Duan Yarong mentioned the blind date a long time ago, but Zhao Yulin didn't have that idea at all. Every time Duan Yarong talked about it, she would give all kinds of reasons to hold back. (((Mobile reading visit m.novelmtl.com)))

Later, there was another car accident, and Duan Yarong's mind gradually stopped.

Who thinks, after Su Ruixin managed to brainwash Duan Yarong, Zhao Yulin changed her mind and offered to go on a blind date.

Although Duan Yarong felt a little inexplicable, since Zhao Youlin insisted, she had nothing to say, and immediately picked up Zhao Youlin's best son-in-law candidate.

Zhao Yulin was sitting in the car looking at the information of her blind date. Ling Ran, the second son of one of the four major families, was 28 years old and single.

Twenty-eight years old, he seems to be a bit older than Mu Tingfeng, and he seems a bit older!

Zhao Yulin thought with emotion, and immediately thought of the idea that had just passed in her mind, and she couldn't help but feel aroused.

Damn, how come you think of that man again! Forget it, don't want to, let's talk about it when you see someone.

Thinking about this, Zhao Yulin bit her lip angrily, threw the information in her hand aside, leaned her back on the car seat and began to close her eyes and rest.

When Zhao Yulin arrived at the agreed location, her blind date had already been there waiting.

In fact, Ling Ran actually didn't know who he was going to have a blind date this time. He was going to have a blind date today, and he was completely blamed.

God knows, he is only twenty-eight years old this year, and only twenty-nine years old after the Chinese New Year. Why is his mother so worried that he won't be able to marry a wife?

Obviously, even the dead face of his old brother was married to a beautiful woman who was like a jade sister. He is such a good young man who loves everyone, sees flowers bloom, and sees a car with a flat tire. No one wants it for no reason!

But the truth is so, Ling Ran was really forced to get to the point where no one wanted it. Three years in high school, four years in university, and four years after graduating from university, there was never a woman willing to associate with him.

Every time a group of girls swarmed in, it was his eldest brother who surrounded him, not him.

He didn't understand. What is so good about such an unsmiling black-bellied man? Why are those women so short-eyed, letting themselves be such a gentle and considerate, considerate young man. Don't want to be enthusiastic. Other people's cold ass, do you like it if you are tired?

However, what Ling Ran didn't know was that in the eyes of those girls, his eldest brother was called a wise man, domineering and reliable, but he could only be called a foolish man, not doing his job properly, and making people feel insecure.

Young Master Ling, who has been in a difficult relationship for many years, is still a hard-working virgin who works with left and right hands. He can't blame his mother, who is anxious to get angry, and is thinking about finding him a partner every day.

Before Ling Ran came, his mother only told him that this was introduced to him by his aunt, and that his appearance and character were good. If he dared not go, she asked his elder brother to take him back to the army and torment him for a few months before returning .

Young Master Ling, who succumbed to the power, had to come here, but he didn't expect that he waited in the restaurant for a long time to come...

"Puff..." Ling Ran was drinking coffee when he saw Zhao Youlin, and he was so scared that he choked into the trachea. Although he didn't lose the coffee, he almost choked himself to death.

What... how is this woman! oh, mygod! If Ye Yan was asked to come to have a blind date with the lover of his dream, would he be chopped into pieces by the kind-faced smiling tiger to feed the dog!

"Mr. Ling Ranling?" Zhao Yulin walked to Ling Ran and asked with a chuckle.

Ling Ran was stunned by Zhao Yulin's gentle smile, almost blinded, and secretly said that he was indeed a great beauty, no wonder the kid Ye Yan was tempted. Even if it’s him, look at it a few more times...

Ling Ran snapped back to his senses, what was he thinking just now! A friend’s wife should not be deceived. If he, a good young man in society, doesn’t have this kind of ethics, wouldn’t it be a bird! beast! Do not! Such as! Yet!

Ling Er Shao, who was secretly frantic for a while, raised his head and smiled, "Well, it's me, please sit down, please."

Zhao Yulin frowned, always feeling that something was wrong with this person, but she couldn't tell what was wrong for a while, so she smiled faintly and sat down opposite Ling Ran.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Zhao Yulin, the eldest lady of the Zhao family. I am now the general manager of the Zhao Group. I have been 21 years old this year and have been married once before, and I have a four-year-old son. These I think you should know everything, right?"

Ling Ran laughed dryly when he heard the words, and said in his heart that I don't know, I don't know anything. Before I came, I didn't even know that the person who was going to have a blind date was you! If you had known it earlier, I would rather go back to the army and be enslaved for a few months than come over to have a blind date with you!

"Ahahaha, I know. Hello, Miss Zhao. I am Ling Ran, the second young master of the Ling family. I am 28 years old this year. My parents are alive and there is also an older brother above me. That's probably the situation. Hahaha..."

After Ling Ran said this, he decisively fell silent, and the atmosphere on the dining table suddenly became a little more subtle.

Zhao Yulin touched the edge of the coffee cup and looked at the blind date on the opposite side without making any traces.

She looked pretty good, just a little old-fashioned, but she couldn't say anything about her age.

Everything else is okay. I know that I will give myself a cup of coffee when I come to explain that I am careful. I heard that I have been married once and have a child. I didn’t show much care. If I reorganized the family, I probably wouldn’t. Treat Lele badly, but doesn't this person look...a bit silly! Or is he not very good at first impression of himself, he doesn't like himself?

If Ling Ran knew that his handsome face was said to be a bit old-fashioned, he might vomit blood! And he didn't like her, he didn't dare to like her at all!

The two were relatively speechless, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing. In the end, Zhao Yulin coughed and broke the silence first: "Well, it's too early, or let's order first. Did Mr. Ling order food before?"

"No...no, I plan to wait for Miss Zhao to come over and order together. The menu is here, and Miss Zhao can order anything you want, don't worry about me."

Zhao Yulin was not hypocritical, took the menu and ordered a few dishes and then asked Ling Ran what he meant. After adding a few more dishes, she greeted the waiter to come and order.

Ling Ran's eyes flickered as she watched Zhao Yulin ordering food there. When the order was almost finished, the waiter closed the menu and was ready to leave. Ling Ran also hurriedly got up and said, "Well, Miss Zhao, I will go to the bathroom first, and I will be back soon. , You wait here for a while.” After finishing talking, she wiped the soles of her feet without listening to Zhao Youlin's reply and slipped away, as if there was a beast chasing him behind her.

Zhao Yulin: "..."

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