But later, she asked Fober to buy rat poison and mouse traps to catch mice. No mice were caught at all, and since then, she has never heard of any mice. (((Mobile reading visit m.novelmtl.com)))

So where did the mouse that mom saw went? Was it really scared away, or did the mouse never existed from beginning to end?

When she went upstairs that day, the room was completely dark, as if she was doing something shameful.

At that time, it was obviously only 7 o'clock in the evening, so early, her mother told her that it was because she woke up from her sleep when she suddenly heard a movement, she smashed her phone out without turning on the light...

Without turning on the lights, mice, cell phones, and then panic obstructing when he heard that he was going to the hospital to visit Mu Tingfeng, who was injured because of Zhao Yulin...

These things that hadn't been noticed before became strangely clear at this moment, making Zhao Youxi feel more and more panicked.

After a long period of stunned, Zhao Youxi was considered to be able to realize that it was not the time to think about this, the most urgent thing was to find a way to rescue the person.

With a pale face and shaking from the ground, Zhao Youxi only felt as if he had lost his way.

The police said that there were personal and physical evidence, so after her mother got in there, could she come out? Who should she call for help now? Who can you go to for help, who has such a great ability to help her?

"By the way, Dad, my dad must have a way to save my mother." Zhao Youxi whispered, as if he had found the backbone in an instant, turned around excitedly and was about to go outside, when suddenly he heard the roar of a car outside. .

Could it be that Dad is back? Zhao Youxi refreshed, and quickly ran out of the gate, only to see an unexpected person walking out of the parked car outside the gate.

"Yo Ming?! Why are you, why are you back now? Didn't you say a few days?" Zhao Youxi looked at the delicate young man who slowly walked in front of him with a full face of shock.

Obviously he is about the same age as himself, but a head taller than himself. A handsome face inherits all the advantages of Zhao Shuncheng and Li Hongyu’s appearance. It is soft but heroic, and handsome but elegant. It is easy to make A handsome and beautiful boy who has a good impression of people.

With a gentle smile on his face, Zhao Yuming opened his arms and gave his sister a hug: "I originally planned to come back in three days, but I couldn't help but bought an earlier ticket. I wanted to give you a little surprise. How about , Are you happy to see me? How come you are the only one, mom and dad?"

Zhao Youxi looked at the younger brother who kept leaning behind him in front of him, looking for something, with a bitter face, his younger brother suddenly came back from abroad early. If it is on normal days, it is indeed a genuine surprise, but now...

"Mom... Mom was taken away by the police just now, ooh..." This is the first time that Zhao Youxi, who is used to relying on others, has encountered this kind of thing.

As soon as Li Hongyu was taken away, she only felt that the pillars she had been relying on had been taken away, especially at this time when there was no family around her who could make her lean on again. Worries and fears were intertwined, and finally saw the younger brother of Zhao Youming. It was completely released afterwards.

"Sister, don't cry, what did you just say? Mom was taken away by the police, what's the matter? Was it the police cars that just left? Why did the police suddenly take Mom away? Did something happen? ?"

Zhao Youming held on to Zhao Youxi who was crying all of a sudden, and frowned insignificantly.

Zhao Youxi sniffed, and briefly explained what had just happened to Zhao Youming.

After hearing this, Zhao Yuming was silent for a long time before spitting out a faint sentence: "Sister means that the police said that my mother bought murderers, and it was my other sister who killed them?"

"That **** is your sister! I'm your sister. That **** has long been adopted to the uncle's side. Relying on the uncle and grandpa's support, he has been looking for Zhao after he took the position of general manager. Our trouble, that bitch... should have been damned!"

Looking at Zhao Youxi's face that became extremely distorted in an instant, Zhao Youxi raised her eyebrows slightly, and became a little curious about the sister who had been overwhelmed by her mother and sister since she was a child.

It has only been a long time since that person turned out to be so powerful. Not only did he win the favor of his uncle and grandfather, he also joined Zhao as the general manager. He couldn't blame his mother for calling himself back in a hurry at this time. but……

"Sister, why did mom suddenly want to kill Zhao Yulin?"

Zhao Youxi was stunned. She already had a faint guess in her heart, but she was afraid to say it. She deliberately avoided saying: "Maybe... Maybe it's because Zhao Youlin has been too deceptive recently, and her mother can't see it... now is not the time to say this. , The most important thing now is to find a way to rescue my mother."

Zhao Yuming nodded, "Is my sister thinking of anything now?"

"I'm going to find dad, you go with me." Zhao Youxi said, pulling Zhao Youming up and going out.

"Wait, sister." Zhao Youming took Zhao Youxi's hand back and whispered, "Sister, I just got off the plane and rushed back all the way back. It's really a bit..."

Zhao Youxi was startled, turned her head and glanced at Zhao Youming's tired face. After a moment of thought, he sighed: "Well, you are also tired. Go back and rest for a while. I...I will go by myself. Find dad." Little

"Well, sister, be careful on the way, contact me immediately if you have any issues."

"Yeah." Zhao Youxi didn't doubt that he had him, so he directly called a car out and went straight to Zhao Shuncheng's office.

As soon as Zhao Youxi left, Zhao Youming immediately put away the tiredness on his face, turned his head to the side with a cold face, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me everything you know, don't hide anything."

Looking at Zhao Youming who had suddenly changed his attitude, Fubo was startled and nodded hurriedly.

The reporters outside were originally squatting outside Zhao's house and preparing to contain Zhao Youxi, but they stumbled upon something even more incredible. They all chased the police cars and ran away, which was convenient for Zhao Youxi.

Zhao Youxi called Zhao Shuncheng several times in the car but failed to get through. There was no other way but to call Secretary Zhao Shuncheng, only to get the news that Zhao Shuncheng had already left the company.

After a flurry of entanglement, the secretary finally named a location, except that Zhao Shuncheng might go there.

Zhao Youxi couldn't, so he could only ask the driver to turn around and go there for luck.

For fear of being accidentally recognized, Zhao Youxi had to sneak to the high-end apartment mentioned by the secretary and rang the doorbell.

Soon there was the sound of footsteps inside, and the moment the door opened, a person who made Zhao Youxi very familiar came out.

"You... why are you here!"

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