have caused anything to happen to him.

Even if Zhao Yifei really died after that, he should have had trouble with someone else, and had nothing to do with him. To put it bluntly, it would be a crime for him to die.

Thinking about this, Zhao Youming said, "That night, I was in a bad mood because of something, so I ran out and drank some drinks in the bar. Zhao Yifei also went to the bar, and then the two of us had a little trouble. Not happy. Angrily, I smashed him on the head with a wine bottle."

"Wait." The interrogation officer couldn't help but stop Zhao Youming when he heard this. "You said you hit the dead with a wine bottle. Are you sure you just hit it?"

Zhao Yuming was stunned. He didn't understand why the interrogation officer would be entangled with this issue, so he bluntly said: "Yes, there is only one thing. Then Zhao Yifei reacted and rushed towards me, and the two of us scuffled together. But the fight didn't last long, and the bar security showed up and pulled us away."

The pen in the hand of the interrogating officer quickly scribbled on the paper: "What happened later?"

"Later? Then I left."

"Leave? Do you leave first or the dead first?"

"I went first, Zhao Yifei should have left after that."

The interrogation officer's action paused: "So, when you left the bar, the deceased was still in the bar."

"Well, he was quite emotional at the time. He was caught by the security guards and there was no way to get out for the time being."

The interrogation officer nodded and asked: "Then, after leaving the bar, where did you go, Mr. Zhao? Have you been to the apartment where the deceased was?"

"Go to his apartment? I don't even know where his apartment is, how could I go to his apartment?"

"Mr. Zhao, please answer my question directly."

Zhao Youming choked, angrily said, "I went to the beach, but didn't go to his apartment."

The interrogator finally raised his head and raised his eyebrows to look at the opposite Zhao Youming: "The seaside?"

"Yes, by the sea, I drank alcohol and met Zhao Yifei at the time, and my mood was even worse. It was still early at the time and I didn't want to go home so early, so I just walked around the street and waited for me to recover. I had already gone to the beach by the time."

"Where is it by the sea? Are there any witnesses on the side who can testify to you?"

"Witness?" Zhao Youming pondered for a moment, pursing his lips, "The sky was dark and there seemed to be no people on the beach, so..."

"In other words, no witnesses can prove to you for Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Youming was a little dissatisfied with this person's questioning, but he also knew that he was on the other side's territory, even if he was dissatisfied, he could only endure it and nodded.

"I see." The man wrote a few more pens in his notebook, and then asked again, "After going to the beach, where else do you go?"

Hearing such a question, Zhao Youming immediately remembered Zhao Youxi: "After I went to the beach, I went to see someone."

The interrogation officer's eyes looked at Zhao Yooming a little bit more immediately: "I saw someone, who?"

When Zhao Yuming saw him like this, he immediately knew what he was thinking, and said helplessly: "The person I saw was not Zhao Yifei, it was my sister."

"Your sister?" The interrogation officer narrowed his eyes, and revealed a bit of shrewdness in calmness: "Mr. Zhao, if the police found that there is nothing wrong, your sister herself had been out more than a year ago. Not in the country."

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