Fierce Ex-wife: President, Please Be Careful

Chapter 274: Male God and Remnant Fan (2)

However, Xiaoli didn't even notice Zhao Yulin's face. {唬 好辌谀羌ざ 灰訊姆 羌 blinking gown Xie gown Xiao  's gorilla gown Xin Xinggu. YuYuYing  see the comforting blows of the gorilla ┬ 耪饷奷記記連饷倪楯倪極傫松先ケ鳱猓猓猓  pure this Mu Liangu. Big Grey  Quietly  Through Ambiguity ((Mobile reading visit

"..." Sister paper, how reserved should you be? What about morals? Have you eaten them all?

Zhao Yulin pulled the corners of her mouth subconsciously. If this girl knew that the goddess of God’s Mansion is now working in her pastry shop, she would calmly discuss with her how to strip off each other’s clothes and go and see. Touch his six pack abs?

The brain residue fan is indeed a kind of incomprehensible creature!

"Cough cough..." Seeing that Xiao Li was getting more and more stance toward the idiot, Zhao Yulin finally couldn't help but coughed twice to draw her attention back, and said in a perfunctory manner, "Okay, okay, okay. , Knowing that your male **** is great, okay?"

As soon as Zhao Yulin said this, Xiao Li's soaring emotions seemed to be flushed with cold water on his face, and instantly became a little sluggish: "The male **** is great, the leader is handsome and smart, and he is rich and handsome. It's a pity. I didn’t know the people clearly. When the company had an accident, the partners absconded with the money, leaving the male **** alone to suffer from everyone’s criticism. But even so, the male **** tried hard to pay all the debts. But, male God never showed up after paying off his debts. Many people said that the male **** might have been sluggish because of this incident and would never appear in front of everyone again."

Depressed? When Zhao Yulin listened to Xiaoli's words, her heart moved slightly, and the pair of eyes she had accidentally ran into that day appeared unconsciously in her mind.

That person... doesn't seem to be a person who will be devastated by such things.

Zhao Yulin sighed, and stretched out her hand to rub her little secretary's hair: "If you can't bear this setback, just give up, I advise you to change someone to be a male **** earlier."

Xiao Li was taken aback, as if he had understood something, his eyes lighted up and said: "Yes, male gods are not the ones who will fail because of this kind of thing. How can I distrust him so much? It shouldn't be."

"It's okay to understand." Zhao Yulin looked at Xiaoli who was rejuvenated, smiled, and was about to let people go out, but saw Xiaoli scratching her cheek embarrassedly, as if she wanted to say nothing.

"what's happenin?"

Xiaoli smiled and said: "General manager, in fact, the reason why I noticed my male **** at the beginning is entirely because of the president."

"My dad?" Zhao Yulin was taken aback. "What's the matter with my dad?"

"Did you not notice the general manager? There is actually a little bit like a president between the male god's brows and eyes, although only a little bit, but it's just...that's indescribable."

Zhao Yulin was stunned, picked up Xiao Li's cell phone and took a closer look. Not to mention it was a little bit...similar.

Wait... Zhao Yulin's eyes shrank suddenly, and her fingertips subconsciously traced the facial features, eyes, nose, mouth, and shape of the person in the photo...

The more I watched Zhao Yulin, the more shocked she became, and in the end she shuddered.

"General manager, general manager, why don't you speak anymore?"

"Oh, it's nothing, even if you say that, I think it does seem a little bit like."

"Yes, yes, I really don’t think so by myself. However, I only feel a little like when I look at it at first, and I won’t feel it much later. After all, although the male god’s eyes are sharp, it looks generally Much more gentle than the president, it feels completely different."

As soon as Xiaoli finished speaking, he realized that he had failed and exclaimed: "Ah, I'm not saying that the president is not good, but...just..."

Xiao Li didn't know at all, how much turbulent waves were set off in Zhao Yulin's heart by her unintentional words.

That's right, although he also has such a pair of timid eyes, Han Yichen's face is obviously much gentler than Zhao Shunrong's face, but this gentleness is more like...

Depressing the shock in her heart, Zhao Yulin grinned reluctantly and said, "I know you have no other meaning. Okay, you go out first, I have something to deal with."

Xiaoli took a closer look at the expression on Zhao Yulin's face, and made sure she was really not angry, then nodded, took her mobile phone, and walked out with the newspaper.

After Zhao Yulin returned to her desk, she thought for a while, and finally dialed Xiao Jingyao's phone.

At that time, Xiao Jingyao was sitting in his office receiving the investigation report from the people below, and he was startled when he heard the phone call.

"Uncle Xiao."

Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Xiao Jingyao raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised: "General Manager? Is there anything wrong?"

"I want Uncle Xiao to look up someone for me."


"The former president of Shengshi Group-Han Yichen."

"Han Yichen?"

"Well... if I can, I hope I can find all his information, from childhood to older..."

Xiao Jingyao was stunned. He was obviously surprised at Zhao Yulin's request. He just wanted to ask, but the person on the other end of the phone added: "Uncle Xiao, I ask you to investigate this person's affairs. For the time being... don't let me. Dad and mom know."

"It can be, but why..."

Before Xiao Jingyao finished speaking, he was interrupted: "I will explain the specific reason to you later."

Knowing that Zhao Yulin really didn't want to say it, Xiao Jingyao sighed, and stopped asking, sighed, "I know, I will get people to do this as soon as possible."


Zhao Yulin hung up the phone, exhaled a long breath, stretched out her hand to cover her chest, and suppressed her heart that couldn't help jumping because of guesswork.

After a long time, he calmed down slowly. Looking at the mess of newspapers on the desk, he suddenly lost his interest.

The uncomfortable Zhao Yulin thought for a moment, and simply got up and left the desk, picked up her coat and started off in a straightforward manner.

"Hey, general manager, where are you going?" Xiao Li outside the office immediately glanced over when she heard the movement, and was surprised when she saw Zhao Yulin's neatly dressed look ready to go out.

Zhao Yulin glanced back at her and said with a chuckle: "Go...blind date... kiss."

After he finished speaking, Xiao Li, who had his mouth almost enough to lay an egg, and So Ho, who was collating information next to him, dashed away.

After a while, Xiao Li was able to react, screaming loudly: "Blind date!"

Compared to her uneasiness, Soho on the side only silently pushed the black-framed glasses with no prescription on the bridge of her nose, and took out her mobile phone and secretly sent a text message to someone.

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