When Mu Chen heard the words, the marks on the Meifeng peak became deeper and deeper: "Okay, that's all I want to ask. Thank you for your cooperation. If you find anything later or remember anything, please contact us in time. ((Cartino Novel Network www.novelmtl.com))

Mr. Li nodded repeatedly: "Of course."

After Mu Chen had asked Mr. Li, he ran to several nearby households and asked about the situation last night, but nothing was found.

Finally, Mu Chen walked back again and said with Zhao Yulin: "We have a general understanding of the situation in this case. Miss Zhao and Mr. Mu can go back first, and we will tell them when our investigation progresses."

The two of Zhao Yulin should be fine: "Then I will trouble Officer Jiang."

Mu Chen pursed his lips, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked in a low voice: "Yes, I am sorry, may I ask where Miss Zhao and Mr. Mu were from 10 to 12 last night? A witness?"

Zhao Yulin picked her eyebrows, knowing that Mu Chen still hadn't lifted his suspicion against them, she said truthfully: "We were at home from 10 to 12 o'clock last night, and we told the child a bedtime story. After we finished telling it, we sent the child back. Room, and then we slept, and everyone in the family can testify to us. Is there anything else?"

Mu Chen thought for a few seconds, then smiled slightly and said, "No, you two walk slowly."


When the Zhao family knew that instead of returning to Sun's home, Zhao Yuming stayed in city s, so that he was killed in city s and died in the apartment. They were all shocked.

"How can you die?" Duan Yarong had a heavy face. Although the things Sun Fengzi did made Duan Yarong hate her, Zhao Yifei had never done anything that hurts the world and reason. A living person said nothing and it was gone. Duan Yarong said that it is absolutely false not to care.

"We were also very surprised. By the time Zhao Yifei was already..." Zhao Yulin hesitated and still didn't tell the scene at the time. She just said vaguely, "I looked inside. Zhao Yifei should be in her apartment. I had a dispute with someone, and then accidentally..."

Duan Yarong sighed for a while, and suddenly realized what Zhao Yulin had said, her face changed slightly: "Have you been to see it? Why would you go to see that... how **** is that kind of murder scene? Are you scared? No, I have to let Zhao Bo Burn the incense sticks tonight to get rid of the blood. It's been a good year's end, and it will be unlucky."

Zhao Yulin was a little bit dumbfounded: "Mom, you weren't so superstitious before."

Duan Yarong glanced at Zhao Youlin in disapproval, and said, "This kind of thing is better to be believed than it is not."

Zhao Yulin: "...Okay, you just want to be happy."

When the two interrupted in this way, the awkward atmosphere among the few people disappeared a lot, but it was still a little dignified.

When Zhao Yulin turned her head, she saw the old man's worried face: "Grandpa, what's the matter?"

Father Zhao sighed faintly, and finally only briefly said: "Don't tell your third uncle about this matter."

Zhao Yulin stunned for a while, and quickly reacted, and nodded solemnly: "Yeah."

Although Zhao Yifei is not Zhao Shunchang's son, but after so many years, even a dog can raise feelings, let alone a human being.

Knowing that Zhao Yifei is dead is likely to be another blow to Zhao Shunchang.

However, they are also very clear that this kind of thing can be kept secret for a while, but Zhao Shunchang will know it sooner or later, but they still hope that it is not for them to tell him.

Zhao Yulin and others thought that this incident was already surprising enough, and they didn't want to have more surprising things behind.

On the other side, Zhao Youming had a good night's sleep, thinking about what kind of surprises Zhao Youxi could bring to him soon, and didn't want someone to bring him an absolute shock in the end.

Zhao Youming was eating lunch that day, and there was a sudden noise outside. Zhao Youming twisted his eyebrows. Before he had time to say something, the butler led several policemen into hurriedly from outside.

Seeing those people Zhao Youming's face suddenly darkened, only to say that these people came here because of the woman's affairs, but didn't want to...

"Sorry, Mr. Zhao, we suspect that a new murder case is related to you. Please come with us and cooperate with the investigation."

Zhao Yuming's expression suddenly changed: "A new homicide case? I have been at home. How could it be related to a new homicide case. Did you make a mistake?"

The police who came to hear Zhao Youming's words only thought he was quibbling, frowned, and said coldly: "Mr. Zhao, please cooperate with our work. Your fingerprints appeared at the scene of the crime. This is a very true thing. If you shirk like this again, can we think that you are doing a guilty conscience?"

"Is there my fingerprint at the scene of the crime?" Zhao Yuming's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. "What's the matter? I stay at home these days, and the people you arranged outside are watching. Now I am telling me that there is my fingerprint at the crime scene. How is this possible? This is absolutely slander and falsehood!"

The policeman who was yelled at by Zhao Youming was taken aback. It was the first time he encountered such uncooperative stubbornness in so many years as a policeman, and his face became even more ugly: "Mr. Zhao, whether it is framing or slander, please follow We go to the police station to make it clear that we will have our own judgment."

Zhao Youming stared at the policeman with red eyes, and the policeman looked back, not to be outdone. The two stared at each other for a long time. In the end, it was Zhao Youming who was the first to lose. Several policemen are gone.

As soon as Zhao Youming left, the housekeeper in the house panicked, hesitated for a moment, and made a call directly to the main house of the Zhao family.

Zhao Youlin received a call from her father and learned that Zhao Youming was actually involved in Zhao Yifei's case. She was also shocked. She simply told her father about this matter and waited for her to go home.

Duan Yarong and his wife were also surprised to learn about this incident. That night, Zhao Youlin followed them back to Zhao's house. Mu Tingfeng happened to pick up Zhao Yulin and learned that this incident also followed.

"What's the matter? How can this matter have anything to do with Zhao Yoo Ming?" Zhao You Lin asked as soon as he got home.

Grandpa Zhao's complexion was not very good-looking. Hearing Zhao Youlin's question, he turned his head and gave him a wink at Uncle Zhao, asking him to explain on her behalf.

"We are not particularly clear, we only know that Zhao Shaoye's fingerprints seemed to be detected at the crime scene."

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