Zhao Yulin didn't know what was wrong with her, she felt distressed when she looked at Mu Tingfeng's eyes. (((Cartino Novel Network www.novelmtl.com)))

The unspeakable pain in her heart made Zhao Yulin unconsciously relax her subordinates' struggles. She was so stunned and followed the stormy kisses from the other party, completely forgetting that she had thought about giving this person who had taken advantage of herself several times before. lesson.

As soon as the kiss was over, the breath of the two of them was a bit rapid, but Mu Tingfeng did not let go of Zhao Youlin, but held Zhao Yulin in his arms tighter.

The feeling of being restrained in a tight circle is really uncomfortable, and Zhao Yulin subconsciously earns it, and what she gets is even more suffocating strength.

"Mu Tingfeng, you..."

Zhao Yulin intended to relax Mu Tingfeng, but she didn't want to finish her words, so she heard a low roar in her ear: "Are you going to go on a blind date?"

"I..." Obviously it was a matter of course, but at this time somehow suddenly gave birth to a little guilty conscience.

Without waiting for Zhao Yulin to explain more, Mu Tingfeng's voice came over again: "How can you go on a blind date, how can you go on a blind date! Me! No! Promise! You are mine, mine!"

Domineering and somewhat panicked words came to Zhao Yulin's ears, but compared to the indignant rebuttals in the past, she unexpectedly chose to be silent this time because she was in Mu Tingfeng's strong announcement. I heard a trace of anxiety.

It makes people think that the reason why this man made such a desperate announcement was not because of the unpleasant possessiveness, but more like he wanted to cover up the anxiety and panic in his heart with this shout.

For a moment, Zhao Yulin felt that she was really crazy, and she thought that Mu Tingfeng, a man, would be flustered for herself, because she was not like him before.

But she soon found out that her thoughts were right, because she clearly felt the tremor from Mu Tingfeng's body.

At first, Zhao Yulin thought it was her own illusion, but slowly she realized that... it was true.

The hands that pushed out did not know when they turned into an open posture, little by little they climbed onto Mu Tingfeng’s back, and the subtle tremors that kept coming from under the palm of her palms truly declared to her that the man is real at this moment. mood.

"Are you afraid?" Zhao Yulin couldn't describe her current mood in words at all, distressed? Embarrassed? Irritable? Or is it... hilarious?

"Knowing that I am on a blind date, are you scared? Worried that I really like someone else and be with other men?"

Zhao Yulin's unintentional questioning hit Mu Tingfeng's sore spot sharply, making him tremble uncontrollably.

Yes, he was scared. Having lived for more than 20 years, even though he was alone in the country, he climbed up from the bottom step by step with arduous steps. He stood on the edge of the cliff several times and almost never recovered. President Mu Da, who has never experienced the fear of this emotion, is getting Zhao Yulin. I was really scared the moment I went to go on a blind date.

He was afraid that he would never be able to redeem this person, and he was afraid that the other person would really be tempted by other men besides him, and that he would have difficulty determining his mood.

After liking someone, he had to step aside and watch her happiness with others as a bystander, and he had no room to intervene.

He was even more afraid that if that scene really happened, he would be unable to restrain himself from doing some irrational things, ruining this woman, and also ruining himself, and bound to her forever in the most tragic way.

"Mu Tingfeng, are you dumb? Suddenly ran out of the hospital to disturb my blind date, and dragged me to such a place... to say such an inexplicable thing to me? Damn it, you just said yes. Sounds."

Zhao Yulin, who was stunned by Mu Tingfeng's long silence and indifference, raised her hand and slapped Mu Tingfeng's arm, raising her hand to push away the person who was pressing on her, but her eyes were a dazzling blood red.

Zhao Yulin's eyes shrank suddenly, she looked at her hand in disbelief, and turned her gaze to the side. Not surprisingly, she saw the blood on someone's arm that was soaked in most of the snow-white sleeves.

The gunshot wound on Mu Tingfeng's arm... split! Damn, how could she forget that this person is still wounded!

If the wound healed before running out, is this person going to die? ! He was just...so afraid that he would run away with other men?

Zhao Yulin looked at Mu Tingfeng’s face that had finally recovered a little **** face from the various soups she had put in these days. Now it is as pale as paper because of too much blood loss. She gritted her teeth and said: "Mu Tingfeng, you are such a lunatic. !"

Watching the shocked and worried expression on Zhao Yulin's face, Mu Tingfeng slowly raised the corners of his lips.

Yes, he is crazy. Before he fell in love with Zhao Youlin, Mu Tingfeng had never thought that his feelings would be so crazy, as if moths were flying to the fire, knowing that a little bit further ahead would be a cliff. Shen would fall to pieces, but still couldn't help but want to pounce on it, even if he died, he was willing to die with the opponent heroically.

"Zhao Yulin..."

"What are you doing!" Mu Tingfeng's warm breath rushed into her ears, deriving a slightly ambiguous taste. Unfortunately, all of Zhao Youlin's attention at this time was focused on Zhao Youlin's bleeding arms, and she was out of anger. Asked.

"I like you." The man's magnetic and low voice became more and more **** because it was mixed with a little hoarse, making people unconsciously addicted to it as long as they listened to it once.

Zhao Yulin's action of tearing open her sleeves to stop the bleeding for Mu Tingfeng urgently stopped. She raised her head and stared at Mu Tingfeng in a daze, and muttered, "What did you... just say?"

Mu Tingfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, a small smile appeared in his deep eyes, he lowered his head and kissed Zhao Youlin's eyes, and said softly: "I like you, give me a chance to be with me... OK?"

This time, Zhao Youlin can be sure that it is not her own hallucinations, and Mu Tingfeng is really confessing to herself!

After listening to Mu Tingfeng’s death of "You are mine", "Let’s remarry" and a series of cool handsome tyrants, various independent announcements, Zhao Youlin thought that this man was extremely awkward and good-looking in a certain way. I'm afraid that I will have to hold on to his defeated emotional intelligence for the rest of my life.

I don't want this man to have such a day of confession!

Undeniably, the man who has faded away from the usual simplicity and rudeness, arrogant and unreasonable, has become extremely serious and gentle...very charming.

Seeing Mu Tingfeng’s eyes full of reflections of her own shadow, Zhao Yulin’s heart trembled, and a strange and familiar feeling spread to all parts of her body without warning, causing the temperature on her face. Uncontrolled rise again and again.

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