Several people turned their heads and looked around, all of them were shocked after seeing the scene inside the house. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

In the empty apartment, several tables and chairs were down. Under the mess, one person lay upright in the middle of the hall. The blood stained the ground and solidified, indicating that the people in this room have been dead for a long time. , And beside that figure was scattered glass shards, and the edges of the shards were stained with a lot of bright red blood.

No matter how this scene looked like a murder scene, the person couldn't blame that person just cried out in exclamation.

When Mu Tingfeng saw this scene, he almost reflexively stretched out his hand to cover Zhao Youlin’s eyes, but Zhao Youlin firmly pulled his hand off her face and smiled at Mu Tingfeng’s disapproving gaze. Said: "Have you forgotten what I did before?"

Mu Tingfeng twisted his eyebrows, but was not persuaded by her: "It used to be before, you are just my wife now."

Zhao Yulin was taken aback for a moment, then sighed, and compromised: "Let's call the police."

Xu was because Mu Tingfeng specifically mentioned the Zhao family when he called the police, and the police came quickly.

"Miss Zhao, we meet again."

Zhao Yulin's face was full of reluctance: "If I can, I actually don't want to meet you."

Mu Chen smiled, did not care too much about it, and rushed into the room with a group of colleagues.

"The deceased, male, in his early twenties, the fatal wounds on his body were the three large wounds on his head that were smashed by a wine bottle. One of them just cut a large artery. The cause of death should be suffocation caused by rapid ischemia of the large artery. From the deceased In terms of physical stiffness, the deceased should have died between 10 am and 12 am yesterday." The female forensic doctor carefully inspected Zhao Yifei's wounds with gloves, and quickly analyzed the cause of death and the time of death. .

"Between ten and twelve o'clock last night." Mu Chen touched his chin and meditated for a moment, then turned to look at Zhao Youlin and asked in a low voice, "You are the first witnesses at the crime scene, you can tell us you When was the deceased discovered, and why did you appear here today? In addition, what is the relationship between you and the deceased?"

Zhao Yulin and Mu Tingfeng looked at each other and said truthfully: "We found out that the time of the deceased should be shortly before you came, which is just about ten o'clock. As for the relationship between the deceased and us... this person was raised by my third uncle. Your son is named Zhao Yifei. You can check his information yourself. His relationship with us is a bit complicated, but you can find it easily if you check it. As for why we appeared here today and hit this case. On the spot, this is a complete coincidence."

"Coincidence?" Mu Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, as if he was considering whether Zhao Youlin's words were true.

"Yes, it's a coincidence. When you find this person's information, you will find that this person was kicked out of the house by my grandfather two months ago. Originally, he was supposed to go back to his mother's house. Oh, yes. Yes, this person’s mother has committed some things before and is still in jail. You should also find out about this. We came here because we heard people say that we ran into someone who looked like Zhao Yifei in S city recently. We thought at the time It's strange how a person who should have left long ago is still in this city, thinking about coming over to see the situation, but not thinking about it, what he saw when he came here turned out to be such a scene."

Zhao Yulin’s explanation was reasonable. Mu Chen recorded the whole story for a while, then turned to look at the door that Mu Tingfeng kicked badly: "What's the matter with this? This door should be broken, right? It broke before you came, or..."

Zhao Yulin smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry, this door was broken by us. We knocked on the door for a long time after we found it. Who knows there has been no movement in the room, and I was thinking about whether the people in the room have gone out. My husband suddenly saw blood stains on the doorknob, so he was anxious to kick it out."

"So, there should be your husband's fingerprints on the doorknob."

"Yes it is."

"What about inside the house? After you opened the door, did you come into this house?"

"No, when we saw the scene in this room, all of us were frightened. We immediately called you. After that, we waited outside and didn't go inside."

Mu Chen nodded and put away the record book.

At this moment, the female forensic doctor behind her had also searched a bunch of things from the house and was going to take it back for testing. Among them was the broken glass bottle that was used as a murder weapon.

"Is this house only the deceased?" Mu Chen turned to look at Zhao Youlin and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yulin shook their heads: "We don't know about this. Ask about the property of this apartment, maybe we will know."

Mu Chen immediately called a policeman to go down and invite the property in this building to come up.

The property had already guessed what was going on when he heard the police coming over, but after seeing the **** scene in the house, he was taken aback.

"This this……"

"Mr. is the property of this building?"

"Yes... yes, I am the property of this building, my name is Li."

"Then Mr. Li, is this room only for the deceased?"

Property owner Mr. Li glanced at the house number and thought for a moment before he said: "No... there is not only one, there should be another girl, who is the girlfriend of the deceased."

"Girlfriend?" Zhao Yulin and Mu Chen exclaimed at the same time.

Mu Chen glanced at Zhao Youlin subconsciously: "Miss Zhao knows that Mr. Zhao had a girlfriend before?"

Zhao Yulin shook her head repeatedly: "I have never heard of Zhao Yifei having a girlfriend, but it is also possible that he didn't tell us when he had one. In fact, we are not very familiar with him..."

Mu Chen nodded, turned around and asked Mr. Li: "Does Mr. Li know what Mr. Zhao's girlfriend looks like? Or... if there are any more distinctive features, if you can contact her now, that would be great. Up."

"This..." Mr. Li was a little embarrassed, "Mr. Zhao's girlfriend always wears black clothes and a hood when she shows up. I haven't seen her face in front of me. I really don't know. How to say."

"That's it." Mu Chen frowned, "Then did you see who came back with Mr. Zhao yesterday?"

"This... we really don't remember. The renovations around the past few days, whether it is monitoring or street lights, are broken. We are not sure when Mr. Zhao came back, or who came back with him. "

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