Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 295: Girlfriends become small three (2)

"Have you made enough trouble!" Zhao Shuncheng finally couldn't bear it, and with a strong wave of his hand, he overturned Zhao Youxi to the ground and said impatiently, "Why can't I do this to you, to your mother? Your mother is just the woman I am outside. One, if you're happy, take it home and give it to you. If you're upset, I can still drive you all out!"

"Dad you!" Zhao Youxi fell to the ground with tears on her face, and looked up at this strange man, as if she had known him for the first time in so many years. (((Mobile reading visit

"Don't look at me with this look! I don't want to care too much about you for some things because you are my daughter, but you want to bump into it yourself and provoke my bottom line again and again. It's no fault of me!" Zhao Shuncheng said With Sun Qian pulling aside, he turned and walked in the house.

Zhao Youxi sat on the ground blankly, not knowing what to do, and saw Zhao Shuncheng aggressively rushing out of the house again, smashing a document on her head.

Zhao Youxi screamed, picked up the document in a hurry and glanced at it, her eyes tightened suddenly, and her hands began to tremble uncontrollably: "This...this is..."

"Would you not be so big-eyed yourself? Using the convenience of your and my identity, you seduce the company's accountant to embezzle public funds with you, and even caused the failure of the project and caused irreparable losses. Keep talking **** Bitch's scolding, where are you better than Qianqian? How could I give birth to a daughter like you? Now the company has already put the responsibility for this matter on my head, and asked me to take the initiative to resign in the near future, otherwise... "

Zhao Shuncheng became more and more angry as he spoke, and almost couldn't help but beat Zhao Youxi to death by himself.

God knows how angry he was when he was called to the president's office today when his elder brother threatened him to resign. If he hadn't thought about Li Hongyu having given him a good son, he would have swept this daughter out.

Zhao Shuncheng, who was holding back his anger, could only come to Sun Qian to find comfort. Who would have thought that Zhao Youxi would still come to his door at this time to fight against his NPC, maliciously insulting, and force Zhao Shuncheng to calculate new and old accounts with her. .

Zhao Youxi was really panicked right now, and reached out to grab Zhao Shuncheng’s trouser legs: "Dad, I..."

Zhao Shuncheng leaned to the side to hide, and directly avoided Zhao Youxi’s hand that reached out to him, and snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for your mother and You Ming's face, I really want to deny you this daughter, today's The matter ends here, you can get me home now and reflect on it."

It depends on the face of mom and Yoo Ming... Wait, mom! Zhao Youxi raised her head abruptly, looking at Zhao Shuncheng’s indifferent back, she became more and more confused, and rushed towards Zhao Shuncheng with both hands and feet, and shouted: "Dad, dad, I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong. , But now I beg you, please help mom, please, if you don’t save yourself, mom will really be over, it’s over!"

Zhao Youxi’s cry made Zhao Shuncheng stop, turned his head and glanced at her in surprise, and asked in a deep voice, "Your mother? What happened to your mother?"

With tears on Zhao Youxi's face, she hugged Zhao Shuncheng's thigh and sobbed: "Mom, she... Mom, she was taken away by the police!"

"Policeman?" Zhao Shuncheng's face changed suddenly, and he grabbed Zhao Youxi and said, "Why was it taken away by the police? Was it your previous incident..."

Zhao Youxi was startled, and when he reacted, what Zhao Shuncheng said about it was that he shook his head in a hurry.

Zhao Shuncheng breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was still a little ugly: "Since it's not that matter, why would the police arrest your mother suddenly?"

"This..." Zhao Youxi looked at Zhao Shuncheng's black face, and didn't dare to regard the person in front of him as the father who loved him in every possible way before, hesitating not to tell the truth.

Zhao Shuncheng waited for a long time and didn't hear Zhao Youxi say why he came, his face sank, and he moved again.

Zhao Youxi panicked, ignoring anything else, and said loudly, "The policemen said... they said that mother bought murder and wanted to catch mother... arrest..."

"Buying murder?" Zhao Shuncheng's expression was ugly, "Who did she buy murder?"

Looking at Zhao Shuncheng's almost violent face, Zhao Youxi suddenly remembered what Zhao Shuncheng said when he was furious with her and Li Hongyu last time, and said, "Dad, what kind of person is mom, don't you know? How could she do it? Buying murder and murder? It must be...someone must have deliberately framed mom, dad, you save mom, you save mom!"

Zhao Shuncheng was not fooled by Zhao Youxi's vagueness this time, and leaned over to Zhao Youxi's face and said, "I ask you, who is your mother who bought the murder."

If it were before, Zhao Shuncheng would of course not doubt that the gentle woman who had been with him for many years would do this kind of thing, but after experiencing the last time, the balance in his heart had already recovered. He even went to the other side.

How can a mother who can teach her child who is almost murderous, where kindness can go?

Therefore, as soon as Zhao Youxi spoke out, Zhao Shuncheng had actually believed most of it. Some things could not come from nowhere, especially this kind of life-critical matter.

Zhao Youxi finally couldn't hold it under Zhao Shuncheng's gaze, and replied tremblingly: "It's... it's Zhao Youlin. Dad... Dad, there must be some misunderstanding in this, ah..."

Before Zhao Youxi could finish speaking, Zhao Shuncheng kicked her to the side, flushed and pointed at Zhao Youxi, unable to speak for a long time.

"Brother Zhao, Brother Zhao, calm down, calm down, don't break your body." Sun Qian, who had been hiding in the hallway, ran out of it when she saw it, stretched out her hand to pat Zhao Shuncheng's back, and followed her breath for him. While comforting, "Brother Zhao, don't be angry first, listen to You Xi's explanation, maybe there is really some misunderstanding here."

"What's the misunderstanding? What else can be wrong?" Zhao Shuncheng waved Sun Qian away for him, and turned his head viciously to look at Zhao Youxi, "That **** really can't tolerate Yeorim, so I want to make it every day. Yeorim die. I'm sorry I didn't even notice it before and let her lie to me for so many years! That poisonous woman, go back and tell her that I won't save her, let her just die like that!

After finishing speaking, no matter how Zhao Youxi reacted, she took Sun Qian and turned around and left.

Zhao Youxi's face changed, and she rushed forward to hold Zhao Shuncheng, but was blocked by the mercilessly closed door.

Before the fall, I saw Sun Qian's face through the gap of the stainless steel door, that face that had lost her usual humility and weakness, turned into a charming but vicious face like a poisonous snake.

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