Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 294: Girlfriends become small three (1)

The person who opened the door was also stunned when he saw Zhao Youxi, the expression on his face was flustered and guilty for a moment, and looked extremely pitiful: "Youxi, why are you..."

"I just want to ask why you are here? You..." Zhao Youxi had a sullen face, looking at this girl about the same age as herself, her classmate-Sun Qian. (((Mobile reading visit

Sun Qian and Zhao Youxi are classmates who have been classmates for many years. Because of her weak character and a face that evokes love and compassion at first glance, she naturally clings to the domineering Zhao Youxi.

Zhao Youxi used Sun Qian to show her superiority, while Sun Qian took Zhao Youxi as her umbrella, and the two soon became good sisters and girlfriends who talked about everything.

But Zhao Youxi didn't expect to see Sun Qian at such a time and in such a place.

Looking at the bathrobe wrapped in Sun Qian's body, there was a faint guess in her heart, but she was extremely afraid and unwilling to believe it.

No, no, I must have found the wrong place. This may be just Sun Qian’s home, and my father can’t be here, she...she...

Xu Ye saw that Sun Qian went to open the door for a long time and didn’t come back for a long time. He heard the sound of a dispute outside the door. The man who was sitting in the room wrinkled his brows and walked out and asked in a deep voice: "Qianqian, what's going on What's wrong? Why did you open the door for so long?"

Zhao Youxi's eyes widened and he looked at the man who was also wearing a bathrobe slowly walking out of it in disbelief. He took a few steps back, his face pale as paper.

A trembling hand pointed at Sun Qian at the door and the man not far behind him: ""

"You Xi? Why did you come here?" Zhao Shuncheng was taken aback when he saw Zhao Youxi, but his face sank as if he had thought of something.

When Zhao Youxi heard the man's name, he only felt a coolness rushing from the soles of her feet to her back.

At this moment, she can no longer deceive herself, her father and her best friend...

" bitch, unexpectedly... seduce my dad, **** it, I'm going to kill you!" Zhao Youxi was shaking with anger, and finally couldn't help but yelled and slapped Sun Qianyi. Slapped her hand, and then reached out to pinch her neck.

"Ah...Brother Zhao, save me!" Sun Qian screamed in fright.

Zhao Shuncheng was frightened by this sudden change. When he reacted, he saw Zhao Youxi pinching Sun Qian by the neck, with a sullen expression wishing to choke her to death on the spot.

Before he could think too much, Zhao Shuncheng stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Youxi's hand and pulled her away.

Taking advantage of the gap, Sun Qian hurriedly hid in Zhao Shuncheng’s arms with his beaten cheeks and pinched neck. With tears in her eyes, she pitifully called out, "Brother Zhao..."

When Zhao Shuncheng saw her look like this, his heart suddenly softened, and his gaze at Zhao Youxi became worse, and he comforted Sun Qian with a soft voice, "How is Qianqian? Is it hurt? Is it painful?"

When Sun Qian heard Zhao Shuncheng's words, the expression on her face became more aggrieved, but she didn't say anything, shook her head, buried herself deeper in Zhao Shuncheng's arms, and vividly interpreted the image of the delicate white lotus being bullied.

When Zhao Youxi looked at her like this, she was even more angry. She waved her hand and wanted to fight, but Zhao Shuncheng's wrist was still pinched by Zhao Shuncheng. In a hurry, Zhao Youxi couldn't help but yelled, "Dad, you let go. Me! I want to kill this shameless **** who seduce a married man! Dad..."

Zhao Shuncheng's face turned dark when he heard these words. As the seduced married man, someone only felt that Zhao Youxi's words had also scolded him, and he was about to get angry. Sun Qian, who was in his arms, spoke.

"Yo Xi, I know it's my fault. I shouldn't fall in love with Brother Zhao, but some things are really out of control. Brother Zhao and I really love each other. If you can, I hope you can forgive us, I I don’t want to lose your good friend, nor do you want your father and daughter to be at odds, that would make me feel like a sinner. Uuuuu..." Sun Qian said hurriedly and lowered her head, two lines of tears slipped from her eyes just right. Come down, cuddly.

good friend? Zhao Youxi almost vomited like this in a mouthful of blood. A normal friend would seduce a friend's father and destroy the other's family, and in the end, would she ask her friend to forgive them? How does she forgive them? Her friend became her father's underground lover, and she made her understand that she really thought she was the Virgin!

No one knows how much regret Zhao Youxi is at this moment. If she knew that Sun Qian was such a cheap person, she would never take the opportunity of her birthday to invite all of them, these good friends, to the house so that she could meet Zhao Shuncheng.

The reason why Zhao Youxi was able to be so sure of the beginning of all this was at that time because she knew that if it hadn't been for that time, with Sun Qian's family background, it would be impossible to see Zhao Shuncheng.

No wonder... no wonder... that night she always felt that Sun Qian was not right, and she kept looking at someone at home. It turned out that... she had already thought of the law to seduce people at that time.

Zhao Youxi, who was blushing with anger, obviously hadn't thought about that day, if she hadn't been too vain, thinking about inviting those friends through her birthday party to show off her superiority, how could she let Sun Qian drill this? Gap?

Therefore, Zhao Youxi is purely restraining herself this time.

Zhao Youxi was so angry that she stared at Sun Qian with her eyes, gritted her teeth and said: "The biggest mistake in my life is to make you a shameless friend!"

"You Xi..."


Sun Qian's sorrowful cry was mixed with Zhao Shuncheng's angry roar. Sun Qian fell silent and held Zhao Shuncheng's hand timidly. It didn't take long to realize that Zhao Shuncheng's anger was directed at Zhao Youxi.

Zhao Shuncheng calmly patted Sun Qian on the shoulder, then looked up at Zhao Youxi, her expression unkind, and said, "You Xi, you have enough trouble!"

Zhao Youxi's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Zhao Shuncheng in disbelief: "Dad, what did you say?"

"I said if you have enough trouble, go back as soon as there is nothing wrong, don't be an eyesore."

"Dad, do you think I'm an eyesore?" Zhao Youxi's eyes went back and forth between the two of them a few times, and then she burst into laughter, "Dad, do you think I'm obstructing you? Standing on the side of this slut, you think I'm obstructing you. You guys. Damn, you really are not a good product, how can you treat me this way, how can you treat my mother this way!"

While crying, Zhao Youxi struck Zhao Shuncheng's body with the hand that was not grasped, tears slid from her eyes, with a hint of despair.

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