Ling Ran dodged and hid in the bathroom. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief. After thinking for a while, he took out his cell phone and dialed Ye Yan's number. ---End of this Danmei, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance

Ye Yan happened to be shopping outside at this time, and when he heard the phone ringing, he picked it up, and in the next second he heard the sound of someone yelling and ghostly on the other side of the phone.

"Little leaf, little leaf, where are you now..."

Ling Ran's epileptic call made Ye Yan tremble all over, and he almost threw the phone in his hand directly.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Yan calmed down a bit, and said every word: "Call me that name again, believe it or not, I will have someone put you in a sack tonight and throw you into the river outside the city to feed the fish. ."

Ye Yan’s threatening words received some success, but Ling Ran’s arrogant voice came from the phone again, but it was a bit more angrily and frustrated: "Fuck, you are still not my brother. Brother, I’ve spent so many years of friendship with you, what? All good things are thinking of you. You want to let people put me in a sack and throw me into the river to feed the fish. What about your conscience? Has it been eaten by a dog?"

"Ling! Ran!" The blue veins on Ye Yan's head burst suddenly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Speak well, or get out of here, I'll be dead!"

"Wait, wait, it's okay, can't I speak well? Where are you now? What are you doing?"

Ye Yan picked out the things he wanted to buy and threw it into the cart, while impatiently coping with Ling Ran's question: "Buy things outside."

"Outside? Where exactly? Is it far from the Thai restaurant in the East Side?"

"The Thai restaurant in the Eastern District? It's not far, it's only 20 minutes by car." Ye Yan threw the thing on hand into the shopping cart and frowned, "What on earth do you want to say? Nothing else, I just hang up first, I'm very busy here."

"Don't, don't hang up yet, do you know what I am doing here now?"

"What are you doing?"

Ling Ran smiled and uttered two words meaningfully: "Blind date!"

"Oh, I wish you a smooth blind date, and get out of the singles soon." Ye Yan was about to press the hang up button after speaking, but the person on the other side of the phone yelled, "What the hell! You know my blind date today? Who is it? It's the lover of your dream, the one you saw at the Zhao family banquet that day. Hey, Ye Zi, are you listening? Answer me."

The finger that had been slid to the hang-up button stopped in such a moment. After drew a circle on the screen, he immediately took the phone back to his ear: "What table?"

Ling Ran was stunned before realizing that Ye Yan was asking him and Zhao Yulin for the table position of the blind date, and he was busy reporting the number.

Ye Yan got the answer he wanted, and dropped a succinct sentence: "I will go over now, you withdraw."

After speaking, he ignored the grievances of howling ghosts on the phone, and quickly cut off the phone, even without the shopping cart in his hand, and turned around and rushed out of the store.

Ling Ran on the other side originally wanted to take this opportunity to sit down in front of his friends.

Unexpectedly, someone left a sentence like that after saying it for a long time. Before he could continue to be stunned, he hung up the phone without hesitation, leaving Ling Ran staring at the busy tone in the phone.

"Well, forget it, brother, I can only help you here." Ling Ran muttered a few words, put the phone in his pocket, and the cat leaned out of the toilet, and escaped from the restaurant through the side door on the other side.

Zhao Yulin sat in the same place and waited. At first, she didn't pay much attention to Ling Ran's temporary departure. When the first dish was served, Ling Ran still didn't come back, and Zhao Yulin realized that something was wrong.

He frowned, got up and was about to go out to ask someone to ask, when suddenly I heard the door of the restaurant with a wind chime banging open, and an unexpected figure walked in from the door.

"You... why are you here?" Zhao Yulin's eyes widened, and she looked at the man who suddenly appeared here with a horrible expression.

Mu Tingfeng's injury was not healed, and his face was much paler than usual.

At this moment, I saw the two tableware placed on the table in front of Zhao Yulin. One face was even more gloomy and terrible, and even the whole body was filled with a cold air that no one else should come near. It scared the people next to it subconsciously. Stepped back several steps.

Mu Tingfeng ignored Zhao Youlin's inquiry, stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Youlin's hand, took the person and ran out.

The waiter on one side hurriedly stepped forward to stop the two of them, but was frightened by the eye knives that Mu Tingfeng flew over, shivering and saying: "Miss, you haven't paid the bill yet..."

Mu Tingfeng wrinkled his brows and handed a gold card to the waiter. The waiter was shocked by Mu Tingfeng's local tyrant's behavior.

When she realized that even if she had a card, she needed a password to swipe, the two had disappeared.

Zhao Yulin watched as Mu Tingfeng threw a gold card out. It was a gold card, a gold card, a gold card that people with a deposit of less than one million would never get down! How bad is this guy to pay for a simple meal for less than one thousand yuan!

Does this guy know how many people in this world have no money to eat, and are hungry every day!

While Zhao Yulin was still saddened by Mu Tingfeng's prodigal behavior, Mu Tingfeng had already pulled her into an empty alley outside the restaurant with a sullen face.

With a bang, her back suddenly hit the stiff wall, and the sudden pain caused Zhao Yulin to recover and start struggling violently.

Persevering Mu Tingfeng's strength is too great, even if one hand is still injured, he can easily control Zhao Youlin.

"Mu Tingfeng, you bastard, let go..." Zhao Yulin struggled for a long time but couldn't take out her hand. Her anger came up too. She wanted to swear, but the man who suddenly leaned down completely swallowed the words behind. In the belly.

That's it again, that's it again! Every time he gets angry, this person will only use this trick to plug his mouth!

Zhao Yulin's heart became more angry, and she was about to open her mouth to teach someone a lesson like last time, but after seeing the man's eyes that were staring at her... she was stunned.

It is different from the coldness and indifference when facing irrelevant people, the dignity and dignity when facing subordinates, and the deep joking about oneself in daily life.

At this moment, Mu Tingfeng's eyes, which had robbed Zhao Yulin from too much attention from the beginning, were full of panic and panic.

People can feel the same by just looking at it like this, as if the heart is being picked up fiercely, and it is painful.

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